Kaiju Maker in Another World

Chapter 195: Alliance Army's End, Primordial Profound Ark

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--- Chapter 192 ---

Yu Long emotionlessly watched the land near the Divine Phoenix City turn red from blood. He has no sympathy for people who jumped on others' misfortune.

Not to mention, these people are his enemy. He's going to deal with them sooner or later. It's just that Pandora's action fastened the process.

After confirming the last foe had fallen, Yu Long commanded the mutated Profound Beast with his flute and watched them enter the portals back to the Myriad Season Dimension.

Yu Long glanced at the Divine Phoenix City's wall and saw Feng Xue'er didn't look very good. She's very pale after witnessing so many deaths.

However, Yu Long also noticed a flicker of a determined heart in this difficult situation.

A small smile slowly formed on Yu Long's handsome face as he chuckled in realization, "Although she's commendable, a girl shouldn't look at a gory sight for too long."

Yu Long stretched his right hand and willed [Kaiju Maker] to extract the essence from a million, if not more, dying enemies.

Usually, he would turn them into individual Raw Essence Spheres, but he doesn't want to waste time. Every drop of Alliance Army's blood, shred of flesh, and pulverized bones rose from the battlefield and turned into red particles.

These red particles gathered above Yu Long's form and slowly condensed into a Raw Essence Sphere. It has such immense vitality, which is okay for Kaiju-making's fuel.

"From now on, the Alliance Nations will be weakened severely." Yu Long threw the condensed Raw Essence Sphere to his Kaiju World. "We can start conquering them."

"As for the Four Great Sacred Grounds, I can let them live for a couple more days before sending the Cleaning Squad."

"Hehe, I can let them savor the fear I did today..." For a moment, Yu Long sounded like a cruel devil. But then, he quickly composed himself and returned to his lovers' side.

The news of the Alliance Army's defeat should spread on the Profound Sky Continent quickly. When the Four Great Sacred Grounds learn this and are trying to salvage everything they had, Shadow Realm and Lost Heaven Sect will launch a joint attack at their whimpering form.

"Grandpa and Yun Canghai are probably more than happy to lead the operation." Yu Long returned to the Divine Phoenix City's wall.

"Are you alright?" He landed a few steps away from Feng Xue'er.

However, Feng Xue'er hugged Yu Long instead and buried her small face on his chest. "Big Brother, thank you."

"Xue'er is aware now."

"Xue'er shouldn't be kind toward my enemy."

'What?' Yu Long stared at the ladies and noticed they were smirking at him. He sighed helplessly and patted Feng Xue'er gently.

After a little war episode, they returned to the Divine Phoenix Palace and informed the Phoenix Emperor that Yu Long had defeated the Alliance Army.

Feng Hengkong and Feng Tianwei were in disbelief. Although they trusted Yu Long, the army of Five Nations with Four Great Sacred Grounds's support is still an overwhelming force.

That's it until Yu Long told them to go outside and check the battlefield themselves.

Yu Long has cleansed the battlefield, but the traces of the fight still exist like giant craters from over a hundred thousand mutated Profound Beast stampedes. Several mountains near the Divine Phoenix City were 'similarly' destroyed, leaving his father-in-law and grandfather-in-law speechless.

At this point, the surroundings of Divine Phoenix City have become a complete wasteland. A few weeks ago, this area was so prosperous.

Aih, the current state of the land is just unbelievable.

Unknown to Yu Long, making Feng Hengkong and Feng Tianwei see the state of the land drove them to be more ambitious to hold a wedding ceremony for him and Feng Xue'er.


In a garden, Xu Nannan and Yu Long talked about something.

"Is it over?" Xu Nannan asked while enjoying her tea.

"Yes, you look relaxed, Grandma." Yu Long leaned against the wall.

Xu Nannan smiled, "I've witnessed too many deaths to care much about them. As long as those deaths aren't my family..."

"I probably should contact Sanshan now."

"You want to counterattack the Four Great Sacred Grounds, right?"

"Wow, you guessed it?" Yu Long raised his brows.

"It's not hard to guess."

Xu Nannan giggled while placing her teacup down, "Your grandfather and I knew your ambition to conquer the Profound Sky Continent. While you're doing this out of necessity to keep your people growing, we also wanted to avenge the Eternal Night Royal Family's unjustified fall."

"You don't know how much generational hatred your grandpa has to carry in his unfortunate life. When I met him for the first time, he wished to become the strongest man in the world but lacked the best time to cultivate."

"Who would have thought our grandchildren would be so monstrous that his dream will come true soon."

"This is also good. My granddaughter can grow without having to worry about our past." Xu Nannan closed her eyes and sighed in relief.

"Wait, you never told the Divine Phoenix Empire's Royal Family about our Eternal Night Royal Family's lineage..." Yu Long realized something.

Xu Nannan peeked at him, "Well, that was unnecessary..."

"But now that you remind me, we will talk it out with Tianwei as soon as Sanshan arrives at the Divine Phoenix City."

"Anyway, enough of that. What about that lass, Xue'er."

"She's a good child, isn't she?"

Yu Long smiled naturally, "Yes."

Xu Nannan noticed Yu Long's easygoing smile and nodded in satisfaction, "Treat Xue'er well, Yu Long."

"I don't want to see my granddaughter-in-law unhappy."

"Don't worry-!" Before Yu Long could reply, Xu Nannan added something to her statement that made him speechless.

"If Xue'er was unhappy, how could I have many great-grandchildren?"

Yu Long's mouth twitched, "What great-grandchildren? She's still too young for that."

"I will excuse myself then. The Primordial Profound Ark isn't going to wait for me."

"See you later, grandma."

Watching Yu Long's departing back, Xu Nannan shook her head because Xu Sanshan was like their grandson.

"One day! Eventually, I will return the Eternal Night Royal Family to its former glory!" A voice of burning spirit struck Xu Nannan's memories.


Yu Long arrived at the Divine Phoenix Garen and saw the ladies were ready to enter the Primordial Profound Ark, which includes the recovering Feng Xue'er.

He glanced at the Primordial Profound Ark and commented, "It looks more like a ship than an ark. Then, again. Noah's ark is also a ship."

Primordial Profound Ark is the creation of Evil God. It is also the place where he kept his dying daughter. Well, half of his daughter.

"Let's go!" Yu Long extended his hand to Feng Xue'er.

"Mm." Feng Xue'er accepted his hand, and everyone flew to the Primordial Profound Ark.

They boarded the ethereal-looking ship and were 'immediately' greeted with a desolated board. Yu Long didn't have to say anything as everyone split out and checked the Primordial Profound Ark differently.

After all, the Primordial Profound Ark's interiors are akin to secret realms themselves. This place is too vast for one large group to explore.

Yu Long and Feng Xue'er entered the Primordial Profound Ark and met with some Tyrant Profound Beasts. They are nothing special, but Feng Xue'er could use them as sparring partners.

One hour passed, and they arrived at a deserted land.

"Hmm, this place is too quiet." Feng Xue'er looked around curiously.

"Big Brother, I don't detect any Tyrant Profound Beast here."

Yu Long nodded, "We are mostly deep inside the Primordial Profound Ark now. Those Profound Beasts only roamed outside."

"There is something there. Let's check it out." He sensed a ghostly presence nearby and dragged Feng Xue'er along.

Feng Xue'er happily followed Yu Long, and they entered a fortress with some complex arrays. These layers of arrays are unique because they connect to the whole ship, meaning this place is where one could control the Primordial Profound Ark.

"Big Brother, look!" Feng Xue'er pointed her finger somewhere.

"T-There is a girl there..."

Yu Long stared at the area Feng Xue'er pointed, 'So, you're here. Evil God's Daughter.'

A petite little girl slept inside a crystal coffin.

She had long hair that reached all the way to her lower back and was bright red. Her face is cute with an exquisite nose pointed upwards, watery tender lips, and similarly red eyelashes. She wore a bright red imperial robe and looked like a porcelain doll.

However, Yu Long knew she was very much alive.

"Sky... Poison Pearl..." A hoarse voice suddenly reverberated in the room.

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