Chapter 104


Ahead of Yalcon, there is the town called Yufrates .

The barbarian army that lost the Ten Thousand Men General Tanashi in the battlefield was greatly shaken .

It just means that he was such a huge existence .

When I reorganized the remaining troops and advanced up to Yufrates, the man who named himself as the vice-general sent an envoy and offered a surrender in return for the guarantee of his life .

I accepted it .

In the town of Yufrates .

It is the most developed town in Siracuza’s territory and a town that has been prosperous in commerce and culture for a very long time .

Most of the merchants make their footholds here, and many cultured people also live here .

It is that kind of town .

We leisurely entered that Yufrates .

A large palanquin entered the town while protected by soldiers .

Described with a few words, that is something like a king-sized bed with a roof .

Its size is that of a bed but it is made as a sofa . Fiona and Marie are riding that .

Ten soldiers carry that in each direction in a total of 40 men .

At first, I thought of making the two ride a carriage, but Aura softly rejected it .

It is Aura who is “a royalty closer to the people” than Helen and Rica .

「This is more like a royalty」

She said .

It is an idea that would not come from Rica who was mostly confined in the past and Helen whose talents are concentrated to the military .

Of course, I don’t as well but, I can understand .

Being carried by people is more prestigious than being carried by wheels .

That’s why I did that .

Fiona and Marie who are riding that palanquin is wearing clothes for royalties .

They really seemed like it adding it with the palanquin .

「I-I’m so nervous」

「Onee-chan, get a hold of yourself」

Fiona had a very nervous expression like she reported herself .

Marie who encourages her but actually nervous at the same level .

They look fine when far away but faults might be seen when near .

That palanquin that carries the two entered the town and slowly advanced through the main street .

The citizen of Yufrates gathered at the street sides and welcomed them with cheers .

It’s the same at the time in Chigris .

The citizens are happy that people of Siracuza have returned, they are glad that the royalties returned .

I thought of why at that time, but seeing Tanashi, I understood .

The barbarian army, they have yet to capture the hearts of the people .

Probably, they have complaints .

And that turns and turns, becoming the welcome to the Siracuza related Fiona-sisters .

However, that welcome, it became pressure for Fiona and Marie .

「Fiona-sama banzai!」

「Marie-sama banzai!!」

Voices that commend the two could be heard from here and there .

And with that, it resulted to the two becoming little because of nervousness .

I walked at the side of the palanquin and looked up to the two, then said .

「Fiona, Marie . You can take it easy」


「Whatever happens, I’m with you」

Fiona had a stunned face .

「Onee-chan, get a hold of yourself」

Marie said exactly the same words as earlier, but, the tone of her voice is different .

What’s there was not nervousness but excitement?

It was not licking each other’s wounds, it is a strong tone that encourages her big sister .

「We shouldn’t put shame for Kakeru-san . Look, everyone’s looking」

Marie said that, and looked at the other side of the palanquin .

I thought that “everyone” is about the citizen, but what Marie looked at was not that .

It’s Helen, Rica, and Aura who are walking beside the palanquin .

The head of three countries, the disguised girls who are marching beside my unit .

Marie says while staring at them .

「If we become timid and uncomely here, they’ll get disappointed」

「……that is right, huh . Un, we shouldn’t behave strangely huh」


Fiona regained herself and Marie nodded clearly to her big sister’s reply .

I don’t know why Helen, Rica, and Aura has something to do with that right now .

『You’re really loved huh』

Eleanor said . It’s with a half-teasing tone .

「What do you mean?」

『Those girls, Helen, Rica, and Aura, they are people who fulfill their jobs properly as royalty . At the same time, they behave so, that they would not put shame as your woman』

「I guess so」

I somehow felt it like that .

I feel like they’re trying to do their best both at public and private .

『The sisters, they just said that they must not lose against them . A royalty but your woman as well . Their target of comparison is those three』

「Ahh, I see」

I got convinced .

It’s true that Fiona and Marie’s position is exactly that of the three .

It is normal to compare their selves to them .

Honestly, I don’t really care about that, either way, Fiona and Marie are my women .

However, while this and that happened, the two calmed down .

On the palanquin, the started to act like royalty, not losing to their clothes .

“If so, then that is good as well”, I thought .

Traditionally, the king of Siracuza places their palace on the north side and the queen’s palace on the sound side .

The royal capital is exactly that .

Then, what if it’s with a queenーーI entered a mansion on the north side of Yufrates .

There is an audience hall that is made quickly in that mansion and Fiona and Marie lined up their throne .

Fiona on the left and Marie on the right .

I stood diagonally to the twoーーthe so-called ministerial position .

「I am called Murato Feris . I am honored to be at the presence of Your Highnesses」

A man wearing armor kneeled and greeted the two .

「It is an honor as well to meet Yuuki, His Excellency」

The Siracuza Baron greeted me as well .

「Are you the one in charge of this town?」

Fiona asked Murato with a frank tone .

「No, the one in charge, it is the Ten Thousand Men Generalーーoh, it is Tanashi who governed Yufrates . I am his aide . So, well, I am the one in charge but I was not just a while ago」


Marie tilted her head .

Murato started his supplementary explanation in a hurry .

「Yes . Well, that guy was a terrible guy . I tried to stop him many times, but he is not someone who would listen to other people . He is really acting without consultation, everything was done by that man, yes」

Murato spoke very quickly from the beginning .

His mouth had foams and spat saliva while talking .

He is a disgusting guy in a lot of meaning .

『Kukuku, he is avoiding the responsibility at all costs』

At the same time, he’s seeking favor from Fiona and Marie .

Well, I understand . I understand wanting to do that .

He’s really “that” as a human, but I’ll ignore it for now .

Compared to guys like Theo who you wouldn’t know when he’s going to betray, guys like this are easier to control .

If he’s seeking a big tree, we only need to be one .

『You’re saying better words now huh』

I’m not saying it though .

I continued talking to Eleanor inside my mind .

While that happened, Murato continued his fawning .

「So, it is not like that, please leave Hidekel to me . The guy in there is an acquaintance for a very long time, so if I persuade」


I got between his words .

「It is the name of the fortress west of Yalcon . It is in between Chigris and Yufrates . Originally, it is a place that is good for watching enemies, but right now, it is isolated instead」

「I see」

The sphere of influence was severed thanks to the entry to Yufrates huh .

「That is why, with a light〜 persuasion」

I really hear it lightly the way he said it .

「Persuasion huh〜」

「What do you think, Onee-chan」

The two thought of it deeply, and the result of that, they looked at me asking for help .

I did a light cough and said .

「As Your Majesties wish」

I stared at the two while I said that .

I implicitly said that “do what you want, I’ll take care of it if anything happens” .

And that……they understood it correctly .

Fiona and Marie looked at Murato .

「Well then, can you persuade them」

「Please leave it to me!」

Murato said while he pounded his chest .

A face full of smiles, joy from being appointed an important position by the Queen huh .

「If it fails, Kakeru-san, please」

With Marie’s additional words, his shoulders dropped that even I pitied him a bit .

I left the audience hall and walked through a corridor .

I left to Nana guarding Fiona and Marie .

And when I was walking through the corridor like that, one woman came, guided by a servant .

A black silk hat and a dress that shows a lot of back skin .

A woman who naturally releases a different kind of sexiness from the noble and royalty’s elegance .

Delfina Homers Lanmari .

A female merchant who is said to have wealth equal to that of a country .

「It has been a long time, Kakeru-sama」


We stopped and Delfina and I talked .

The servant that guided her silently walked to the wall side, taking distance to not be on our way .

「You came」

「Yes, just now」

「How was it? Did you earn a lot?」

「Yes, very much」

Delfina smiled gracefully .

「I see, good for you then」

I said that and put a hand around Delfina’s waist .

It was a movement without warning, unable to react, she landed within my arms .

And after thatーーI kissed her .

I sucked her sweet smelling lips .

I enjoyed her lips, unlike how she looks, she becomes just a girl the instant she enters my arms .

After enjoying that leisurely, I released here .

「……what is it so suddenly?」

「You earned a lot right? It’s all thanks to me . It’s my share」

「What a wily man」

Delfina made a sulking face . I already released her from my arms but she is still lovely .

Cute rather than pretty .

She took a breath and made a serious face .

Then, she told me .

「Kakeru-sama . I wish to receive permission」

「What, permission?」

「Actually, I am thinking of profiting from selling information, not just supplies」


What information?

I thought about Theo for an instant and my eyebrows moved .

「Please do not misunderstand, What I wish to sell is Kakeru-sama’s information and the Demon Sword’s information . About the real Demon Sword, about the Demon Sword that newly appeared, and about the Demon Sword Wielder who uses them . I am thinking of selling those three」

「……will you get profits from that?」

I thought for a bit, but I couldn’t get it .

Can that be turned into money?

「I can just say, it depends on how to sell it」

「I see」

I don’t understand anything, but since Delfina says so, she would probably earn from that .

If so, that is alright .

「I can allow you, but I have a condition」

「Is it about your share?」

She said mischievously . I ignored that .

「It’s a secret that Hikari can turn into a human . It is only aboutーーDemon Sword Hikari」

「Yes, I understand」

She said with a face saying “of course” .

「Then it’s fine」

There’s no problem as long as she protects that .

『You doting parent』

I ignored Eleanor’s teasing words just as usual .

And, I started walking with my hand around Delfina .

Delfina and the servant that guided her got surprised .


「Do you have plans after this?」

「Greetings for Her Majestiesーー」

「Then, go with me」

It’s alright if it’s Fiona and Marie if I told them later .

And just like that, I pulled Delfina to the nearest room .

There’s a bed inside . Bingo .

I pulled her inside, and the servant closed the door in a panic .

And, I kissed her .

The second kiss for the day .

Delfina was quick to match the movement of our mouth and tongue .

After kissing for a while, I released her .

She had a far more feverish face compared to earlier .

「What is it so suddenly?」

「I’ll take my share」

「Eh? Did you not want it」

「I didn’t say I don’t want anything」

「T-That is true……」

「You don’t want to?」


Delfina made a sulking face .

「……what a wily man」

I embraced Delfina .

I poured the accumulated fervor that I got from the battle earlier into her .

「What a terrible man……」

It became late in the night and she whispered exhaustingly .

As I’ve thought, Delfina is ridiculously cute in times like this .

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