Lady Su's Revenge

Chapter 478 - Junior Emperor Could Reach?!

Chapter 478 Junior Emperor Could Reach?!

After Hua Yan left, Su Li called Yan Ziye, Lv You, Dongfang Wuxue and others. She gave every of them some treasures for cultivation, and assigned them tasks respectively. After that, she declared that she would practice in isolation.

At the entrance to the forbidden land of ​​the back mountain, Yan Ziye who was emaciated previously had returned to the appearance of a handsome young man. Old Lv You still wore a green robe. But his pair of mean eyes looked at Dongfang Wuxue, and he asked curiously,

“Wuxue, what did Master give you?”

“Third Brother, take it out and let’s have a look.”

Yan Ziye also agreed with a smile. During this period of time, the three of them worked for Su Li and worked together to manage the sect. Their relationship had long been established. Yan Ziye even proposed the idea that they could be sworn brothers. But Lv You always felt that he was not talented enough and disagreed.

However, Yan Ziye had long been used to calling Dongfang Wuxue as “Third Brother”.

Dongfang Wuxue looked helpless. After he reshaped his body, he looked like a very young man.

At the same time, he did not forget to take out the elixirs that Su Li gave him and shook them. His tone was complicated and moving,

“Ten Celestial Elixirs. The spiritual power in them is easier to absorb than celestial stones. It doesn’t take ten days for me to restore my cultivation. This kind of elixir... Even Dongfang Family does not have one. I wonder where Master got them.”

“Indeed. Even for the holy sect where I am from, this kind of elixir is definitely a strategic resource and extremely rare!”

Yan Ziye agreed and nodded. And then he showed five Wujing Elixirs, “With the help of these elixirs, I will definitely break through the bottleneck to Huanshen Realm within half a year! Couldn’t Master rob a holy sect?”

“Are you kidding me? I think Master must have acquired a heritage similar to Cang Lei’s Cave.”

“Hahaha, it makes sense...”

Lv You enviously watched them laughing and looked at the Poying Elixirs in his hand. Although this kind elixir was the least valuable among the elixirs they got, it was the one he needed most now. And he had every reason to believe that when he encountered the bottleneck of Yuanying Realm, he would definitely get the help of Wujing Elixir, as long as he made enough contribution.

He held the elixirs in his hand and felt surge of emotions. Once again, he was extremely grateful that he had made the right decision. From that moment on, his fate was completely different.

After talking and laughing, they left respectively, because they all had their own task to complete. Since Su Li ordered them alone, they would not disclose their tasks to anyone. Nor would they ask each other.


Even though the practice in isolation that Su Li told Yan Ziye and the others was a guise, it took her three days to refine the external incarnation of the Ghost Clan.

The refining of the external incarnation of the Ghost Clan was relatively simple. After she failed several times, she mastered the technique. The success rate quickly reached 100 percent. During the time slot, she even spent some time studying the blood stone.

This study really revealed something.

In the secret room, there were twenty neatly arranged external incarnations on the wall. They had the same appearances as Su Li, which was quite frightening at the first glance.

Su Li’s attention was not on them at the moment, but on the blood stone in the hand of the evil ghost.

The blood stone at this moment was emitting a dazzling light. A bloody mist around the stone was continuously getting into her body through the shadow of the evil ghost.

Su Li’s eyes were extremely bright.

She was not a pure member of Prehistoric Ghost Clan. But... the evil ghost had absorbed countless ghosts and souls, and it was purer than her. Since the blood of human had no effect on the blood stone, she tried to let the evil ghost control the blood stone.

This control was actually a direct success.

When the bloody mist poured in to a certain amount, Su Li saw the fist-sized blood stone shrink a full circle. At the same time, an instinct rose from the bottom of her heart.


The scorching blood upwelled, and the temperature of the entire secret room rose instantly. Su Li only felt the pneuma and blood in her body was boiling, as if she had endless strength.

“My strength has increased by at least 50 percent!”

After sensing roughly, Su Li showed a smile on her face. She had a powerful physical body, so burning this bit of blood was nothing at all. A few breaths could make up for it.

“It’s a pity that there are too few blood stones.”

After Su Li took back the blood stone that was in the hand of the evil ghost, she shook her head and smiled.

It had been a pleasant surprise to be able to unlock the secret of the blood stone before she went to see Zi Sha by appointment. She was a bit too greedy.

Thinking of this, she slightly squinted her eyes. When she waved her sleeves, all external incarnations in the secret room automatically flew into the universe ring. Then when she touched the ring with her palm, and an exquisite jade carrier rune appeared.

Su Li stared at the engraved character of “Su” shining brightly on it, her gentle eyes suddenly turned cold. She exerted a slight force in her hand.

The jade carrier rune was smashed!

At the same time, in the supreme palace of the Grand Elder in the Su Family, Su Chenke who was meditating suddenly shivered and opened his eyes.

His eyes were blank for a moment, and then darkened. He got up and flew out of the palace to the huge palace at the topmost mountain.

When he flew halfway, a deep and old voice came from his ears.

“Chenke, have you finally figured out how to explain the matter about the Second Branch of Su Family?”

Su Chenke’s figure stagnated for a while, and then landed in front of the palace. He bowed obediently, “Brother, I had no intention to deliberately conceal this matter. There was indeed a secret in this matter. And now it is the time for you to take action!”

Then, he heard a laugh in his ear. The palace gate opened silently and automatically.

“I want to hear what you can tell me.”

A cold light flashed in Su Chenke’s eyes. Su Chenke stepped into the palace. After a while, he saw his elder brother, Su Zhuonian. Su Zhuonian, the backbone of Su Family, was hundreds of times stronger than Su Chenke.

Su Zhuonian was nine hundred years older than Su Chenke, but he looked much younger than Su Chenke. He seemed to be just a middle-aged man, and he had a gentle and elegant appearance, like a knowledgeable scholar.

However, Su Chenke didn’t dare to be disrespectful to him. He came over and gave a salute first. Then he said, “Brother, you must guess the general matter about the Second Branch of Su Family, even if I don’t say.”

Narrowing his eyes and looking at his own brother, Su Zhuonian nodded gently. He said in a leisurely tone,

“First, when the demon crystals disappeared, you didn’t continue to look for them, but ran to the Second Branch. Su Dingchuan abandoned Su Dingxian without a reason and supported Su Dieyin. Even you showed good to Su Dieyin, but didn’t ask for any benefits... Ha-ha, this is not like you. If you weren’t my brother and I weren’t familiar with your soul and breath, I would really think that an evil demon is acting you.”

Then, his eyes flashed, and there was stronger doubt in his eyes.

Su Chenke frowned and showed a sad look. He said with grievance, “Brother, I did all of these for Su Family. How can you doubt me to this degree?”


Su Zhuonian raised his brows. Su Chenke didn’t wait for him to speak and said with a little excitement, “Actually, what you felt puzzled about is a same thing!”

“After I received the news from Su Dieyin that day, I went to the Black Stone Forest and found the demon crystals had disappeared bizarrely. I was very angry at that time, and ordered Su Jinnan to investigate the matter. Then I promised to Su Dieyin to go to the Second Branch to mediate the conflict between her and Su Dingxian. Unexpectedly... I found a big secret inadvertently!”

At this point, Su Chenke’s voice was subconsciously lowered, and his eyes shone.

“In the Black Stone Forest, there is a mighty demon who was born naturally!”

As soon as he said this, Su Zhuonian, who was always calm, finally changed his look and said coldly, “Dare you lie to me?! An ice demon just appeared in Ghost Region. How could a mighty demon be born in a short time? Every time when a mighty demon is born, a strange scene will appear. How couldn’t I receive the news?”

Su Chenke didn’t panic when he heard the words. Instead, he smiled and said, “Brother, I didn’t say that the mighty demon was just born...”


Su Zhuonian sat upright and relaxed his expression suddenly, “Tell me more details.”

He had sounded out Su Chenke. If Su Chenke really lied, he would have panicked early. When he could continue to hold the pressure and spoke, Su Zhuonian finally believed a little bit. The remaining part would depend on what Su Chenke would say.

However, how could the trap that Su Li carefully crafted have any loopholes?

At that moment, Su Chenke became a little excited and immediately said, “When I went to the Second Branch, I felt that Su Dieyin’s new disciple Su Jiuzhou was so confident and had a strange attitude! So, I paid more attention on her. After secretly investigating for a few days, I found that she colluded with a mighty demon in the Black Stone Forest.”

“I tried to search Su Jiuzhou with soul-searching skill and knew that the mighty demon is a snake demon. Nobody knows how old it is. But it is a natural mighty demon. These years of her cultivation have not been punished by nature law, but... the mighty demon is about to be in snake slough today. Brother, you must know what this means!”

Su Chenke held his palms forcibly. Excitement and enthusiasm were full of his eyes, as if all he was talking about was his personal experience.

Su Zhuonian’s brows and eyes lightly jumped, “Snake slough... The mighty demon will definitely increase its strength after the snake slough. And it will no longer be blessed by nature law. The thunder for testing must come down...”

He was talking to himself. Suddenly, he remembered that there was a short thunder for testing in Black Stone Forest a few days ago, but it didn’t strike anything, except for a group of casual practitioners.

It was true!

What Su Chenke said was true!

If Su Chenke said all things, Su Zhuonian might not believe. However, Su Chenke just said a half, and Su Zhuonian himself connected all traces he thought of together. Immediately, he convinced himself.

At this moment, his heart, which had been silent for thousands of years, was beating violently.

He no longer counted on the mighty demon in the Ghost Region. But this mighty demon was obviously stronger and more powerful in medicine. If he got it and used it as medicine, maybe... he could reach the stage of Junior Emperor?!

Thinking of this, he suddenly looked at Su Chenke. Even his tone changed when he spoke.

“How long is it until the snake slough...?”

Su Zhuonian stood up.

Su Chenke laughed, “I don’t know, but... Su Jiuzhou is the shield made by the mighty demon to resist nature’s punishment. As long as we follow Su Jiuzhou, we will find it!”

“It is reasonable that you don’t know when is the snake slough.”

Su Zhuonian nodded. But he frowned again and said angrily, “Idiot! You dare to conceal such an important matter. If I fail to kill the demon due to insufficient preparation time, I will punish you seriously!”

After saying that, Su Zhuonian threw his sleeves and hurriedly left.

Su Chenke shrank his neck and waited until Su Zhuonian’s breath disappeared completely in his sense range.

Then he raised his head and laughed nervously.

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