King Of Chaos

Chapter 80 Ch 80: Red Star Secret Realm

Ye Xiao closed his eyes and started comprehending the three techniques. As for the Myriad Flame Image Technique, there was no need for Ye Xiao to comprehend this technique again.

What Ye Xiao wanted to do is to create a very special technique that exclusively belong to him. As long as the technique belongs to him, it could grow stronger along with him.

Now, Ye Xiao already has an idea as to what to do.

Comprehending three techniques and creating a new technique is a rather long process. Ye Xiao was not in a hurry. He just continued to go ahead step by step.

One day, two days, five days, ten days…

One month, two months, three months…

After a total of three months, Ye Xiao's entire body shook. Immediately, a large amount of Chaos Energy suddenly enveloped the library, but that also disappeared very soon.

Ye Xiao finally opened his eyes. A smile could be seen on his face.

After whole three months, he was finally able to create a very powerful skill. Now, Ye Xiao just wanted to try it out.

But this was not the right place to try out his newly created technique.



"Grand Elder, are we really going to accept Lord Chen's invitation?" Hao Chuan looked at Hao Lufan and asked.

"I'm afraid we have no choice but to accept Lord Chen's invitation. We can not afford to provoke either Lord Chen or Young Master Ye."

There were two invitation letters on the table beside Hao Lufan. Lord Chen had sent someone to deliver them. They were for Hao Lufan and Ye Xiao.

It seemed like Lord Chen was also paying attention to the matters in Black Gold City and Crystal City a few months ago and knew that the Hao Family actually drank the cup of humiliation Ye Xiao gave them. This must have attracted Lord Chen's attention and he invited both Ye Xiao and Hao Lufan.

Hao Lufan never wanted Ye Xiao to go and meet Lord Chen, for he did not want anyone to make connections with Ye Xiao.

Hao Lufan already knew the contents of Lord Chen's invitation letter. The Red Star Tournament could be considered a grand event in the entire Star Forest Region. How could he not know?

"Young Master Ye hasn't come out of the library yet. It has already been full three months."

Hao Lufan frowned. Ye Xiao had already stayed in the library for a full three months and had yet to come out. If not for the fact that Ye Xiao's aura was still in the library, Hao Lufan might even suspect that something had happened to Ye Xiao.

But now, he could only wait quietly. Ye Xiao had not come out and he clearly told Ye Xiao before that he could stay there as long as he wants. No one would come to disturb him.

At this moment, Hao Lufan suddenly sensed Ye Xiao coming out of the library.


Hao Lufan rushed over immediately.

"Young Master Ye, you've finally come out!"

Hao Lufan's attitude was very respectful. Ye Xiao nodded slightly. It seemed like his identity really did its effect. Hao Lufan must want to make connections with the Illusionary Spirit Gate through him.

"Senior Hao, why are you in such a hurry? You look quite rushed!"

Hao Lufan took a deep breath and said, "There's an invitation letter from Lord Chen here. Please make the decision."

Hence, Hao Lufan handed the invitation letter to Ye Xiao.

"Lord Chen?"

Ye Xiao opened the invitation letter and roughly understood what Lord Chen meant. He was inviting Ye Xiao to participate in the Red Star Tournament, but Ye Xiao knew nothing about Lord Chen and the Red Star Tournament.

Knowing Ye Xiao might not have any idea about the Red Star Tournament since he was not from the Star Forest Region, Hao Lufan spoke, "Young Master Ye, you may not know this, but Lord Chen is a Chaos Spirit Realm warrior. He has long become a Peak Chaos Spirit Realm warrior and is one of the famous experts in the surrounding empires. It's even rumored that Lord Chen will definitely enter the realm of Three Stages of Spirit Fusion in less than a thousand years!"

"Lord Chen likes to gather genius disciples. He's not particular. Every hundred years, he would invite Chaos Dust Realm experts from the major aristocratic families and factions to participate in the Red Star Tournament. He will also bring some geniuses to participate in the competition along the way. If there are any geniuses that Lord Chen is satisfied with during the competition, he will even take them in as his disciples."

"Therefore, the Red Star Tournament became a grand event that was the hottest topic in the surrounding empires. Prodigious geniuses of the empire would definitely pay attention to or participate in it."

Ye Xiao nodded. He did not care about geniuses at all.

"Chaus Dust Realm warriors like me are also invited to the Red Star Tournament. Lord Chen spent so much effort to organize the Red Star Tournament and invited many Chaos Dust Realm warriors to participate. It's probably not as simple as a gathering, right?"

Ye Xiao quickly caught the main point. He did not believe that Lord Chen would be bored enough to specially choose disciples, and invite so many Chaos Dust Realm warriors just to show his authority.

A high and mighty person would not be so senseless.

"Of course, Lord Chen naturally has another goal. Actually, Lord Chen's true goal is to use the Red Star Tournament to gather many Chaos Dust Realm warriors to open the Red Star Secret Realm which only Chaos Dust Realm warriors could enter."

Hao Lufan revealed the true purpose of the Red Star Tournament.

"The Red Star Secret Realm?"

"That's right, the Red Star Secret Realm! It is said that when the Emperor Star Forest was still here, he created this secret realm to train geniuses. There are countless treasures left behind by Emperor Star Forest in the Red Star Secret Realm. However, after his disappearance, no one was able to access the Red Star Secret Realm again."

"There are layers of formations set up inside. It was fine when Emperor Star Forest was still here, but without him, anyone above the Chaos Dust Realm who enters the Red Star Secret Realm will be instantly killed by the series of formations. Only Chaos Dust Realm warriors can enter through the gaps in the formations of the secret realm once every hundred years."

"I see!"

Ye Xiao also roughly understood Lord Chen's goal. The Red Star Secret Realm had been occupied by Lord Chen, but he could not enter it himself, so he invited some Chaos Dust Realm warriors to enter it.

They had to share half of the treasures obtained later with Lord Chen.

It was precisely thanks to possessing these treasures that Lord Chen could improve at a very fast speed. The Red Star Secret Realm was indispensable.

Of course, there were definitely some who would refuse to give the treasure to Lord Chen. However, Lord Chen had his own methods of screening candidates. Otherwise, why would he dare to invite so many Chaos Dust Realm warriors into the Red Star Secret Realm?

"Young Master Ye, are we going to the Red Star Tournament?"

"Of course we are! How can we miss a secret realm that once belonged to Emperor Star Forest?"

Ye Xiao naturally would not let go of any opportunity. He also hoped to find opportunities within the Red Star Secret Realm that could improve his cultivation to the Peak of Chaos Dust Realm.

If he cultivated by normal means, who knows how long it will take him to improve.

After all, just breaking through from the Third Cycle of Chaotic Transformation to the Early Stage of Chaos Dust Realm took him three years of time. 

"There's no time to lose. Let's set off first. There's no need to take the flying ship this time. We'll fly slowly and enjoy the scenery along the way."

Ye Xiao said with a smile. He had not been in the Star Forest Region for long. During this time, he had been busy cultivating and had not really admired the Star Forest Region. The journey to participate in the Red Star Tournament this time was long, and this was actually an opportunity.

"Also, do you know what is the most special thing about the Red Star Secret Realm?" Ye Xiao asked.

"The most special thing?" Hao Lufan frowned, and after a while, he suddenly raised his brows as if he had thought of something. Then he said, "It is said that there is a miraculous treasure inside the Red Star Secret Realm that could bring back a dead to life. This treasure gives a second life to almost everyone below Three Stags of Spirit Fusion. This treasure is called Second Life Elixier."

"Countless people had tried to obtain this treasure but everyone failed. No one has any idea where this treasure could be found, but one thing is for sure, the Second Life Elixier is definitely hidden somewhere inside the Red Star Secret Realm."

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