Chapter 444 Leisurely Days Are Over

“10000-year Hollow Azurite is not that rare. When we are back to the earth, I, Master Fox, will get you eight or ten pieces of such jade...” The cyan little fox detests the Divinized Cultivator who put a stumbling block before Lin Luoran as he foresaw the future before he died. The fox jumps up and down on the starship, patting his chest to assure Lin Luoran of his ability to attain the jade.

Lin Luoran holds back a sigh. She has a hunch that they would not return to the earth in a short time—unless someone could give the earth a bargaining chip to talk to the Alpha Alliance on an equal footing.

“Is 10000-year Hollow Azurite exclusive to the Green Mountains?”

The cyan little fox has a triumphant look hidden under disdain as if such jade is as common as stones on the Green Mountains.

“Of course. Green Mountains Jade is native to the Green Mountains.”

“Back to the earth, can you enter the Green Mountains?” Lin Luoran’s voice somewhat shows her expectation.

The cyan little fox thinks about it for a while, but shakes its head. “I’m afraid it will need some time.”

How long does it need? It seems that the fox itself is not sure. Lin Luoran throws up her hands. How could she tell White Fairy to wait?

She drives everyone else out of the room except Han Weiya. No longer possessed by the goblin, Han Weiya has a fair face now. In fact, she’s a beautiful lady. Now she’s not as indifferent as before, for Taoist Danling’s teachings help her overcome the sense of inferiority. However, she still seems to be in a trance. Lin Luoran fears she may scare Han Weiya when talking to her, since herself is somewhat aloof.

Han Weiya is a loving sister, just like Ma Shuangshuang. However, she was once possessed by the goblin. Fancy that! The girl with such delicate features shouldn’t be the target of a goblin! But luckily, she finally got over and even became the successor to Taoist Danling. Maybe she has been unlucky for eight lifetimes before her luck takes an upturn? You know what kind of person could become the target of goblins.

Or maybe it’s because her constitution is different from others’, even without the Taoist root? Lin Luoran cannot tell now, so she puts this question aside.

“The cyan little fox is actually treating you for the disease by driving out the goblin, though its method is a little aggressive. Don’t be offended.”

Oh Lin Luoran, what you want to say is obviously not this! The words were on her lips, but she put them off. She wants to beat herself.

Han Weiya is a little excited. “I, how can I... Maybe you don’t know the red streaks have troubled me for years...”

How many years? When she was about five years old, she visited someone. As a child, she was unaware of the danger. She broke free from the nanny’s hand and touched a seemingly docile barbarian monster from the moonstar. All of a sudden, red light streamed from the monster and ruined her cheeks on the spot.

Her father, an interstellar businessman, begged the high-rank member star to treat her. It was diagnosed that something strange in her body had triggered the red streaks. They said it was “toxin”. However, now she realizes that it’s not toxin but a goblin in her body. If she hadn’t been determined to stay with cultivator Lin Luoran, she wouldn’t find out the truth for her whole life.

Luckily, she only suffered from red streaks on her face. Who knows whether the goblin would control her body some day and do something horrifying... if so, she would rather die.

Han Weiya is obviously grateful, which makes Lin Luoran feel like she is taking advantage of the little girl.

10000-year Hollow Azurite. Lin Luoran is not a green hand now. She knows that the Green Mountains Jade is most prized by cultivators who make elixirs. Only a little powder of the jade can improve the quality of the elixirs being made. Now that Taoist Danling took “dan” (meaning “elixir”) as part of his name, it’s not surprising that he has such a treasure as 10000-year Hollow Azurite.

The strange thing is, White Fairy, now a soul, will never make elixirs with 10000-year Hollow Azurite. So, what does she want the jade for?

The flesh is unrotten. The flesh is unrotten... Suddenly, Lin Luoran remembers the lifelike female corpse in white clothes that she saw in the underground palace.

How it resembles the body of Taoist Danling! Is it that both rely on 10000-year Hollow Azurite to remain unrotten? White Fairy said she had no sisters, but the corpse has exactly the same face as White Fairy’s.

Lin Luoran is reluctant to doubt the people around her. Therefore, she gets rid of this horrible thought.

Han Weiya has been waiting for her to speak, but she only encourages Han Weiya with a few words. She decides to postpone her previous plan.

After Han Weiya goes out, Lin Luoran remains alone in the room. Feeling tired, she presses her eye socket.

She has great respect for White Fairy, but she has only completed one of the three things she promised the Fairy. She did bring the Fairy to the Misty Peaks, but in fact, White Fairy helped her seize the starship. It’s no mean feat, since the starship of the Alpha Alliance is not an ordinary one, while Lin Luoran had no powerful weapons other than the Sword of Bright Snow. If they hadn’t tapped into the tunnel of the Ethereal Palace with the Fairy’s help and therefore confused the alliance soldiers, they could not have won the fight with ease.

However, the possession by the female corpse in white is like a thorn pricking Lin Luoran’s heart.

There is no trace of Huaxia cultivators, so she should not worry about the re-opening of the secret land of Bermuda, where she has more than one enemy in addition to the female corpse in white.

Lin Luoran consoles herself, but cannot dispel her misgivings.

Perhaps her leisurely days during the interstellar journey should come to an end.


The starship is gradually moving towards the normal orbit. Xiaozhi is working hard for it.

Among the plants collected from the planet where Taoist Danling’s body was found, the edible are singled out and cultivated in the planted area. One will feel less worried if he/she has stored enough food. Colin Weir can’t agree more. In fact, if Lin Luoran’s space is fully reclaimed to grow rice, there will be no worry even if she has to feed tens of thousands of people on the starship. However, it’s not a good thing to always rely on her space.

She used to think that she could provide the Lin family with daily necessities and a good environment for personal ability. She made sure they enjoyed the best food, clothing and housing.

However, when a disaster befell her family, she was not with them, neither was her space. At the end of the day, they could only count on themselves, right?

Everyone including the fox knows that Lin Luoran can bring them fresh food and superb spirit herbs at any time, but they don’t know how much more she can offer. She is always willing to share, though. She will take out many exotic things from time to time. Nobody is so imprudent as to ask where these come from.

Inspired by Lin Luoran, everyone feels that agriculture should be paid much attention to during the long interstellar travel. In particular, they are keen on external planted areas which will ensure their food supplies.

As for Han Weiya, she is working hard to digest the knowledge imparted by Taoist Danling. The spirit herbs she can find now are only the green seedlings in the cyan little fox’s medicine field. She cares about whether they grow taller every day. Looking at her serious look, Lin Luoran can’t help but think of Yuan Ye, her chief apprentice who loves making elixirs. If Yuan Ye meets Han Weiya, they must have a lot to discuss.

How about Ma Shuangshuang? Well, she has amazing talent. Since there’s no shortage of Reiki in the environment, it’s expected that Ma Shuangshuang will soon absorb Training Qi into her body and enter the early period of Training Qi.

As for Ma Yiming, he is a slow learner who hasn’t gained a sense of Qi so far.

It seems that Lin Luoran overestimates the difference between the Taoist root of four elements and that of three elements. Actually, Ma Yiming lags far behind Yuan Ye and Zeng Tian in cultivation.

Unless... She uses that Bone Marrow Cleansing Elixir to help him.

She has to think it twice. It is not easy to shape the Taoist root, so the matter cannot be decided on so rashly.

As regards Colin Weir, he gradually becomes acquainted with everyone. After all, there are only a few intelligent lives on the starship. However, the cyan little fox still finds faults with the handsome guy. Never mind. Colin Weir should be proud, for he’s now the first “alien” secretly recognized by Lin Luoran.

Of course, poor Colin doesn’t know what Lin Luoran thinks of him.

Lin Luoran doesn’t explicitly show her appreciation for anyone, including Colin Weir. Since Colin Weir doesn’t understand Huaxia’s reserved manner, he feels kind of hurt.

Lin Luoran has stayed in the room by herself for long. She said that she wanted to “refine weapons”.

It can take a lifetime for people to study the all-encompassing civilization of cultivation on the earth. Even if they do so, what they gain may be only a drop in the ocean.

The siblings of the Ma family discuss their thoughts on personal ability from time to time, while Han Weiya follows the cyan little fox to learn about spirit herbs and how to make elixirs. How Colin Weir envies his companions!

However, what he can do is to envy them.

Only the Huaxia people on the earth can engage in cultivation. It’s known to every member of the Alpha Alliance.

However, general knowledge may sometimes prove wrong.

For example, Lin Luoran refines weapons with monsters one day after she emerges from her closed-door training. A novel practice, isn’t it? As White Fairy says, some general knowledge is not always correct. Whether one succeeds in refining weapons lies in his/her understanding of what may work. The same can be said when one makes elixirs.

Some precious materials have been used but produced nothing, while some ordinary materials may have unique effects when their use is driven by inspiration.

Xiaozhi estimates that they would encounter an asteroid belt after a jump, but they don’t. Nevertheless, the jump causes something unusual.

Because of it, Lin Luoran even has to terminate her closed-door training in advance.

She has no choice, since the “Alpha-Edward” starship has the first “road accident” during the interstellar travel.

What it bumps into is not an asteroid, but a bigger starship. Yes. After drifting for half a year, Lin Luoran and her companions have finally found traces of another civilization among stars and planets.

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