Lady Su's Revenge

Chapter 468 - To Ghost Region!

Chapter 468 To Ghost Region!

Black Lotus raised his head and saw Su Li’s calm face. At that moment, his heart did a flip.

What he had been worrying about seemed to come true at that moment.


Su Li spoke again. Although her voice was not loud, it was forcible for Black Lotus.

He struggled inwardly for a moment. Finally, he bowed to the pressure from Su Li. He slouched and said, “One with the body of evil ghost can devour both ghosts and humans. I didn’t tell you that because you are from the Human Clan and I am afraid you...”

“Afraid what?”

A mysterious smile appeared on Su Li’s mouth, “You think I will refuse to kill my clan or get crazy because of it? How ridiculous!”


Black Lotus was dumbfounded for a while and heard Su Li snort. Su Li walked to those sealed human souls and pulled them fiercely. She released the suction force that fettered in her body. Just in the blink of an eye, those human souls were swarmed into her body after being brutally torn into pieces by her. Then they turned into nutrients to awake her talent.

After these souls disappeared completely, Su Li took a deep breath and opened her eyes, as if she just finished a trivial thing.

“Don’t spend your time speculating something boring. Take the time to recall some ancient secret practice methods for me, because we are in the same boat.”

Although Black Lotus had lived over tens of thousands of years, he still got cold feet after he heard Su Li’s indifferent words. It turned out that the bottom line in this little girl’s heart had been gone long before he appeared.

A true evil had no taboo!

If Su Li really grew up smoothly with his support, it would be disastrous for Qingshui Circle when she was able to destroy a circle with a flip of her hand!

Thinking of this, Black Lotus shrunk his pupils and didn’t dare to think more.


The rest of the journey was all the same as before and extremely boring.

At least Su Li thought so. Some human souls and ghosts escaped from the seal and caused some little troubles to her devouring journey, but they just took her some time because her strength was extremely inconsistent with her appearance.

“For that dragon shadow, either the Ghost Clan or the Human Clan is just his food. No wonder I didn’t sense any falsehood in his words.”

Su Li was marching along with the road sign, while she was immersed in her thoughts and remembered many previous details.

“Black Lotus has been revealing an embarrassed look and even hid the truth from me to prevent me coming here. I am afraid that he was worried about not only my strength but also the souls of the Human Clan.”

A trace of sneer flashed in Su Li’s eyes.

Maybe there were good-hearted people in the Human Clan, but all people she encountered were vicious all the time. Although she was a human in nature, she still could not have a sense of identity to others from the Human Clan.

Suddenly, Su Li’s footsteps stalled.

Black Lotus, who was preoccupied, was also awakened. His spiritual awareness slipped out and sensed the outside world.

He was completely lost himself, and his body also shivered after he sensed the outside world.

“It is that place?!”

On a high platform among mountains, a decayed gray building stood tall and upright. Its facade was damaged in many parts but still could be vaguely seen that it looked like a blooming lotus.

After a glance at Black Lotus, Su Li tapped the ground with her tiptoe. Then she flew up elegantly and landed on a gray lotus petal like fluttering willow catkin. The dust under her feet swirled in the air. A pair of black footprints and a jade luster revealed.

“Black Jade Lotus Pavilion! Black Lotus, is it your former residence?”

Su Li muttered, but Black Lotus didn’t respond her. She did not mind that, but just landed in front of the pavilion in the lotus pistil. She pushed open the dusty gate, and stepped into without hesitation.

Layers of gray gauze curtain came into her eyes. They fluttered in the breeze like white ghosts wandering.

Su Li looked through and knew the structure of this pavilion. This round building stood in the center of the lotus pistil, as if it was made up with countless concentric circles. The gauze curtains divided the pavilion into different annuluses.

It was dead quiet in this space. The thick gauze curtains had concealed the center of the pavilion so completely that a clear view was not possible.

Chilly air flowed over Su Li’s nose, but she kept expressionless. She blinked her eyes and suddenly accelerated her pace. Then she split open the gauze curtains that were flying in front of her with her hand as a blade.

The illusory hand blade tore open all the gauze curtains in front of her. As the white curtains fell to the ground, Su Li got a clear view.

A throne seemingly forged with gold came into her view. A skeleton sat on that, and crimson lights in its deep-set eyes were flickering.

Su Li became a little nervous but still took a step forward.

No response came from the skeleton.

She, however, did not dare to relax and approached step by step cautiously until below the throne. She signed in relief after she saw the skeleton’s ghastly face covered by dried skin.

It turned out that there were unknown blood-colored gems inlaid in its eye pits. The skeleton seemed to be alive from distance.

“Not everyone doesn’t decay after hundreds of millions of years like the Prehistoric Ghost Clan.”

Black Lotus mumbled with complex emotions. He seemed to be sentimental or relieved.

Staring at the skeleton, Su Li had a guess but did not ask Black Lotus at last.

“Wait... The blood gems!”

Her gaze suddenly focused. Under Black Lotus’s terrified gaze, Su Li strode onto the throne and gouged the blood gems out of the skeleton’s eyes.

“Su Li, you...”

Black Lotus was interrupted by Su Li in mid-sentence, “Hush, let me think it over.”

Seeing Su Li recalling seriously, Black Lotus finally noticed something. He fixed his eyes on the blood gems in Su Li’s hand. A sense of familiarity came upon him, too.

But where did he see it before?

Su Li frowned slightly. The blood gem in Lin Yanxing’s hand in the Reincarnation Mirror came to her mind at first, but that blood gem got lost after she died in the Reincarnation Mirror.

“The pneuma is remarkably similar, but... there is a hint of difference. Moreover, the time does not match, so it should not be the same person.”

Su Li denied this thought and a second image came to her mind. That was...

“Little Su Li, I find that the blood-colored gems in your hand are exactly the same as the diamond-shaped blood gem of your good friend! Even the pneuma...”

Black Lotus interjected at an inappropriate time. Su Li’s eyes darkened. She said expressionlessly after she flipped her palm and put away the blood gems, “There are no more ghosts here. Let’s go.”

After saying that, she jumped out of the lotus pavilion before Black Lotus made a response. She went far away in the next instant after the road sign flashed.

In the next few months, Su Li kept on killing and devouring souls, and her pneuma of the body of evil ghost became more and more obvious. If she were exposed to natural law at that moment, nature’s punishment would fall within seconds.

She had even not started the secret practice method that dragon shadow passed on to her. Her mind was some messed up.

“Little Su Li, maybe the truth is not like what you thought. Let’s talk about...”

“There’s nothing to talk about.”

Su Li’s eyes were icy cold and a red light flashed over them. A superior ghost in her hands was immediately crushed into pieces and countless black spots immersed into her body. After that, her pneuma became more and more dark and deep, even Black Lotus dared not to look directly at her.

This might be influenced by Su Li’s physique. But for Black Lotus, his master’s emotion at present was the most scared.

But no matter how he persuaded, Su Li interrupted him all the time.

Inevitably, he recalled the scene when Su Li almost killed both of them in order to force him to show himself.

“It can’t go on in this way!”

Black Lotus’s eyes gleamed with anxiety. He did worry a lot about the current master. Thinking back to the years, each his master was extremely respectful to him and granted him whatever he requested. Especially the skeleton, who died on that golden throne, groveled to him and addressed him “Old Ancestor”.

Black Lotus felt bitter whenever he thought of the past and compared it with Su Li’s attitude to him at this moment.

But he had to say what he should say.

“Little Master, you have to face the reality sooner or later after you get out from this place, even if you always escape that. You don’t wish to see everything you’ve planned in this life being ruined by Hua Yan, do you?”

When Black Lotus just finished his words, a fluctuation flashed in Su Li’s calm eyes. Her rapidly moving body stalled abruptly.

“Who is the one on the golden throne?”

Su Li’s tone was calm but Black Lotus sensed coldness from that. However, he was relieved in his heart, He dared not to hide and hastily answered, “It is my last master.”

A light flashed in Su Li’s eyes, “Leader of the Ghost Clan?”


Black Lotus said in a mocking tone, “He was just a weapon that the Ghost Clan used to fight. Although the ghosts made use of him, they were afraid of him. He was so kind that he did not choose to live alone at the last moment when the Ghost Clan died out.”

“The last generation of the body of evil ghost...”

Su Li raised her head expressionlessly and looked at the gloomy sky in the mysterious realm of the ancestral land. Her long and narrow eyes showed ruthless, “I am not interested in the history of your Ghost Clan at all. Just tell me where the blood gems came from.”

Black Lotus sighed, “That’s another long story.”

“I don’t mind.”

Su Li kneaded her glabella and closed her eyes. The shadow behind her suddenly changed into a huge phantom as big as the giant skeleton before, “I still need one hundred thousand ghosts to activate my talent. So, I have enough time to listen to you.”

Black Lotus looked up at the huge phantom, which was not smaller than the skeleton of the dragon shadow. He was in shock.

Was this Su Li’s evil ghost?!


As Su Li was concentrate on devouring nutrients to activate the talent of her body of evil ghost, the Great Lord of Shengtian Palace, who was meditating in the small mysterious realm of Shengtian Shrine, suddenly opened his eyes. His always calm eyes gleamed with surprise and suspicion.

“Call over Lord of Evil!”

Shortly after his voice came out, a manservant in black standing by outside the door went down the hill at once.

Soon after, a thin and straight figure in red appeared at the door. Ling Li walked in and said in a cold tone as usual, “The talent competition is imminent. I have killed all those who should be killed. Could it be possible that the Great Lord had missed some?”

Hearing that, The Great Lord of Shengtian Palace smiled and said, “Your injuries seem to have been healed.”

Ling Li snorted coldly and did not answer.

The Great Lord didn’t get annoyed but ceased the smile on his face gradually. His voice like a sharp sword penetrated into Ling Li’s ears.

“Go to Ghost Region with the Lihen Sword!”

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