Lady Su's Revenge

Chapter 415 - Eating people

Chapter 415 Eating people

“Later, I broke my promise.”

Su Yuanhai became a little solemn, “Because of the cultivation, I couldn’t be around Su Li at any time.”

“One day, I finished my Body Refining practice. I shed my mortal bones and advanced to the Lianqi Realm. I was so excited that I ran to the small courtyard where Su Li lived. But I witnessed an extremely frightening scene!”

Su Li squinted slightly. When Su Yuanhai recalled the scene on that day, even if it had past two thousand years, he still could not help but get a pale face. He said with disgust,

“Those beasts were eating people! Su Li was unconscious. They tore down pieces of flesh from her limbs and back, ate them raw and drank her blood!”

“I could not see any human nature from their faces, but ecstasy and excitement. As if they were not eating human flesh, but an immortal elixir. At that moment, I couldn’t help throwing up...”

Su Yuanhai covered his chest, “I was too young, and my cultivation level was too low. Before I had time to react, I was knocked out. After I woke up, my father warned me that if I dared to reveal that, not only I would die, the whole seventh branch of Su Family would also be implicated. I was so terrified that I agreed in a hurry.

From then, although my cultivation went smoothly, every time I recalled what I saw that day, the demon in my heart would appear.”

Su Yuanhai was suddenly stunned as he spoke.

Where was his inner demon?

Nothing happened after he spoke so much about Su Li’s past.

“Do you know those cannibals?”

Su Yuanhai’s thought was interrupted by Su Li’s calm voice. He looked up and saw Su Li’s peaceful eyes. At that moment, he didn’t know why he felt so cold.

Ms. Su got angry, but why?

Su Yuanhai replied quickly without a second thought, “Of course. They were geniuses of Su Family back then, three generations older than me. And now they are the elders of the Elder House of the Head Branch. The person with the lowest cultivation among them should be in the late phase of Yuanying Realm. Su Huanli, the most talented one among them, has already been in the half stage of the Huashen Realm and grips the power of Su Family. He will become a person who has the same position as Su Family’s old ancestor after one stage!”

Su Huanli?

Su Li’s pupils shrank slightly, and she recalled that Su Huanli who had no opinion of his own in the Illusion of Reincarnation.

“Su Huanli... Why I’ve never heard of this name? Is there such a person in the Su Family?”

Su Li frowned and asked. Su Yuanhai could not help but smile bitterly, “Su Huanli was the trump card who was hidden by Su Family. I knew this until I broke through Yuanying Realm. Later, I went to attend a banquet held by the Head Branch and I recognized him at my first sight.”

Su Li nodded slightly.

It was a common practice that almost every sect among twenty-five sects had hidden talented disciples. They would never expose them until the critical moment. Su Family was not worse than any of the twenty-five sects, so it would be strange if they didn’t have hidden talents.

“I was careless. If I knew this, I should destroy Su Huanli’s Life Ring in the Illusion of Reincarnation.”

Su Li sighed.

It was dark under a light.

She destroyed so many genius’s Life Rings in the Illusion but failed to notice the people around her.

Su Huanli’s performance was too ordinary and common.

He acted as a head of a small philistine family, and Su Li had always thought he was just a spirit in the Illusion.

“Since Su Huanli has been in half stage of Huashen Realm out of the Illusion, I may have neglected a lot of enemies back then...”

Thinking of this, Su Li rubbed her glabella and asked another question, “Why does Su Li herself have no memory of her childhood?”

Su Yuanhai was shocked when he heard these words.

Su Li herself?


Although Su Li could force Su Yuanhai into answering her question, she did not want to suppress Su Yuanhai’s soul. So, she raised her eyebrows and explained, “I had some connections with her before. Do you want to know that?”

“No, I dare not!”

Su Yuanhai was in a cold sweat and didn’t dare to ask further. He replied obediently, “That’s because of the Illusion-arising Medicine. It could permanently erase someone’s memory. This poison was not made in Jiuzhou Region. A mysterious senior gave it to Su Family. And it has no antidote!”

Illusion-arising Medicine...

A completely unfamiliar poison and an unknown mysterious senior.

Su Li frowned and had more and more questions.

“Why did Su Huanli and the others eat Su Li’s flesh?”

She continued to question minutely in a calm tone, as if the group ate someone else rather than herself.

Su Yuanhai wiped his sweat and shook his head bitterly, “I’m not sure, but I have some speculation. The people who ate Su Li’s flesh back then were not all the hidden talents. I secretly observed and found that their cultivation speed became much faster after that!”

In other words, Su Li’s flesh could enhance people’s talent.

Su Li was silent for a moment and then waved her hand to let Su Yuanhai leave. She fell into contemplation alone.

“In that case, my talent in the previous life was likely much more than the heaven-typed spiritual root, but the rest was just taken away by Su Huanli and other people.”

“Since my talent had been taken, why was I still targeted until my body died and my cultivation disappeared?”


Su Li was so gloomy. Everything was just her speculation, and the truth could only be revealed by catching the real major criminal.

“Su Huanli is a good candidate, but he was in the half stage of Huashen Realm... it is a little troublesome.”

Her soft voice echoed in the room and faded away gradually.

The next day, Su Yuanhai and the other people of Su Family left Ni Sect with their heads in the air. Hua Yan cooperated with him and acted a play. Although the elders of Su Family had many questions, they didn’t dare to ask the reason why Su Yuanhai turned the tables when they saw their Master was well and the Lord of Ni Sect was submissive to him.

“These dumbasses of Su Family were easy to cheat.” Yan Ziye saw the Su Family members leave and couldn’t help but snicker.

Hua Yan shook her head with a smile, “Not all of them. The prosperity of Su Family must have its own reasons and those in Head Branch are not easy to deal with. Moreover, they just trust Su Yuanhai deeply.”

“That makes sense.”

Yan Ziye rubbed his chin. Thinking that Su Yuanhai knelt down in front of Su Li as he saw her yesterday, he could not help murmuring, “That was not the Mind Manipulation. Su Yuanhai was obviously awake and just changed his attitude towards Ms. Su. Even if I came from a holy sect, I actually never heard of any bizarre method like this.”

After a while, Yan Ziye scratched his head, “Leave it alone. Why should I think so much of it? Ms. Su will never use such a thing on her own people.”

Then, he really stopped thinking about it. He turned around and left.

Standing aside, Hua Yan was silent with some oddities in her eyes.

Even if she had not seen those top talents from different regions, she had heard of them. She still remembered very clearly that Yan Ziye, who ranked thirty-sixth on the Tianjiao List back then, would never bow in front of anyone.


After Su Yuanhai went back to the Su Family, Ni Sect returned into complete peace. Everybody including Su Li got a quiet period to practice.

Su Yuanhai claimed that Ni Sect belonged to Su Family, and no one doubted that. At least there was no flaw as long as the masters of those small sects were in their practice in isolation.

Su Yuanhai was not a fool. He began to arrange when he went back to Su Family. With his position, it was easy for him to spend some time to keep it a secret.

“Mengqing, you don’t have to do anything else but keep an eye on Su Yousheng and report to me if she has any actions!”

Su Yuanhai summoned the second elder, and instructed him seriously, “Besides, give her an extra 10 percent of practicing resources.”

Su Mengqing was surprised at these words, “Master, is it appropriate?”

It was understandable when Su Yuanhai asked him to monitor Su Yousheng, but why did he let him give that evil girl more practicing resources?

Su Yuanhai became cold, “You have too many questions. Do you have interest to be the master of the family?”

Su Mengqing was shocked and said no repeatedly.

“This is just a test... Fine, no more questions, just do what I told you.”

Su Yuanhai waved his hand tiredly, and Su Mengqing retreated in response. He was relieved, because Master was not too muddled to support that evil girl.

And the Head Branch did not care much about Su Yousheng.


Time eclipsed and two months passed quickly.

At this moment, in the forbidden forest at the back of the mountain.

Su Li replaced a wooden sword and was stabbing to the mountain stone transported by Yan Ziye.

The wooden sword was embedded into the mountain stone like stabbing into a piece of tofu.

Seeing this scene, Yan Ziye, who was serving aside, constricted his pupils. Because he clearly sensed that some power of pneuma and blood that he had never saw before burst out, when the wooden sword stabbed into the stone. Despite the surface of the rock was integrated, its interior had been ground into powder.

“How did she do that?”

Even having seen that many times, Yan Ziye still looked puzzled. He didn’t see Su Li use any genuine energy, but how could it be so powerful?

Su Li put the sword away and exhaled with her eyes bright and shiny.

“The ninth move is finished.”

Two months ago, she could not even understand the first move, which she took half a month to practice. Even Yan Ziye implicitly advised her to give up.

Su Li certainly would not give up. She kept trying the method of pneuma and blood arising and fused it with the swordsmanship. She finally made the first move on the twenty-third day.

That sword blasted a bottomless pit on the ground, which led to a landslide, like an earthquake. Yan Ziye could not come to his sense for a long while.

In order not to destroy the back mountain again, Su Li had to seal most of her pneuma and blood and replaced the former sword with a wooden one. Then, she carried on practicing.

Since then, she felt the difference clearly.

The following sword moves should be more and more difficult, but she felt them getting simpler after the first move was done, as if she was enlightened.

The second move was done within a night.

The third move, a half day.

The fourth move, one and a half days.

The fifth move...

Su Li was so addicted to practicing that her speed of progress was frighteningly fast. Yan Ziye’s desire was provoked. If he didn’t want to learn something secretly, he would go to practice in isolation.

After the ninth move was done, Su Li did not go on.

Cuixing Method had eighteen moves, and it’s a watershed from the ninth to the tenth move. Her instinct told her that it was not easy to cross the watershed and it was more reliable to stop and accumulate for now.

And she had some speculation about why she was able to master the Cuixing Method so quickly.

“I have always focused on the word Cuixing but overlooked that it is a body refining swordsmanship, which was not added by Black Lotus at random. It can really refine the body!”

Gripping her white palms, Su Li sensed a faintly improvement of her physical body. Her eyes became shiny.

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