Lady Su's Revenge

Chapter 633 - Burst into Anger!!

Chapter 633 Burst into Anger!!

Qu He walked in the cave, bowed respectfully and asked hesitantly, “Grand Elder Su, can you really save Grandmaster?”

Su Li pursed her mouth slightly, and the black light in her eyes began to flicker, “You take Yu’er and Ling Li to leave. I don’t want you to get accidentally injured by me.”

When Qu He heard these words, she felt a little more relieved. She nodded and picked up the sealed two people with both hands. Then she quickly disappeared from the cave.

Ling Li stared at Su Jiuzhou, who was getting farther and farther away. His eyes were full of grievance and anger.

“Su Jiuzhou, you better die! Otherwise, I will never let you off!”

He hated people like Su Jiuzhou the most, who wanted to carry everything alone and didn’t want to implicate anyone. But...he hated himself even more!

“Weakness is the original sin.”

Senior Master Qingshui suddenly heard a faint sound. When she turned her head, she saw Su Jiuzhou, who should have left, appeared with black skirt wafting in the wind beside her.

“You...didn’t leave?”

Senior Master Qingshui frowned, “You should understand that you take heavy responsibility and shouldn’t be swayed by personal feelings.”

“I’ve never felt that I have any important responsibility.”

Su Li smiled brilliantly, “I deal with Fate Ancestor, just because I hate him to the core! Only when searching for Fate Ancestor, did I learn the secret of the last era. has nothing to do with me. I don’t care about anything except for Fate Ancestor’s death.”


Senior Master Qingshui’s expression changed so much. When she was about to speak, Su Li interrupted her and whispered, “You should go now.”

“ShouldI go?”

Senior Master Qingshui was dazed, “Should I go?”

Su Li smiled slightly and tightened the curb, which she made when Senior Master Qingshui didn’t notice, and then Senior Master Qingshuiwas tied up in it.

Senior Master Qingshuiwidened her eyes and found that she couldn’t do anything but could only stare at Su Jiuzhou.

Seeing the ghost shadows begin to dissipate, Su Li narrowed her eyes and whispered, “Xuan Yu’er.”


A sword shadow sprang out from Ciyun Building, and after it dissipated, Xuan Yu’er looked embarrassed, “Grand Elder Su.”

Su Li looked at the figures which were gradually becoming clear among the ghost shadows. She still said in a calm tone, “Take your master and go.”

“But...Grand Elder Su, you...”

Before Xuan Yu’er could finish her words, she saw Su Li turn her head indifferently, “You will only cause trouble if you stay here.”

Xuan Yu’er felt disappointed, and her eyes misted over. She immediately picked up Senior Master Qingshui, bowed respectfully towards Su Jiuzhou, and quickly rushed to Ciyun Building.

Su Li quietly watched her go away. Suddenly, she heard a cold voice dripping with malice behind her.

“You are really here, Su Jiuzhou.”

Su Li slowly turned around and saw Fate Ancestor standing not far from the big tactical matrix for protecting the mountain. She suddenly laughed, “Fate Ancestor, I’ve long been looking forward to meeting you.”

She glanced at the incoming Grand Elders of holy sects and gave a serious look, “You want me rather than Ciyun Building, don’t you?”

“I just try my fortune.”

Bai Ming smiled, “This is not Jiuzhou Region. It is at least 100,000 kilometers from here to the entrance of Chimo Circle. Can you summon Chi Tian?”

“No, I can’t.”

Su Li admitted frankly and glanced at those Grand Elders of holy sects, “Do you want to use these puppets made from Poisonous Substitute Insects to restrain me? You are naive.”


Bai Ming smiled, but his face suddenly turned cold. “Let’s see who is naiver.”


Hundreds of attacks aimed at Su Li without warning, penetrating the big tactical matrix for protecting the mountain in a blink of an eye. Su Li seemed to have expected it, and she suddenly disappeared without a trace.

“Want to hide?”

The Head of Huangxing Hall flipped her hand, and a palm-sized glass compass flashed out. It rotated quickly to send a beam of glass light into the void. Then Su Li’s figure, which immersed in the dark, instantly showed up.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Hundreds of Junior Emperors attacked at the same time. Their attacks covered the sky, blasting the entire mountain range where Ciyun Building was located into ruins in the blink of an eye.

Su Li frowned slightly, and her figure shuttled between the gaps in succession, but the glass light seemed to have locked her, preventing her from hiding.

At the beginning, there were simple attacks, which Su Li was able to dodge. But then the Grand Elders of holy sects used various methods to attack Su Li. She was unable to dodge them, and it didn’t take long for her to be slightly injured.

“Ha-ha, the Head of Huangxing Hall has taken action, and I shouldn’t watch this scene either.”

The Owner of Ankui Valley spat out green smoke which enveloped the entire area. The violently toxic smoke corroded the void, and even the rest of the attacks were also eroded.

“It’s the world’s most poisonous smoke made by me. Can you resist it?”

Su Li suddenly changed her face, covering her nose and mouth with a sullen groan, but she seemed to have eaten it. Then she opened her mouth to spout a large mouthful of bright red blood, which turned into blood beads floating around.

“Hahaha. Head of Huangxing Hall, it seems that I’m stronger.”

The Owner of Ankui Valleylaughed with arrogance. The Head of Huangxing Hall’s expression remained unchanged, but the compass in his hand suddenly stopped turning. The glass light beam broke from its center, turning into a light prison to fix Su Li in place.

Su Li’s face changed drastically. She struck the light prison with a punch, but she was knocked into the air by the rebounding force. Under the influence of her injury, she spat out another mouthful of blood, and more and more blood beads floated in the void.

The Owner of Ankui Valley stopped smiling abruptly. The Head of Huangxing Hall glanced at him and said in a low voice, “Let’s give her the final blow.”

All the Grand Eldersof holy sects immediately began to accumulate energy, wanting to condense their strongest blow.

The light in the void was getting brighter, illuminating this area. The Lord of Shengtian Shrine showed a relaxed smile, “Without Chi Tian’s backing, Su Jiuzhou, you are just a waste. Goodbye.”

As soon as these words came out, all the Grand Elders of holy sects shook their bodies and threw out the condensed spells in their hands!

At this moment, Su Li suddenly raised her head, staring at Fate Ancestor high in the sky with a smile.

Fate Ancestor suddenly changed his face and shouted in a rush unprecedentedly, “Stop it!”

But even he knew that it was too late!


An unprecedented big explosion blasted cracks in the void, and the cracks constantly twisted like a long snake.

The blood beads were like red gems. Under such a bombardment, they still didn’t evaporate. They just shot into the air in an instant. Under the horrible power, they became blood arrows and slammed on the bodies of all Grand Elders of holy sects!

However, the power of these blood arrows was not that horrifying. They just made some weaker Grand Eldersretreat a few steps.

The Lord of Shengtian Shrine accidentally got stain of a blood arrow on the corner of his clothes. After he found he couldn’t get rid of it, he tore off the bloody corner of his clothes in disgust and asked, “Fate Ancestor, why stop? Su Jiuzhou should be dead, right?”

Fate Ancestor stared at the empty void. His expression was unprecedentedly gloomy, and he didn’t say a word.

He had a strong intuition that Su Jiuzhou just showed her weakness deliberately to use him.

But he didn’t know what exactly she wanted to do to use him.

This kind of feeling was the worst!

“Fate Ancestor,I also think you have groundless worries. Junior Emperors’ power even blasted the void, let alone Su Jiuzhou.”

As soon as the Owner of Ankui Valley finished speaking, a woman’s chuckle sounded in the void.

“Ha-ha. Owner of Ankui Valley, you really think better of me.”

The black dress swayed, and the woman appeared out of thin air not far in front of Fate Ancestor. Her black eyes were as deep and gloomy as the starry sky. “I am not only dead but also become a ghost. I’m here to kill you!”

When the Owner of Ankui Valley saw the woman’s face, his anger disappeared completely. He couldn’t help but step back a few steps in horror, “You, you, you... You are...”

“Holy Girl, Su Li?! You’re not dead?!”

The Lord of Shengtian Shrine’s mind was full of disbelief. “How is it possible?! You...”

He looked at Su Li’s black dress, “You are Su Jiuzhou!”

“Unexpectedly, after thousands years, all the giants of the holy sects still recognize me. I am really flattered. Especially Fate Ancestor.”

Black light flashed through Su Li’s eyes. “You are my idol. You are omnipotent in the cultivation circle. I am itching to have the power like that of yours. So, after waking up, I can’t wait to learn from you and establish Ni Sect. Do it?”

Fate Ancestor stared at Su Li, and it was the first time that he had had the feeling of being schemed against by others. He was still calm and said in an unusual low voice.

“You are very good, and you are the first person who makes me get angry.”


Su Li smiled broadly, “That is really an honor of me. To thank you for your great kindness, I’ve prepared a lot of gifts today. Fate Ancestor, I will like them!”

Without saying anything, Fate Ancestor stretched out a hand and held it tightly in the void. The space where Su Li was located instantly annihilated, and the pneuma of distortion and destruction made the Lord of the Shengtian Shrine and others get horrified and then retreat.

But Su Li’s dark shadow disappeared without warning, and it appeared among those Grand Elders of holy sects in the blink of an eye.

“Fate Ancestor, it turns out you are so impatient. So…I shouldn’t let you keep waiting, and this big gift for you!”

Su Li laughed wildly and then took a deep breath, spitting out a blood ball like a small mountain!!

Soon after the blood ball flying upward, it exploded suddenly! The red rain of blood turned into countless fine needles that pierced towards everyone’s body. Then the Grand Elders casted spells to defend. But the blood needles were countless and their corrosiveness was extraordinary. The Grand Elders’ protective means were broken in the blink of an eye, and they were dyed blood red.

The Lord of Shengtian Shrine also couldn’t resist and changed his face continuously. He retreated to the side of Fate Ancestor to void being injured by the blood needles. The Head of Huangxing Hall was not as weak as the Lord of Shengtian Shrine, standing blankly on the spot with light flashing through her eyes.

The Owner of Ankui Valley was accidentally stabbed on his neck. He touched the bloodstain on his neck, stretched out his hand, and looked at the bright blood flowing on his hand. He couldn’t help but wonder, “It...isn’t poisonous? Why does Su Li take great pains to do that?”

When Fate Ancestor heard these words, his calm face changed in a flash, and he grasped the hand of the Owner of Ankui Valley with a trace of caution and perplexity in his eyes.

Su Li was created by him, but now he couldn’t understand the evil nature she showed.

How ridiculous!

“Do you want to know the reason?”

Su Li gave fearsome laughter with a deep voice. The black phantom appeared out of thin air, standing in front of Fate Ancestor closely. She burst into anger,

“Go to Hell!”

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