Knight's & Magic

Chapter 115. A wild knight has appeared - 2

Chapter 115. A wild knight has appeared - 2

The little mage lightly lowered her eyes. There were no signs of lying to the small demons here, including Eru. It was also different from arrogance, it’s just that they knew their power.

Just as she was about to sink into a pensive mood, Eru stood up. He looked around and said.

“But it’s only a bad idea for us to fight the Rubel Clan alone. That won’t achieve our goal.”

“Even if we defeat it?”

“The problem is the procedure… I’m convinced. The Rubel Clan must be defeated by the hands of the giants. At least this matter must be considered.”

The possibility is not the problem. If the Rubel clan were to be defeated by the Silver Phoenix Knights and the Little Demons, the remaining giant clans would never be satisfied. If that happens, the clans will fall into chaos, which will inevitably call for a new battle.

“Therefore, I will gather the clans. We will conclude this in a battle between the giants. At the same time, we will show our strength. So they won’t underestimate the Little Demons.”

“I see. You’re going to protect the survivors of the deforestation expeditionary force, right?”

Dietrich said, turning his gaze towards Zachariah, who was standing near the edge of the room. Zachariah was quietly listening to the surroundings and especially his mouth doesn’t show any movements at all.[1]

“Small mage < Parl >. We will fight for it. “

“We see things differently, but we follow the same path. We, the Caerleus clan, will not forget the work of the Little Demons.”

The little mage nodded. For most giants, the Little Demons are insignificant. But the Caerleus Clan knows that is not the case because of Eru’s presence.

“Thank you. So, we have to take the lead in this battle, and for that reason, we have to devise a way to send out the small mage, < Parl > to the clans …”[2]

Then Eru explained his plan.

While Izumo was approaching the territory of the giants.

A little further away from there was a small village of the small demon tribe. This was the village that was once visited by the Caerleus clan, and because of that, it was involved in a battle with the demonic beasts.

The traces of the battle’s aftermath were still strong. Although the reconstruction of the houses had progressed considerably, still all of them were temporary ones to overcome the situation of emergency.

The life of the villagers, which was a harsher environment than before was not easy. They lived hard every day with the words of a little knight who traveled with giants and the nobles of the upper town.

Then suddenly one day, the village was visited by an unexpected situation.

Villagers who were out for field work looked up at the sky with a stunned expression. The sun around them faded and the shadows fell. Speaking of whether the clouds were flowing, they weren’t.

With a low roar, a huge object drifted across the sky.

It was formed by a combination of wood and steel, it was something that was not naturally created. Even to the inexperienced villagers, it was clear.

“What… is that? It’s not a magical beast.”

“By any chance, what is this Giant, < Astragari >…” [3]

“Saying stupid, do they fly in the sky?” [4]

A lot of strange things, like a fish, with different shapes, were flying around the huge object. They seemed to be protecting the giant object. If so, was this like a ‘nest’ of something like a fish?

“What the hell. Before the knight returns, this is what it is.”

“Uwah, we have to run away quickly.”

“Where to? There’s no place to hide…”

(Editor’s note: I feel sorry for them, it seems you can’t hide in the middle of the field.)

They could only stand stunned. The little demons who have nothing, do not have the power to resist mysteries.

At that moment, something jumped out of the giant thing that was slowly moving over the sky.

It was as small as the size of a small dust, its shape becoming clearer as it fell and approached. It looked like a person, wearing a large full-body armor.

When it neared the ground, it decelerated and a violent gust of wind blew out as the person in full-body armor slowly descended to the ground.

As the villagers gazed at him with bated breath, the person in armor flipped up his helmet and spoke intimately.

“Everyone, it’s been a while! Have you been alright?”

A familiar face that appeared from under the helmet - was of Adeletrud. The villagers were frozen with their mouths hanging open.

After a while, the village chief, who seemed to be in a hurry, arrived, as the villagers were finally regaining their sanity. The village chief alternately looked around Addy and at the ship in the sky.

“Ki, Kishi-sama. I didn’t expect you to come back so soon…If that is the case, are those in the sky accompanying Kishi-sama’s followers?”

Alternatively, there may be an unknown Phantom Beast Knight, << Mystic Knight >>. They had previously helped build a Kasasagi. There was a possibility that there was something beyond that, and it was not without a doubt.

For such doubts, Addy shook her head with a bitter smile.

“That’s the ship of our Order. So, I came to pick up the heart of Shin-chan that was left behind.”

“Haha. We have kept it just like you left it sir.”

The village chief nodded. She seemed happy, thus she made more demands.

“Also, I’m here with the Knights, and I think it would be more convenient to have a base here. So, I was wondering if you could lend me the village’s facilities again. Of course I would like to thank you and we’ll try not to get in the way too much! “

“There is nothing but demise. As you can see there is nothing there, but please feel free to use it.”

“Thank you! Then I’ll contact them, hmm…”

Addy launched the signal bullets installed in the Phantom Armor, << Silhouette Gear >>. A bullet of dazzling light signaled the success of the negotiations to the ship.

After confirming the signal, the airship began to lower its altitude.

When it had lowered enough, the door at the bottom of the ship opened. With the clunking noise of gears and chains in tow, a Phantom Knight, << Silhouette Knight >> dropped down.

A heavily armored knight in silver-white armor. It’s the First Company Commander’s unit - Aldriadcumber.

Following that, the squadron’s Karrdetolles landed one after another. The white cross drawn on the armor shined brightly.

In the blink of an eye, a company of Phantom Knights appeared in the village.

The villagers were at a loss for words, staring at the scene in front of them. Wearing steel armor, a huge humanoid machine that is different from the giants. A phantom knight, a legendary existence to protect people.

“Oh… I’m able to see this kind of scene while I’m alive.”

Drops of water flew down the cheeks of the village chief, who was overwhelmed by emotion.

At that time, Aldriadcumber’s chest opened and Edgar came down. He exchanged a few words with Addy and then came to the village chief as indicated.

“You must be the people of this village of the Small Demons. My name is Edgar C. Blanche, who leads the first company of the Knights of Silver Phoenix. The other day, the leader of the Knights and his assistant leader took great care from you.”

“No, no! No! It was rather them who helped us, we are so thankful to them…”

“However, I’ve heard that due to being involved in a battle with the giants, I hear that the village was severely damaged.”

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