Lady Su's Revenge

Chapter 461 - The Third Path

Chapter 461 The Third Path


A thunderstorm suddenly rang out and the clear and boundless sky was clouded over in the blink of an eye. People walking on the street had to speed up their steps to go home.

“What damn weather! The rain is coming so quickly...”

“My love, go collect the clothes hanging outside!”


Mortals got busy. Ling Qinglan felt something unusual when he looked up at the cloudy sky.

“I think I should go.”

Su Li was expressionless, as if she did not see the sky outside. Her voice pulled Ling Qinglan’s thoughts back, “Can I rest assured, if the Second Branch of the Su Family is supported by you?”

Ling Qinglan hesitated for a moment and then nodded gently.

“Ten years.”

Su Li gently tapped the table with her knuckles. Then, she stood up and disappeared in place, leaving another sentence in the air, “No matter what I can find in ten years, I will go to Yuxu Sect and get justice. I think you should know what to prepare.”

Ling Qinglan frowned slightly at the words.

Ten years were too short for a practitioner. What could he prepare?


Yin Xue’s voice sounded different. Ling Qinglan once said that he hadn’t used the name “Yi Mo” anymore, but she was used to calling him “Mo”.


Ling Qinglan turned around and saw Yin Xue pointing to the sky which became clear again. She said in a trembling voice, “The dark clouds dispersed.”

Ling Qinglan’s expression changed suddenly.


In a desolate mountain, Su Li looked serious. She was using the All Spirits Tactics to the extreme and flying hastily, leaving her shadows so far behind.

She did not dare to use the power of her Jindan Realm and had to run with the strength of her physical body. But she still felt the threat was coming.

A roar faintly sounded in the sky. Su Li could vaguely see a purple thunder arc looming in the clouds.

She had been targeted!

Su Li’s eyes flashed with a cold light. The pneuma of mortals in the secular city was so dense that it could slightly cover her unique pneuma. However, nature’s punishment still found her after she helped Ling Qinglan detoxify the ice toxin.

“The methods I prepared must be used on Zi Sha.”

All kinds of thoughts flitted through Su Li’s mind. She accelerated to the Black Stone Forest, regardless whether she could expose.

A thunder was chasing a person, which was noisy and got some practitioners’ attention. After running into the Black Stone Forest, Su Li sensed that at least a dozen of pneumas followed her.

The camp of the Sixth Branch of the Su Family was in her sight. Su Li suddenly stopped with a light flashing in her eyes. A trace of soul power covered her body. And then she calmly walked towards the mine cave in the camp.

Those practitioners behind her were stunned as they suddenly sensed the target disappeared. So, they sped up to approach the camp.

In the main tent, Su Jinnan was troubling how to solve the knotty problem with the demon crystals. When he suddenly sensed a large number of practitioners was approaching, his expression changed slightly, and he took his people to go out. But he couldn’t sense that Su Li passed through and entered the sealed mine cave.

She walked easily to the dead-end road where the fork appeared last time. She took out the core of the big tactical matrix that had been modified by Zi Sha’s demon crystal, and pressed it lightly in the place. The familiar junction appeared again. However, there was only one road this time instead of three roads.

Su Li noticed that the wall was flooded with faint purple light. She narrowed her eyes slightly and walked along the passage to the icy-cold pond in the depth.


When she just said that, the snakes with human faces hanging on the top of the cave fell in the pool. Their tails wriggled, which was revolting.

Su Li didn’t change her expression and tried to make her voice sound softer, “Senior...”

The snakes with human faces crowded in the pond, and some landed on the ground. But none of them dared to approach Su Li.

Since Su Li said those crazy words here last time, they seemed to have an emotion of fear for Su Li.

How cowardly...


The water in the ice-blue cold pond splashed violently and Zi Sha’s breathtakingly beautiful face appeared once again. However, there was no smile but anger on her face this time.

“You really have guts to come my place to hide from nature’s punishment.”

Su Li smiled faintly, “At least your anger will not overcome your rationality when I am still useful for you. So, this is the best place to seek shelter.”

When Zi Sha heard that, the cold in her snake eyes became even more, “It seems that I have to find another one to help me.”

“You don’t have enough time.”

Su Li shook her head and sighed lightly, but she still looked relaxed, “Nature’s punishment is outside now. If you or I take action, we will be exposed. It would be better to let those people outside take the blame for this, and I can learn something from nature’s punishment. If I have enough experience, I may stall for time for you in the future.”

Zi Sha was stunned, and she became silent.

Su Li might be sophisticating, but her words sounded reasonable to some extent.

“You should be glad that I appreciate your talent, but I don’t like misbehaving children. If I have enough time, I will consider to change you.”

Zi Sha returned to be relaxed. As she waved her slim and long arms gently, the scene outside was reflected in the nothingness.

“Nature’s punishment is not as simple as you thought. These wussies won’t last a quarter.”

Su Li observed the scene in the nothingness carefully. She had to fight to death with nature’s punishment in her life because of her physique.

There couldn’t be a better chance to observe nature’s punishment from the sidelines.

“There is one more entrance to the other region in Jiuzhou Region and awareness of the natural law is weakest. It cannot see through the demon cave that I have created with my own hands. You do not have to worry about being discovered in my place.”

Zi Sha pointed to some practitioners who were looking up in the reflection. “These people will be in big trouble. If nature’s punishment can’t find its target, it would be furious.”

Before her voice died away, a bolt of finger-thick purple thunder struck down from the sky and those practitioners who were looking up were burned into coke instantly.

Su Li was shocked. But her expression of shock was well hidden and not seen by Zi Sha.

“That trace of divinity in the thunder seems to be somewhat similar to the Divine Thunder of Earth.”

Su Li really wanted to ask Black Lotus. But Zi Sha was around, so Black Lotus did not dare to appear. Su Li had to wait until it was safe to talk about it.

As Su Li was pondering, a few more thunders struck down and the disciples in the camp had scattered in all directions. Su Jinnan could care about nothing but his life and escaped desperately.

The dozens of practitioners, who came after Su Li, scattered like rats after the first thunders struck on those several unlucky ones.

Nature’s punishment didn’t seem to stop and continued to blast at the Su Family’s camp. At that moment, it was dusty and rocky. Even the dark mist was scattered and there was a better visibility.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

With shocking thunder ringing in his ears, Su Jinnan tried his best to escape, but felt desperate.

After he came back from the tea party for immortals, his luck seemed to be gone and everything went wrong!

At first, the demon crystals disappeared and the old ancestor found that. As he was troubling how to make it up, nature’s punishment came and destroyed the whole camp.

Nature’s punishment was just in the legends!

Where nature’s punishment appeared, there must be practitioners in nature’s test or extremely precious treasures.

There was no nature’s test in Jiuzhou Region!

Su Jinnan was sure that it would take less than a day that his minefield would be overcrowded. And those mighty practitioners on their way here would make him live in a living hell if he didn’t escape!

“I have no idea about what’s going on in that mine!”

Su Jinnan fled in grief and anger. He felt aggrieved and wanted to cry. He had to leave Jiuzhou Region immediately, because Jiuzhou Region was no longer a safe place for him.

After a full half day, the thunder that resounded over the Black Stone Forest finally subsided. A bottomless pit hole was left in the camp of the Sixth Branch. Dark clouds dispersed and the sky returned clear as if nothing didn’t happen.

Su Li exhaled a breath but the seriousness in her eyes was still there.

The power of nature’s punishment could never be estimated until one saw it with his or her own eyes. It was astonishing.

Su Li was far from being prepared, but she was lucky to have time after this accident.

“You can leave now.”

Zi Sha waved her hand to end the image reflection. The cave quaked slightly and a passage appeared, “Think about it. The next one will be you standing under nature’s punishment.”

Su Li nodded silently and left.

Su Li didn’t know how long she walked in the dark cave. But she was already outside the Black Stone Forest when she came out of the cave.

Looking at the light in the sky streaming towards the Black Stone Forest, Su Li held her pneuma back and revealed a bitter smile.

This mighty demon really took much care of her for the sake of its metamorphosis.

The news of nature’s punishment in the Black Stone Forest spread out in Jiuzhou Region soon. The next day after Su Li left, the entire Black Stone Forest got busy.

But this had nothing to do with Su Li anymore. She was in the adytum in the back mountain of Ni Sect. She stared helplessly at the two practitioners of Huashen Realm on the ground, whose cultivations were sealed.

“Can’t I control their souls even if I have a perfect Nature Soul?”

“Of course not!”

Black Lotus scampered out and said irritably, “Even if they have relied on the resources from their family to break through to Huashen Realm, their souls must have metamorphosed and reached the realm of Nature Soul. You have two ways to control them. One is that you practice your soul from Nature Soul to Nominal Soul when you are in nature’s test.”

Speaking of this, Black Lotus rolled his eyes, “Even I haven’t seen a freak like you, who got a perfect Nature Soul at Jindan Realm. But it is still impractical to break through to the Nominal Soul.”

“As for the second way, you must make a breakthrough in the Soul Tactics. However, the Soul Tactics you got includes only the first level, and it seems unlikely that you can get the second level.”

“And you don’t have it, do you?”

Su Li suddenly asked. Black Lotus was almost choked and popeyed, “It’s the treasure of the Full Moon School and I would like to get it, too. But the Full Moon School is good at suppressing spiritual bodies. It’s impossible for me to steal that!”

“I see...”

Su Li was suddenly enlightened and looked meaningfully at Black Lotus, “Did you make yourself strong by stealing practicing methods in the ancient times?”

Black Lotus almost spat out his blood out of anger.

“What? There is no theft in the cultivation circle! I just took them openly!”

Seeing how Black Lotus quibbled, Su Li had a deeper understanding of Black Lotus’s thick skin.

She played with the Black Lotus Ring, and her gaze flashed suddenly.

“Perhaps... there is the third way.”

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