Kaiju Maker in Another World

Chapter 150: Saving a Little Girl

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--- Chapter 147 ---

Entering the castle, Yu Long found the interior extended with the space-expanding array. After all, the outer layout didn't match the room inside, considering they had walked over five hallways and seven stairs.

"A few months, yet this branch is better than others." Yu Long commented lightly. "As expected of the second blacksmith and craftmaster in the Shadow Realm." 

Ye Zhi chuckled and humbly replied, "The Azure Cloud Continent was a treasure trove. Without it, we couldn't build this base fast enough." 

"Han Bing said that earlier, but just how many resources does Azure Cloud Continent have?" Yu Long couldn't help but frown. 

Due to the Four Great Sacred Grounds' rampant monopolization, most natural resources in the Profound Sky Continent have gotten dug out.

Fortunately, Yu Long possessed [Kaiju Maker] and has done countless research. 

He can invent better resources through alternative means. Even ordinary grass that everyone uses to feed their livestock is beneficial under Yu Long's miracle hand. 

"Here, take a look at this." Ye Zhi pulled something from her combat armor and handed it to Yu Long. "We found this growing all over the Grandwake Mountain, and people simply use it to relieve their back pain." 

It was a mushroom with a thin white body and a puffy cloud-like blue head. At first glance, this mushroom looks poisonous.

"Woah, this thing is amazing." Yu Long activated [Kaiju Maker], observing the mushroom for a second. 

Under Yu Long's eyes, he discovered the mushroom has an excellent purification property! Of course, the purification effect was 'unfortunately' buried because the rawness of its property needed to be refined and combined with another catalyst first. 

"We could create a more effective medicinal bath for body tempering."

"Indeed, but this Blue Filling Mushroom is not the only thing. We found many other herbs and resources that didn't exist in the Profound Sky Continent." Ye Zhi said seriously. 

"Lord Shadow, we need the order to take over the Azure Cloud Continent immediately!" 

"I will lead the legion right away!"

"Okay, okay, calm your horses." Yu Long sighed, giving Ye Zhi a helpless look. "I will deal with the Cloud's End Cliff first." 

Ye Zhi's body stiffened when Yu Long mentioned Cloud's End Cliff. She gave Han Bing in the back a dirty look, making the shadow agent tremble slightly. 

"This... Lord Shadow knew about the Cloud's End Cliff already?" She calmly asked. 

Yu Long put on a wry expression, "I did, even before sending you guys here."

"It's a dangerous place, which caused four deaths of our comrades." 

"I bet you tried to enter the place." He gave Ye Zhi a knowing look. 

Ye Zhi rubbed the back of her neck and replied, "I did. And I almost die there." 

"The place below the cliff is a complete darkness, a realm of abyss." 

"I encountered several dangerous beasts there. Each stronger than any Sovereign Profound Realm Experts I've faced, excluding Lord Shadow and Shadow Brides..." Ye Zhi clenched her fists. 

"Right now, I'm trying to craft a Light-element Weapon." 

"As expected." Yu Long smirked at Ye Zhi. "You don't give up right away." 

"Shadow Agent's life shall perish under Lord Shadow only!" Ye Zhi said with a grunt. "How dare those filthy beasts take my comrades' lives? As one of the first Shadow Walkers, I must avenge them." 

After saying that, Ye Zhi's aura became wild-like, as if a wild beast bared its fangs angrily. 

For a moment, everyone could see an image of a winged black tiger with golden stripes behind Ye Zhi. The tiger looked so menacing that Chu Yuechan instinctively grabbed the Song of Broken Pines' handle.

'This woman!' Chu Yueli felt threatened for the first time. 

As a Shadow Walker and earliest member of the Shadow Realm, Ye Zhi's prowess is not even a question. She's indeed strong and only entered twenty-five years old recently. 

However, Chu Yueli didn't expect Ye Zhi to be this strong!

Ye Zhi is at the peak of the Sovereign Profound Realm, and her profound art is very close to level 20. She's equal to Chu Yueli in terms of cultivation and achievement.

No, since Ye Zhi is younger, she has the upper hand. 

Ye Zhi realized her sudden outburst was too much. She bowed to Yu Long and said, "I'm sorry for showing an unsightly appearance." 

"It's okay." Yu Long waved his hand. "I understand your feelings." 

After that, Ye Zhi entertained them with wine and delicious food. 


A few hours later, the sun finally reached its peak. 

Yu Long leaned on the castle wall and looked far ahead, observing the unfamiliar mountain range and scenery. He smiled because the situation here was much better than the Profound Sky Continent. 

There is much more to explore. 

Although Yu Long hasn't explored the Profound Sky Continent, Shadow Realm's intelligence network allows him to gather everything he needs, which makes it uninteresting. 

"It's decided. I will make this continent mine." Yu Long smiled confidently. 

Azure Cloud Continent was several years behind due to the Ancestral God's interference. And it was a blessing in disguise for Yu Long, who wanted to develop his force rapidly. 

Now that Yu Long thought about it, Yun Cne's plot armor is cliche. His little aunt was actually this primordial goddess who started the birth of God Race, Devil Race, and many others.

"Karma..." Yu Long grabbed something from his pocket. It was a pendant with a clear mirror attached, but the mirror was 'actually' cracked due to the broken cycle of samsara.

He rubbed his chin and mumbled, "Evil God said I only have to form a link with Mirror of Samsara to see Karmic Threads. There are white, black, and golden threads." 

"White means good karma." 

"Black means bad karma." 

"And golden means innate karma." 

Yu Long placed the Mirror of Samsara between his brows and used [Kaiju Maker] to initiate a link. An explosion of mental wonder happened in Yu Long's head, and his golden eyes gained this misty white ring.

"Oh, Evil God wasn't lying." He blinked, finally seeing Karmic Threads.

If Evil God's scattered will heard Yu Long questioning him, he would probably smack him on the head.

Yu Long stared at his Karmic Threads and mumbled, "Everyone has bad karma, but mine is actually thinner compared to good karma and innate karma." 

"Hmm, I did bad things and good things... Still, does indirect influence also cause good karma?" 

"On the other hand, innate karma is like something I was born with. Well, it was the thickest thread out of three. Maybe because I saved Earth back then." 

Suddenly, Yu Long saw his golden thread was 'awkwardly' tugged by something. 

He looked ahead with enhanced vision and saw a group of people running in the forest. "Oh? Interesting." He smiled and told his wives about his sudden departure.

Yu Long jumped into the air and glided toward the group of people. It was a group of seven, and the one leading the group was a dirty-looking man with a crying little girl on his shoulder.

"UWAAAAAAAAAAAAH! FATHER!!" The little girl cried out.

"You gotta be kidding me." Yu Long's mouth couldn't help but twitch. "This is the reason my golden thread tugged?"

He stared at the girl and found her somewhat familiar. 

A sudden pang of Yun Che's memory flashed in Yu Long's head as he finally recognized her.

"Fuck, that girl is Su Ling'er. One of the heroines..." Yu Long cursed in realization. He complained inside because Su Ling'er was somehow attached to his innate karma. 

He quickly descended and stopped on the group's path. His lofty and young appearance caught the group of seven off guard, but they immediately scowled at Yu Long. 

"Brat, who are you?" The frontman brandished his saber at Yu Long.

"None." Yu Long answered casually.


"None of your business!" Yu Long's golden eyes become colder. 

"Brat, you're courting death!" 

Yu Long ignored the cliche line and stared at the crying little girl. He used a sound transmission technique and told her to close her eyes.

Su Ling'er stopped crying as she heard a soothing voice entering her mind. She blinked her big eyes and looked at the handsome big brother nearby. 

She saw Yu Long smile and nodded, closing her eyes. 

Yu Long used [Art of Ghost] and slaughtered the group of seven with an overwhelming technique. They couldn't blink before perishing.

He caught Su Ling'er and placed her on the ground. 

"It's okay, you can open your eyes now." He said with a complicated look.

Su Ling'er slowly opened her eyes and saw Yu Long standing before her. He was so dashing and heroic, making her little heart feel weird.

She looked around, trying to find the bad guys that kidnapped her. 

However, she couldn't find them.

"B-Big brother, are you my prince?" She said while looking at Yu Long brightly.

"What?" Yu Long was confused.

Su Ling'er blushed and continued, "Mom said a prince always comes to save his princess! Since you saved Ling'er, doesn't that mean you're my prince?" 

'What's with the logic?' Yu Long was speechless.

Su Ling'er wiped the tears and smiled happily, "Hehe, Mom is right! Ling'er will find her prince and marry him!" 

"Big brother, Ling'er want to be your bride~!" 

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