Lady Lin's First-ever Journey to Immortality

Chapter 299 - There Is “Magic Spell” on Mount Penglai

Chapter 299 There Is “Magic Spell” on Mount Penglai

Where do I come from?

The fake saintess doesn’t know how to respond. Time flies and she has a quiet, wonderful time. She stays on Earth for a long time, even longer than the time she has spent on her mother planet. It’s normal she cannot think of the name of her mother planet in a minute.

“Open the Tower of Babel, priest. I don’t have time to play with you.”

Lin Luoran is smiling though there are still tears on her face. This expression stings the fake saintess and she grabs Lin Luoran from the floor.

She gnashes her teeth and whispers beside Lin Luoran, “No matter what planet you belong to, what is the point if your host is too feeble?” Of course, she uses the standard interstellar language so that other people cannot understand.

The “saintess”, or the “honored oracle” with whom others acquaint, is always cold and elegant. She has never been so hysterical before, so people may wonder what Lin Luoran says to her to make her lose herself and become furious.

Only Lin Luoran knows that what she says is right to the saintess’s spot. The saintess believes the civilization on Earth is still at the barbarian stage, compared with those civilized galaxies in the big universe era. So, she is confident that no one can figure out the distance between Mars and Earth, not to mention understanding the interstellar language. As a result, she naturally regards Lin Luoran as the same kind of people like her.

The priest is obviously reluctant to open the tower, the fake saintess sneers, “What is the point to resist? You know the coordinates of the galaxies? Do you know how to initiate the transmission? Your god Marduk will not lead you to the moon!”

The priest is astonished. He replies, “It is the place where you can be guided to the kingdom of god. However, you eastern people can never use it because you have no faith at all.”

The priest mentioned before that the Tower of Babel can lead one’s soul to the kingdom of god. It suddenly occurs to Lin Luoran that maybe what refers to is not only the soul, but in fact a cultivator who has a high personal ability. He can initiate the transmission only when he passes the test, like what Lin Luoran and her teammates are experiencing. What does the end of the sky lead to? What connection does it have between the galaxy coordinates the fake saintess mentioned and the star atlas? Can the Tower of Babel teleport people to the place they select, or it can only teleport to a random planet?

The sissy man shrugs, “My priest, I don’t think you can afford to make Babylon a burning hell, right? To be honest, no matter how many monks are in the Temple, they cannot fight against this.”

He opens his palm, and Lin Luoran finds out there is a handful of ordinary soybeans. He scatters them on the floor. The soybeans grow with the wind and become a team of soldiers wearing yellow armors, crowding the temple, looking at the priest coldly. It is the same phenomenon as what happens to Yang Lisha.

It is “Make beans into soldiers” in ancient Huaxia legends! Lin Luoran evens finds envy in the fake saintess’s eyes because she stands near the fake saintess. Now every clue becomes clear—why the woman wants to sabotage the cultivation civilization on Earth even though she envies it? Wouldn’t it be better for her to bring knowledge to her mother planet?

Is she unable to leave Earth? Or she cannot learn all the magic spells unless she has the identity of Terran? If the latter guess is true, it can be explained why she wants to take way Baojia’s body.

If she can only learn and use these spells and transmute the Reiki by possessing a Terran’s body, or more specifically, a body of Huaxia people, it is understandable why she has spent so many years on Earth... Lin Luoran feels lost instead of happiness. If only people from Huaxia have the Taoist root, and the fake saintess have been spending so many years to find one who has the Taoist root but still in vain, Lin Luoran doubts if the books or medicines in Mount Penglai can make Mrs. Lin have the root, not to mention the uncertainty to find Mount Penglai. She is a little desperate now.

The fake saintess notices her will to resist is diminishing, she asks, “You haven’t told me your galaxy or planet!”

Lin Luoran pushes the saintess’s hands off her collar, “What is the point of that question? We have different aims and just take care of yourself.”

Yang Lisha doesn’t know what Lin Luoran is thinking, but can sense Lin Luoran is down. This never happens since they knew each other and got the secret of the Tower of Babel. She feels worried—not for Lin Luoran, but her soul wood.

“I have got the ancient book of the monsters of Wood.”

Yang Lisha goes behind and speaks beside Lin Luoran’s ear on purpose when the priest is dejected and guide all the monks out of the Temple.

Lin Luoran’s eyes light up, but soon the hope goes away. Yang Lisha thinks Lin Luoran doesn’t believe her words, so light comes from her hand and a book made up by some unknown leaves appears.

Still, Lin Luoran doesn’t seem excited, she just replies, “Does Mount Penglai exist?” In her mind, there will be no way to rebuild to Taoist root even though Mount Penglai exists because there are no fairies now.

Yang Lisha’s hand turns and takes the book back.

“Of course it exists, or what spell do you think my ancestor used just now? Do you believe the Spells of the Five Elements can make things from the void and make the beans into soldiers?”

The ancestor mentioned by Yang Lisha is probably the sissy man. He wears colorful clothes and no one can tell what kind of monster his origin is. Nevertheless, he must belong to the monster of Wood. The Spells of the Five Elements all need to borrow the power from the Five Elements to attack or defend, so Lin Luoran cannot imagine it can be cast like that by the sissy man. Within a wave, these soldiers become the beans again.

Since everyone’s focus is on the stone tower and nobody notices them, Yang Lisha decides to tell Lin Luoran some news. Otherwise, their performance will be bad enough to be obliterated.

It is impossible to speak because all of them have reached the gathering vitality stage or higher except her and Lin Luoran. She even believes the fake saintess can compete against these figures who live in the elder time of cultivation.

So, Yang Lisha has to write on Lin Luoran’s back at a steady pace. Lin Luoran is stunned because the characters Yang Lisha uses are Chinese pinyin that is popularized after PRC is founded 2,600 years from now. No matter how long these monsters have lived, or even with the help of the interstellar translators, it is impossible for them to understand.

In fact, Lin Luoran is overly worried. When the priest is forced to open the tower gate, the sissy man, the fake saintess and these Huaxia cultivators all pay their attention to the star atlas and have no time to notice the two people’s moves.

“There is some fairies’ heritage on Mount Penglai and my ancestor got some of them. The spell he used just now is what he learned on the mountain! According to my ancestor, if one just focuses on how to cast the spell, he goes in the wrong way. One shall concentrate on the echoing of the laws of heaven and earth to use the arts of nature. Now you shall believe it really exists.”

Yang Lisha writes slowly, and Lin Luoran changes her attitude from carelessness in the beginning to seriousness.

The sissy man, or “the ancestor” in Yang Lisha’s utterance, made the beans into the soldiers. It is not a trick or illusion because even though it may deceit Lin Luoran’s cleared eyes, there is no way it can trick the priest who can make Lin Luoran freeze by only a word. These bean soldiers can really fight... This is what Yang Lisha means, “the law goes first”?

It does not have a magnificent effect, nor the fancy movements. It even has no power to attack or defend. However, this belongs to a higher level, and more mysterious power—the arts of nature!

The gate of the Tower of Babel keeps closed and the spiritual mind of the fake saintess is like a touch-screen computer. The star atlas on the dome flashes back in her mind and she checks every star.

No familiar nebula, galaxy, asteroid belt and stars appear. This star atlas still seems far from her hometown.

“Pah!” the fake saintess is so angry that she wants to destroy the stone platform, but the stone is so solid that after a click of sound another platform rises from under the floor. And one thing that Lin Luoran and Yang Lisha know well comes into sight. It’s the crystal ball!

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