Lady Su's Revenge

Chapter 625 - Unforeseen Event

Chapter 625 Unforeseen Event

“Your expression tells me that I am right.”

Su Li smiled, “Xiang Hua, do you want to become a puppet of Fate Palace, or to get rid of the Poisonous Substitute Insect and become free again?”

Xiang Hua opened his mouth, but then he thought of something and became horrified. So, he said nothing.

“The Poisonous Substitute Insect does not allow you to let out the secrets...”

Su Li sat down in front of Xiang Hua, saying calmly and indifferently, “To be honest, I am not sure if I can isolate you from the influence of the Poisonous Substitute Insect, but... you can have a try. Although the price is likely to be your life, but... in your mind, your life should have entered the countdown a long time ago. Then... are you willing to have a try or continue to wait for death?”

Su Li’s words seemed to have touched Xiang Hua’s heart, making him struggle. After a while, he seemed to have made a decision.

“Have you really performed the method? Didn’t you lie to me?”

Su Li looked at her nails without raising her head, “Do you think...Ling San is really wandering around in the sect these days?”

Xiang Hua was shocked when he heard the words. Of course, he knew who Ling San was. The rumor that Holy Girl Qingshui found a toy boy had spread all over the sect, and he also heard of it.

But he didn’t know Su Jiuzhou’s intentions until now. This woman was so wise that few people could compete with her.

Perhaps because of this wonderful misunderstanding, Xiang Hua inexplicably had a little confidence in Su Li. He took a deep breath, and tried to say with a trembling voice, “Bai...Bai Ming!”

Time seemed to stagnate. After Xiang Hua was nervous for a few breaths, he was suddenly surprised to find... He really didn’t hurt anymore!

At the beginning, when he was tortured by the Poisonous Substitute Insect, he also thought about confession. But even if he only thought of Fate Ancestor’s name, he would feel intolerable pain in the awareness sea. In desperation, he could only choose to compromise.

But now, when he spoke out that name, nothing happened at all?

Su Li looked at the happy face of Xiang Hua thoughtfully. She didn’t know anything about the Poisonous Substitute Insect, but Bai Ming was good at fate skills. Therefore, she guessed that the Poisonous Substitute Insect was also related to fate skills. As long as Gengjin Tower was temporarily sealed with the nature curb, Bai Ming couldn’t perceive Xiang Hua’s change.

Now she tried it, and the result was as expected.

However, just one example could not prove anything. It still needed more verification.

“Su Jiuzhou, you really deserve to be the Lord of Ni Sect. No one has ever succeeded in countering the skills of Bai Ming, but you have made it.”

Xiang Hua calmed down and said honestly, “Although your method is effective, I am not sure how long it will last. I will tell you everything you want to know.”

Su Li asked, “How did you fall into the trap?”

“I don’t know either.”

Xiang Hua was miserable, “I only remember that one night a thousand years ago, I suddenly felt very tired. But practitioners rarely felt tired except after a battle. I felt something was wrong at that time, but I couldn’t resist the sleepiness and then I fell asleep. Nothing changed when I woke up, but later there were always some commands in my mind. Then I realized that I was controlled by Fate Ancestor!”

Su Li nodded lightly and suddenly asked, “Is Chen Qing...also from Fate Palace?”

Xiang Hua was surprised, but he immediately admitted, “Yes. But I haven’t told anyone about this. How did you know it?”

“It’s not hard to guess.”

Su Li looked at Xiang Hua with a smile, “Your anger was too fake in my opinion. Although your sister Xiang Nan controlled the Divine Thunder of Fire, it was strange that you left even without trying. This was not like a normal reaction after losing a precious apprentice, but rather like coping with a task.”

Xiang Hua was embarrassed and couldn’t help doubting whether his acting skill was really bad.

But his sister was indeed deceived.

“The spectators see the chess game better than the players.”

Su Li stared at Xiang Hua, “Your sister didn’t notice it. But one day, your head will explode like Grand Elder of the Meizong Sect, and a worm will crawl out of it, yelling in front of Xiang Nan. Can you accept it?”

Xiang Hua’s face was pale. And he shook his head again and again.


“Then, the next step is simple.”

Su Li smiled and squinted her eyes, pointing her finger at the way to the upper level of the Gengjin Tower, “If the Divine Thunder of Metal is by your side, it will be taken away by Bai Ming one day. Why not give it to me? I might have killed him before you lose your mind. By then, the Poisonous Substitute Insect will have no effects, and you can also survive.”

Xiang Hua didn’t doubt Su Jiuzhou’s ability. If Su Jiuzhou was given some more time, this prodigy might really be able to kill Bai Ming.

But what if the Poisonous Substitute Insect killed him after Bai Ming died?

This question occurred in Xiang Hua’s mind for a few times, but he finally did not ask Su Li. No matter what the result would be, it would not be worse than now!

Thinking of this, Xiang Hua made up his mind, and withdrew the curb leading to the upper level.

Su Li was surprised because she thought she would need to say more. She nodded, “Thank you! But I have to trouble you to stay here for a while. When I get the Divine Thunder of Metal, I will set you free.”

“No! Someone will come to Gengjin Tower tomorrow, and our plan will be exposed then!”

Xiang Hua shouted, but Su Jiuzhou seemed to have not heard it. She disappeared directly, making Xiang Hua stiffen like a sculpture.

Passing through the door, Su Li quickly came to the place where the Divine Thunder of Metal was stored.

Sharpness was one main characteristic of the metal.

Therefore, the real body of the Divine Thunder of Metal stored in the Gengjin Tower was a sword.

“The real body of the Divine Thunder depends on the spirit’s own will. And the Divine Thunder of Metal with the real body of a sword is even rarer. Master, you have found a treasure again.”

Black Lotus looked at the real body of the Divine Thunder of Metal, and couldn’t help showing up and saying, “Unfortunately, the spirit of this Divine Thunder was also broken up and lost its mind, otherwise its power would be comparable to the most valuable treasure!”

“Sister, I’m starting now.”

Su Bai directly showed up in his real body without Su Li’s command and began to communicate with the Divine Thunder of Metal.

The mix of golden and green lights shone on Su Li’s fair face. She looked at the Divine Thunder of Metal silently and thoughtfully.

Time gradually passed.

Xiang Hua couldn’t move his body and could only watch the sky outside gradually turning bright.

Day broke!

If an elder or an apprentice came here, he and Su Jiuzhou would be exposed immediately. He wondered whether Su Jiuzhou could perform that method once more. If she could, he would confess to Xiang Nan. He did not want to disappoint Xiang Nan any more...

Xiang Hua thought randomly. Suddenly, he heard some noise and rolled his eyes with difficulty to look at that direction. Then he saw Su Li stepping out of the door and reaching out her finger. And his body was immediately back to normal.

“I’m leaving now. You’d better disguise the Gengjin Tower, otherwise it would be hard for you to answer Grand Elder Xiang Nan’s questions.”

After saying this, Su Li disappeared.

Xiang Hua hurriedly stepped to the upper level of the Gengjin Tower. Seeing the empty altar with no trace of the Divine Sword, he was dumbfounded.

The Divine Thunder of Metal...was the most rebellious, but it was taken away by Su Jiuzhou?

The Holy Boys and Holy Girls who wanted to integrate with the Divine Thunder of Metal all failed in previous years, but why did it seem to be effortless for Su Jiuzhou?

“It’s only two hours.”

Xiang Hua couldn’t help sighing. Suddenly, he thought of something and became even more astonished.

It only took two hours for Su Jiuzhou to take away the Divine Thunder of Metal! And before that, she had already been to the location of the Divine Thunder of Fire. Did that mean...

In the Mount of Holy Girl, Ling Li had just sensed Su Li’s pneuma. Then he saw a white shadow flashing into the adytum. And the door slammed.

“Su Jiuzhou...”

He was a little worried. The collision between the Divine Thunder of Metal and the Divine Thunder of Fire would cause unimaginable pain, but Su Jiuzhou did not hesitate to take both of them.

What was driving her?

Was there any reason to do so?

“Master, the legend of the Divine Thunder of the Five Elements is too vague. Why do you have to collect the Divine Thunder? Do you think you can defeat Fate Ancestor if you have collected all the Divine Thunder of the Five Elements?”

Seeing Su Li’s face become paler, Black Lotus was a little uncomfortable. Although the weird skill could protect the pubic region, the Divine Thunder entering the body could still cause great torture.

“No reason.”

Su Li slowly exhaled, and her eyes were dark and deep. She just had an intuition that without the Divine Thunder of the Five Elements, she would great danger.

Whether in her previous life or in this life, she was always very cautious. Even though the Divine Thunder of the Five Elements brought her more harm than good at present, she felt that it was right to do so.

Su Li fell silent again, making Black Lotus speechless for a while. But he did not continue to disturb her as she was healing the burns.

A few days later, Su Li’s complexion recovered and looked the same as usual. Then she ended her practice in isolation.

Even for her physical body, the burns left by the three kinds of Divine Thunder were hard to heal in a short time, but she didn’t have much time to wait for recovery. This day she would find Xiang Nan and was ready to leave Fenglei Holy Sect.

“Grand Elder, the mark of the Divine Thunder of Fire has not awakened, so I want to go out to practice for a while.”

Xiang Nan nodded when she saw Su Li’s expression, “You have been a casual practitioner over the past 700 years, so I don’t need to remind you of external dangers. Remember to return to the sect from time to time.”

Su Li nodded and kept silent for a moment. She suddenly said, “I will bring hope to Fenglei Holy Sect.”

Xiang Nan was startled, and then said gently with a smile, “I see. Go ahead.”


Su Li replied. She turned around and left without looking back.

In the Mount of Holy Girl, Xue Zhen looked at Su Li with red eyes, “Your Highness, are you really going out to practice?”

Su Li touched Xue Zhen’s head and said gently, “When I’m not here, you need to be careful in everything and practice more. Although food is good, it cannot bring confidence.”

It was the first time that Xue Zhen had heard such words. She couldn’t help crying.

Su Li sighed lightly. Then she turned around and flew away. Ling Li immediately followed.

Xue Zhen, who was still crying, didn’t see this scene.

“Junior Sister Apprentice Qingshui, are you going down the mountain now?”

Ban Qian stopped Su Li in front of the mountain gate. He glanced at Ling Li in amazement, and asked, “Ling San also goes with you?!”

“Senior Fellow Apprentice, I cannot think of a way to deal with the Fate Sect only by staying inside our sect.”

Su Li nodded and said with a smile, “Maybe you should also go outside, which might help you gain something.”

Ban Qian felt that there was something behind the words of Junior Sister Apprentice Qingshui, but there seemed to be nothing at all when he tried to figure out.

“That’s it. Senior Fellow Apprentice, see you in the future.”

Su Li bypassed Ban Qian and threw the identity jade token on the Defensive Matrix. The Defensive Matrix rippled for a while and opened a whirlpool.

When Su Li was about to step in, her expression suddenly changed.

“No, this is not the right way out!”

Ling Li also noticed something was wrong and was about to pull Su Li back quickly.

But at this moment, the whirlpool suddenly buzzed. An irresistible and strong suction pulled Su Li, Ling Li and dumbfounded Ban Qian together into the whirlpool. And then they disappeared.

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