Lady Su's Revenge

Chapter 422 - Jollification

Chapter 422 Jollification


A trace of hot pneuma burst out from Su Fengchun suddenly like exploded lava, and in the blink of an eye, the disciple of the Third Branch in front of him was blasted out of the ring.

“Too weak...”

Su Fengchun shook his head and said in an aggressive tone, “Next one!”

“Was that the embryonic form of the Genuine Fire Tactics?”

The moment Su Fengchun released his pneuma, the audience including the elder of the Head Branch all changed their expressions slightly and the same thought appeared in their mind.

Su Yuanhai froze for an instant. Instead of being pleasantly surprised, he put on an expression of embarrassment.

Su Fengchun could have defeated the opponent with one hand, but he exposed his real power. What an idiot!

“In this case, Ms. Li would be...”

“Having mastered the embryonic form of the Genuine Fire Tactics at the peak stage of Jindan Realm proved his excellence in understanding. But his temperament...”

At the seats for the Second Branch, Su Dieyin shook her head, and could not help but look at Su Jiuzhou, who sat indifferently.

The sitting order sometimes revealed a lot. Su Fengchun had already understood the embryonic form of the Genuine Fire Tactics but was still less important than Su Jiuzhou for Su Yuanhai. How was the real strength of Su Jiuzhou? Which stage was she at?

Many spectators had also thought of this, gazing at Su Li openly or secretly.

Su Li frowned slightly.

That would be bad...

Su Fengchun walked off the ring with a big smile on his face at this time because the third disciple admitted defeat without a fight. Obviously, he was scared.

With victories in two battles, his confidence was restored mostly, even when facing Su Yuanhai. He saluted with his fist folded and said loudly, “I bring no disgrace to our branch and return with two victories!”


Su Yuanhai’s eyelids twitched slightly. Looking at Su Fengchun, who was still unaware of what was wrong, Su Yuanhai did not know what to say now.

Silent for a while, Su Yuanhai was a bit tired mentally. He waved feebly and said, “Excellent. Take your seat.”

Then, Su Fengchun sat down joyfully.

Seeing this, Su Li withdrew her eyes. Even a deaf person should have heard the whispers around by now, and Su Fengchun was not stupid at all. On the contrary... he was pretty smart.

Su Li glanced at the head of the Fourth and Fifth Branches, who showed their interests in Su Fengchun. She then transmitted a voice to Su Yuanhai, “Don’t waste resources on Su Fengchun anymore.”

Su Yuanhai didn’t understand but still replied instantly with full respect, “Yes, Ms. Li”.

As the last match closed, the internal selection contest of the Su Family also came to an end.

Except for the unlucky Sixth Branch, all the other branches had at least one team left and the Head Branch got two. After the elder announced the results, the crowd dispersed.

Su Dieyin stayed to the last until she saw Su Yuanhai also took his people away. Then she stood up and walked to the center of the bloodstained ring. She stopped and her clear voice sounded like spring water.

“It would be a sleepless night! Pull yourselves together and don’t fall into the traps of others.”

The three young practitioners slightly younger than her answered in a respectful tone.


Su Yuanhai and the other three came back to their courtyard. Su Fengchun and Su Meng immediately excused themselves for the recovery of vital energy, and Su Li also silently returned to her room with the door shut.

“Don’t bother me. Mind your own business.”

Hearing Su Li’s voice transmission, Su Yuanhai sighed and walked back to his room, moodily.

Even if he were slow, Su Yuanhai had noticed the thoughts of Su Fengchun and Su Meng.

Although Su Li was his focus now, he was still the head of the Seventh Branch. He was upset that his talented disciples were narrow-minded and became disloyal now.

“Ms. Li was right about the problems in the Su Family. I’m also responsible for them. When the next batch of offspring was old enough to begin their cultivation, I would boldly consult Ms. Li about how to hone their loyalty.”

Making up his mind, Su Yuanhai was cheered up slightly and went to meditate. The two disloyal disciples didn’t bother him anymore.

It was late midnight soon. Suddenly, three shadows appeared in the quiet courtyard of the guesthouse.

They were obviously from different branches. They appeared at the same moment and were startled slightly after seeing each other, but they were relaxed then.

Practitioners from seven branches were familiar with each other, and the visitors were the heads. Even though they had covered their faces, they could be easily recognized from their outlines.

“Three heads of other branches visited the Seventh Branch with the lowest ranking at the same time. I wonder if Su Yuanhai would feel honored if he knew it.”

Su Jinnan, head of the Sixth Branch, dispersed the smoke covering his face, grinned speechlessly, and transmitted a voice message to the other two.

Su Dieyin fluttered her beautiful eyelashes as her pleasant voice transmission sounded, “I am only interested in Su Jiuzhou, and the other two are yours.”

“What a bossy head of the Second Branch. You just picked the best!”

Su Linchen, head of the Fourth Branch transmitted his snort, “Well, I am not fancy of an outsider anyway.”

Su Dieyin smiled and turned to Su Jinnan, who was also smiling, “My branch lost. I only want to get one who can represent my branch to attend the tea party for immortals.”

“Thanks for your generosity!”

Su Dieyin thanked them casually and drifted into Su Li’s room after a glimpse of Su Yuanhai’s room.

Su Jinnan and Su Linchen looked at each other, saying nothing. Su Jinnan went to Su Meng’s room, while Su Linchen went for Su Fengchun.

Sensing all this from his dark room, Su Yuanhai snorted in his heart, “What a compliment that the heads of three branches came together.”

Su Fengchun was obviously disloyal and couldn’t be kept.

As for Ms. Li... it was Su Dieyin who should worry.

“Su Dieyin, don’t be stupid. If you offend Ms. Li, I can’t help you!”

Su Dieyin drifted into Su Li’s room through the window, and saw a petite figure immediately, for the room was simply furnished with no gauze hanging.

This scene reminded Su Dieyin of her own time as a teenager. She could not help but smile slightly, took a seat next to Su Li, and deliberately made a noise.

Su Li seemed to hear the noise and opened her eyes at once. She saw the person in her room and her pupils shrunk slightly. But she still pretended to be calm, “Senior, what brings you here late at night?”

Su Dieyin had been observing Su Li and didn’t hide her satisfaction with Su Li after seeing her calmness in every situation. Then she said in a soft tone, “I am Su Dieyin from the Second Branch of the Su Family.”

Su Li was slightly stunned, then stood up and saluted at once, “Greetings to head of the Second Branch. I’m still not familiar with the seniors in the Su Family. Please forgive me.”

“It is fine.”

Su Die Yin narrowed her beautiful eyes slightly and was getting more satisfied with Su Li, “Su Jiuzhou, you are incredibly talented with a rare temperament. Your talent would inevitably be wasted in the Seventh Branch. Have you ever considered changing a branch to cultivate? And I will train you personally. What’s your opinion?”

Su Li straightened herself up, with her small face full of confusion. She asked hesitantly, “Can I change branches? But the head of the Seventh Branch was so kind to me, how can I...”

Su Dieyin laughed and answered, “Silly, we Second Branch is no enemy to the Seventh Branch. With faster progress in the Second Branch, you can break through to Yuanying Realm quickly and even catch up with me soon. Then, you just have to show some sympathies to the Seventh Branch and Su Yuanhai will benefit more than he does now.”


Su Li’s small face flushed slightly, and she scratched her head embarrassedly, “I must ask Master Yuanhai’s opinion first. If he does not mind, I will go with you.”

Su Dieyin was rendered speechless. But she became much fond of Su Li after seeing her loyalty. After all, nobody wanted to foster an ungrateful person.

Even though many were accustomed to those ungrateful in the Su Family, Su Dieyin still didn’t wish to see her disciples be one of them.

“Good, I won’t push you. Give me an answer after the tea party for immortals.”

At the same time, she had made up her mind to talk with Su Yuanhai. It would be a pity if talents were wasted by Su Yuanhai.

“Head of the Second Branch, could you... answer me one more question?”

Su Li hesitated for a long while and asked. Su Dieyin was also a bit curious since such a decisive person would have hesitated just because of one question, “Go ahead. I will answer within my bottom line.”

Su Li showed a relieved expression and glanced at Su Dieyin secretly. She asked directly, “Master Yuanhai has said you didn’t enter the Reincarnation Mirror a thousand years ago...”


Su Dieyin’s voice rose steeply and covered Su Li’s voice.

The atmosphere in the room instantly chilled.

Su Li watched Su Dieyin, whose expression changed instantly. A sense of comprehension flashed over Su Li’s eyes. However, she pretended to be startled and stood still in silence.

After a long time, Su Dieyin took off her veil and sighed. She transmitted her voice,

“Su Yuanhai did not treat you as an outsider and even told you this. But this is a taboo for the Su Family, so I can only tell you by voice transmission.”

“Practitioners all have their own serendipity. The Holy Girl Su’s serendipity was extremely attractive back then. Even half of the masters from the holy sect were fascinated. But I was not interested.

It is said that the natural law is unpredictable, and individuals have their own serendipity. That is predetermined. But Holy Girl Su’s serendipity was forced to be shared to all by a group of old monsters... It was so despicable.”

Su Dieyin touched her chest, “I can’t tell you everything, but the reason I didn’t go at that time was no secret. I went to practice in isolation to miss the deadline to enter the Reincarnation Mirror deliberately. No one from the Su Family could change my mind.”

A light flickered over Su Li’s eyes and she did not ask anymore.

Su Dieyin was sincere enough and told her everything except for the specific reason for her practice in isolation.

Su Li guessed that Su Dieyin must have excused herself for the absorption of some inherited treasure like Cang Lei’s Cave during her practice in isolation. Otherwise, the Grand Elder of the Su Family would not agree.

Su Dieyin’s answer had won Su Li’s favor anyway.

“Perhaps the Second Branch can also be fostered for my use.”

Su Li thought absently as she saw Su Dieyin out.

An hour later, the other two shadows left. Su Li stopped thinking and sighed quietly, “How many traces of serendipity did I lose in my previous life? It’s hard to pay off...”

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