Lady Su's Revenge

Chapter 437 - Wonderful!

Chapter 437 Wonderful!

In the core space of the tea plant, Su Li was sitting cross-legged in the nothingness as if she was a statue.

It was really difficult to break through Suiyu Tactics.

With the help of the Enlightenment Essence and Tianyou Lotus, Su Li fumbled in countless thoughts, but could not break through the bottleneck of Suiyu Tactics, which seemed to be a thin paper.

Black Lotus emerged. He took a look at Dongfang Wuxue, who was still rebuilding his physical body, and sighed softly.

Su Li seemed to hear Black Lotus’s sigh, and she took a move in the next instant.

With a clear and crisp crack, Su Li shattered the jade token in her right hand. Black Lotus watched her in fear. Su Li put the rest of Tianyou Lotus juice into her awareness sea.

The thousands of floating thoughts immediately increased in an exponential rate. The number of the thoughts exceeded a million in the blink of an eye and was heading for ten million.

All of a sudden, Su Li got a splitting headache, and her long black hair turned into gray in the blink of an eye!

“Su Li, wake up!”

Black Lotus’s anxious and harsh voice came into her awareness sea, “The amount of your thoughts has exceeded the limit you can take! If you continue to persist, your head will explode like a firework and you will die and your cultivation will be gone! Su Li, do you hear me?!”

Su Li pursed her lips, gritted her teeth, and continued to drive her thoughts. She was indifferent to the bleeding of her mouth and nose.

She could not find the breakthrough point to Suiyu Tactics with tens of thousands of deductions. What about hundreds of thousands, millions, or even tens of millions?


It seemed that a noise, which sounded like a rope snapped, came from Su Li’s head and her gray hair was covered with blood instantly. Seeing that, Black Lotus’s heart trembled. He did not dare to disturb Su Li any more, for fear that his voice might be the last straw to break Su Li’s mind.

“Clack! Clack! Clack! ...”

More noises sounded. Su Li, who was searching for something in the thoughts of her awareness sea, felt the sign of death. If she continued, she must die.

“Do I fail?”

Su Li suddenly opened her eyes and the light in her eyes dimmed. “Seeing” the thoughts in her awareness sea constantly fell into the nothingness due to her inattention, she decided suddenly to let her mind sink along with those thoughts.

The pneuma of vitality instantly disappeared.

“Su Li?!!”

Black Lotus was horrified. But when he looked up and saw the dumbfounded human face on the core of that tea plant, he thought in silence for a while and realized that the only thing he could do was waiting.

In the dark nothingness, some thoughts turned to white light spots like stars dotted in the sky. As her mind continued to sink, these white light spots began to dim and at last... it was completely dark.

In the darkness, Su Li even couldn’t feel herself. If it’s not because she still had obsession in her heart, she might disappear along with those thoughts.

After a long time, the darkness faded. Su Li powerlessly opened her eyes and saw a colorless secular city.

“Where... am I?”

As her mind vibrated slightly, Su Li looked down and found her hands were transparent. She kept silent for a few moments and walked towards the city.

As she approached the city entrance, she heard the hustle and bustle of the city.

Su Li narrowed her eyes and felt somewhat familiar. But she could not remember anything after carefully recalling.

Two guards stood at the entrance. They inquired the identity of the people coming and going from time to time, but never looked at Su Li.

“Can’t they see me?”

Su Li pondered. She walked into the city, and the guards really did not stop her. However, as soon as she stepped into the city, the surroundings went backwards and she was transported to her original place in the blink of an eye.

“Can’t I get close to that city?”

Su Li speculated and tried several times. But every time she came back to the original place as if she were only allowed to see this part.

Transported outside the city gates once again, Su Li let it go when she looked at the colorless but busy world that had nothing to do with her.

Whose memory was... the constantly repeating memory fragment?

Su Li asked herself and took a step backward with a sigh at last.

And then, the darkness returned to her but Su Li was calm inside. She chose another direction and walked into another memory fragment soon.

This time, it was not a city gate, but a place that Su Li was familiar with.

“Yunshan Yard...”

Su Li murmured and walked to the courtyard in her memory. She saw a girl in coarse clothes playing alone on the ground. Her foster mother beside her was looking at her with a smile while sewing new clothes for her.

Su Li looked at the scene in a daze. After a long while, she walked to the girl and squatted down.

At this moment, her previous life and present life seemed to break through the restriction of time and space and overlapped together.

The next moment, the memory fragment rewound and Su Li was transported to the outside of Yunshan Yard. Silent for an instant, she walked towards the courtyard where Su Yuanhai once lived. Before she could reach the courtyard, the fragment rewound again.

Hadn’t she known Su Yuanhai in this piece of memory fragment?

Su Li didn’t try again and left the fragment. She continued to search for another one.

Those short or long memories pieced together her blank memories in childhood. Su Li, as if an outsider, calmly watched these scenes as Su Yuanhai had described. She saw the devilish faces of Su Huanyi and his brother who were killed by her, young Su Huanli and a blurred dark shadow who was feeding her the Illusion-arising Medicine.

Eventually, everything returned to darkness.

Su Li looked completely indifferent. Although she knew that she had experienced all of those things as a child in her previous life, she couldn’t empathize with that, as if she was looking at a stranger’s memories.

“I can’t remember even if I saw that in these fragments. Is it because of the Illusion-arising Medicine?”

The thought flickered through Su Li’s eyes and she turned to leave without any hesitation.

The darkness was still there.

Dullness and loneliness followed Su Li like a shadow. Gradually, she felt cold.

After her soul and spirit had gone through so many memory fragments, they became very weak and would dissipate soon. If this really happened, it would be the same as the death of the physical body and her cultivation, just leaving a physical body for people to walk in.

But what Su Li was thinking about at that moment wasn’t the death.

She regarded the darkness as her enemy, and her eyes were full of longing.

Time gradually passed, Su Li found herself unable to walk after a long time. The lower half of her body disappeared, so she had to crawl.

The endless darkness made her desperate. The light in Su Li’s eyes faded, but her obsession... was still there.

Bright light spots flew out from her crystalline soul-body and shone in the darkness. With the disappearance of her upper body, Su Li was shocked and slightly sighed. But she did not give up and continued to go deeper into the unknown place.

Finally, at one moment, her hands disappeared as well and only her head was left. The crazy obsession was still in Su Li’s nearly transparent pupils. Su Li kept moving with her teeth biting the ground.

She didn’t know what her obsession exactly was, but she know that she had to move forward.

Some white light spots illuminated a small area, but Su Li could not see. She had only the lower half of her face, but she went on tirelessly. Gradually, the lower half of her face was also gone. She was unable to advance any further.

Just at the moment when the soul-body disappeared completely, the light transformed from her obsession suddenly shone brightly to every corner of the dark space.

At that moment, Su Li suddenly saw everything.

She had no idea what she was using to look. She saw countless threads were intertwined and many parallel lines crossed without any knots.

Instinctively, Su Li touched one bright red thread with her mind. Suddenly, a mountain-like huge soul fragment in the distance came close and rushed into Su Li’s mind.

The soul power like a real substance wrapped Su Li and nourished Su Li’s soul-body that was extremely weak. Less than the time of taking a breath, Su Li’s intentional projection reappeared.

This time, it’s no longer a phantom, but like an impenetrable real physical body!

The changes happened so quickly that Su Li did not have time to think them over. The threads in front of her faded away and followed by huge and chaotic original memories.

Su Li only had time to remember a few words, and all of her memory just disappeared as if it never existed.

“Lihen Tablet...of the Sin Clan...”

Su Li looked at the space which increasingly became dark again and muttered. Her mind was fixed on a warm picture where a couple were holding a baby in swaddling clothes. But she could not see... their faces.

“It’s over.”

Su Li could not tell what happened to her, but she gained a lot of abilities instinctively.

Before the space didn’t get completely dark, she converged the bright light into a light door by waving her fingertips. Then she stepped into it without hesitation.

In the next instant, Su Li opened her eyes and saw the familiar core space of the tea plant. A faint thread was reflected in her eyes but it blurred away soon.

However, she still saw it. It connected her and Black Lotus.

“The daughter of luck...”

A trace of thought flashed through Su Li’s mind. Before she thought over it, she heard Black Lotus whine, “Master, you come back finally...”

Su Li raised her hand and found the black shadow revealed by Black Lotus Ring became much clearer than before.

She was slightly startled, “How long has it been?”

Subconsciously, she turned to Bizhui and found that he looked the same as before.

After seeing Su Li’s soul and spirit seemed not to get injured, Black Lotus was relieved. He rolled his eyes and said, “You have lost signs of life for five days! I almost convinced myself that you were dead and was about to find a new master!”

“Did you?”

Su Li raised her eyebrows, “I’m curious about your fate if you fall into Yuxu Sect.”

The face of Black Lotus turned black. As a supreme treasure of Ghost Clan, he would not end well if he fell into the hands of Human Clan. Even if Black Lotus Ring could be left, he, the spirit body, would be used to make pills.

“Little Su Li, can’t you keep some dignity for me?”

Black Lotus sighed helplessly and kept silent for a moment. But he still could not hold down his curiosity and asked, “You have been in that weird state for seven days. What exactly did you do? Did you break through the second level of Suiyu Tactics?”

Su Li shook her head and smiled, “The second level of Suiyu Tactics is not that easy to break through.”

“Why don’t you look worried?”

Black Lotus could not understand. But Su Li did not pay attention to him anymore. She turned to Bizhui and said, “From now on, pay close attention to Yuxu Sect, and report every movement to me at any time.”

Hearing her instructions, Black Lotus did not dwell on the previous question and clapped his hands out of wonderment.

“Even the old foxes in Yuxu Sect are incomparable strong, they would never anticipate that the Immortal Tea Plant could be a traitor. Su Li, this move is really... wonderful!”

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