King Of Chaos

Chapter 117 Ch 117: Dark Emperor: Good Or Evil?

Just as the Dark Emperor was about to take an important step, the space crack in the sky suddenly expanded, and the speed of the Heavenly Demon's hand pressing down suddenly accelerated.

Mu Yue, Shi Kong, and all others only felt that their body was smashed by a heavy hammer, and they opened their mouths and coughed out a mouthful of blood.

Dark Emperor was slightly alright compared to the other people. He only felt a terrifying pressure but did not cough out blood.

The sudden increased pressure made everyone's bones break and many of them fell to the ground.

"If not now then I will never be able to walk out alive from this place!"

The Dark Emperor gritted his teeth and muttered in a hoarse voice. Then he looked at everyone's fallen body on the ground and took the last step he wanted to take.

His eyes suddenly turned completely dark and dozens of dark tentacles waved out of his body, spreading everywhere. The dark tentacles wrapped around people's bodies and started affecting them in a strange manner.

Ye Xiao, who was watching everything, could not help but wonder what exactly the Dark Emperor was doing. But the next instant, his eyes widened upon witnessing a horrifying scene.

He saw all those people who were wrapped by the dark tentacles struggling to stand up. Their eyes also turned completely at some point and there was no longer the breath of life on their bodies. They had already died mysteriously. It is just that the dark tentacles were controlling them.

Suddenly, all the dark tentacles moved at the same time and started combining. And just like dark tentacles, the people wrapped by them also started fusing with each other's bodies. Their bodies started bulging and swelling. They started sticking to each other in a very strange and eerie manner.

Very soon, a giant was formed from the fusion of dozens of bodies. But this was not the end.

Dark Emperor controlled this giant and sent it to face the giant hand of the Heavenly Demon. At the same time, he put his hand on his hand and very soon, dark fragments of light started gathering on his body. Very soon, the Dark Fragments of Light combined and transformed into a crystal.

Ye Xiao was very familiar with this crystal. This was the Dark Source Crystal.

Everyone present at the scene including Mu Yue and Shi Kong was shocked when they saw this. They could feel a deadly premonition in their hearts. It was foreboding. It was a far more horrible feeling than facing the Heavenly Demon. It was as if... Even if they could escape from the Heavenly Demon, they could never escape from the power of this Dark Crystal.

It was terrifying!

"This... What is this?" Mu Yue could not help but ask.

Dark Emperor showed an extremely eerie smile on his face. Then he explained, "Its name is Dark Source Crystal. It is a treasure I coincidently obtained from somewhere. Anyway, that is not important. You both are my friends and I think you will not hesitate to help me even if it means sacrificing your lives. Right?"

Hearing the malice in Dark Emperor's voice, Mu Yue and Shi Kong could not help but take another step back. They were shocked to witness their brother-like friend acting in such a manner.

Just what happened?

What caused Dark Emperor to suddenly change?

None of these people could understand!

Dark Emperor laughed crudely and spoke in a sinister voice, "Actually, I have been planning this for a long but I did not expect to use this move so quickly."

As he spoke, he pointed at the Dark Source Crystal and said, "This Dark Source Crystal helped me comprehend the Dark Force and become what I am now. After I comprehended the Dark Force, I was finally able to touch this crystal. I'll not go into detail. Just know that this crystal gave me everything I have now. The ability I used before was also comprehended under the blessing of this crystal. After being able to touch the crystal, I suddenly made a plan. I separated a small part of my soul, wrapped it with the Dark Force, and hide it inside the Dark Source Crystal."

"Because of the Dark Force wrapped around the small part of my consciousness, it will not be affected by Dark Source Crystal and stay safe for eternity. I planned to take this step because I want to live for eternity. Even if I die someday, I will be able to be reborn by seizing someone else's body."

"As for why I am telling you all this because you all are going to die here. I don't want to sacrifice this body of mine just yet, but I am also not capable of killing you all with my own strength. After all, everyone present here is at least a Minor Saint!"

"So, I'll just use the Dark Source Crystal to kill you all!"

As he spoke, the Dark Source Crystal in his started shining, and extreme darkness suddenly shrouded the world. Nothing could be seen in this darkness. Even Ye Xiao was unable to see anything.

"Roar!" "Roar!" "Roar!"

"Roar!" "Roar!" 



Countless roars and screams echoed in the air, and the atmosphere immediately became dreadful. The next moment, the smell of blood changed the pure air.

Ye Xiao could not help but activate the Heavenly Demon Eyes. He wanted to see if this ability will work or not. After all, he is not really present at this place when this event is taking place. This event is an event of the past. And he is just witnessing the event of the past through the Red Crystal given to him by the Major Saint Realm Chaos Beast.

As he had expected. His ability did not work. He failed to see anything clearly.

But then, he suddenly heard a voice. This voice was familiar to him because he heard this voice not long ago. The owner of this voice was none other than the Chaos Beast Ye Xiao wanted to kill after coming out from the bottom of the cliff.

The Chaos Beast roared: "Dark Emperor. You injured my core, causing my cultivation to regress. I will never forgive you!"

Dark Emperor laughed sinisterly, "So what? Anyway, you will die here!"

"Humph!" The chaos beast snorted, "Don't think only you have a secret. We will meet again someday in the future. And if you are still alive by then, I will come to kill you!"

As he spoke, a crack suddenly appeared in the darkness that started swallowing the darkness. Very soon, the image of the Chaos Beast became clearer in Ye Xiao's view.

"This?" Dark Emperor was surprised, and as if he felt something was wrong, he hurriedly threw a dark token at the chaos beast that merged into its body upon touch. The Dark Emperor then said, "I have marked you. No matter when, the moment I'll sense you, I will kill you!"

Although everything was very puzzling to Ye Xiao, he could at least understand something from the Dark Emperor's words. 

Dark Emperor's words clearly showed that the Dark Emperor does not have the confidence to keep the Chaos Beast here until he completely killed it. It seems that the Chaos Beast was fully capable of escaping.

Then Ye Xiao saw the chaos beast suddenly jumping into the crack that was swallowing the darkness and disappearing.

Not long after, the darkness dispersed, revealing a battleground where only skeletons were scattered everywhere. There was also a skeleton that was holding a long sword tightly, not letting it go.

This was the skeleton of Mu Yue. And beside him was the skeleton of Shi Kong.

In this battlefield, aside from Dark Emperor and Dark Source Crystal that was hovering over Dark Emperor's head, only the giant Heavenly Demon remained.

And this was also the moment the memories come to an end. The scene in front of Ye Xiao's eyes disappeared and Ye Xiao found himself sitting in the cave of the chaos beast.

From this event, Ye Xiao clearly grasped a few points.

1 → This event was very likely of the time when Heavenly Demons invaded the Land of Morning Stars. After the end of the war, even though the Dark Emperor was very strong, he still died not long after returning to his Dark Palace.

2 → Dark Emperor's soul was still protected inside the Dark Source Crystal, and in the future, Dark Emperor wants to seize control of his body from him by destroying his soul in the future.

3 → This Chaos Beast might have secretly entered the Red Star Secret Realm when he learned that the Dark Palace was moved into this secret realm by Emperor Star Forest. He wanted to enter the Dark Palace but was afraid of the aura of Dark Source Crystal, so he never dared to go down to the bottom of the cliff and look for Dark Emperor.

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