Kaiju Maker in Another World

Chapter 129: Setting Deals with a Toast

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--- Chapter 126 ---


"Good wine, good wine." Yun Canghai drank wine straight from a jug and wiped his lips in joy. 

Although a monarch-level expert like Yun Canghai won't need sustenance anymore, who said he couldn't enjoy good food and wine?

He hasn't eaten or drunk anything for over a century, so drinking this kind of beverage soothes his thirsty throat the most.

Yu Long watched this in amusement, knowing how satisfied Yun Canghai was. He placed down a few more jugs of wine and opened one for himself.

He wasn't the type of guy who liked to drink wine, but no one would stop him from enjoying one. Feeling the mood warmer, he brought Evil God's Fireseed and a wire rack.

"Hmm, what are you doing?" Yun Canghai asked.

Yu Long smiled and replied, "Don't you think a good wine must get paired with good food? I'm going to grill some meat now." 

Yun Canghai's eyes lit up as he watched Yu Long bring nicely cut meat from his spatial ring. The marbling on those meats is unbelievable.

"Nice meat you have there..." Yun Canghai blurted out of nowhere.

Yu Long frowned at Yun Canghai's comment but decided to ignore it. He roasted the meat on the wire rack and sprinkled salt over the sizzling goodness, bringing out more flavor.

He tossed chopsticks at Yun Canghai, "Eat." 

"We will talk after that." 

"Hehe, sure." Yun Canghai laughed like a kid and picked a big piece of meat, putting it in his mouth. His eyes widened in shock because he saw a cow mooing and flying in the sky. 

'What the fuck-!'

Yun Canghai never tasted such a good piece of meat in his life.

At first, he thought it would be too soft for his liking because of the marbling. But oh boy, he was wrong!

The meat is balanced between juicy and soft, allowing Yun Canghai to taste the meaty flavor with no excessive oils. On top of that, he doesn't feel too greasy when chewing it.

Yu Long picked a random cut and ate it casually, "Hmm, not bad." 

Unlike Yun Canghai, Yu Long's taste buds are 'strongly' enhanced due to his five senses ability. Yes, he also could tell the profound beast's diet and general life by consuming this piece of meat.

In short, he could obtain bio-information by eating flesh or other organs.

After filling their stomach with good food and wine, Yu Long manipulated the ground below him and created a pillar to lean on. He stared at Yun Canghai, who had this euphoric expression.

And to add on, Yun Canghai looks younger by a decade now. Well, He recovered his lost vitality. Even his skinny body seemingly gained a few pounds.


"I'm full." Yun Canghai said while lying on the ground.

Yu Long shook his head and commented, "Don't lie down after eating. It's bad for your stomach," 

"What are you? My mother." Yun Canghai laughed, flipping his finger at Yu Long. He does whatever he wants.

Yu Long shrugged as he warned Yun Canghai already. If this middle-aged man gets cramped later, it's not his fault.

"So what do you want from me, boy?" Yun Canghai asked, closing his eyes. 

Yu Long stared at the formation and replied, "The Blue Wind Ranking Tournament has entered the final tournament. Soon, a shady man named Ling Kun would lead a group of promising youth and let them see a 'demon' in a cage." 

"Also, what's with the boy?" 

Yun Canghai ignored Yu Long's last question as his expression darkened when he heard Ling Kun's name because he hated the guy. 

"That fox-like bastard!" 

"I wish he experienced a horrible death!" 

"Woah, you really hate him, huh?" Yu Long whistled in amazement. Yun Canghai won't hate someone without reason, so Ling Kun must be a villain that the original plot didn't describe much.

All Yu Long knew about Ling Kun was that he was and still is a schemer, an elder from the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region, and the uncle of Xuanyuan Yufeng(the jealous wife of Heavenly Sword Villa's master).

However, it seems there is more to it.

Yun Canghai snorted, "Ling Kun is more than a hateful guy. If I could escape this place, I wish for nothing more than shredding him apart." 

"He was one of the reasons why I got trapped here." 

"If not... I and my ten brothers could at least save the Demon Emperor's remains." 

Yu Long stared at melancholic Yun Canghai silently and couldn't help but ask, "Demon Emperor... He's the ruler of the Illusory Demon Realm, right?" 

Yun Canghai nodded, "Yes." 

"The Demon Emperor is the strongest powerhouse of our Illusory Demon Realm. He was also the one who bestowed me the 'Demon King' title." 

"He treats me like his biological brother!"

"But no matter what, I couldn't do anything to save him. I couldn't even salvage his remains." 

"It's a sin. How could I, a Demon King, not protect the Demon Emperor from harm?" 

"Hmm..." Yu Long rubbed his chin. "Do you want an honest answer or not?" 

"Tell me a lie first. It doesn't matter at this point." Yun Canghai laughed bitterly in pain. 

Yu Long sighed, "It's not your fault. From how I see it. Your side isn't united enough, which results in the Demon Emperor's Death." 

"You, after all, are only a monarch-level expert. A peak of the mortal realm." 

"You're far from being omnipotent." 

"Boy, how many do you think monarchs are in this world?" Yun Canghai frowned distastefully. "We are the cream of the top! The strongest existence below the legendary Profound God Realm!" 

"Frog in the well, that's what you are." Yu Long didn't even bother to argue with Yun Canghai.

Yun Canghai blew the steam off his chest and asked, "So what's your honest opinion?" 

Yu Long smirked and answered straightforwardly. "Weak, you're simply too weak." 

"If you have absolute power, you wouldn't be here." 

"If you have absolute power, you might be able to save your Demon Emperor." 

"If you have absolute power, no one could defy you!" 

"Unfortunately, you are weak. You couldn't even win against my Demon King, and you give you a head up. Muzan isn't the strongest subordinate I have." 

Yun Canghai digested Yu Long's words and became quiet. He knew Yu Long was right but didn't want to admit it. 

He still has pride. 

"Anyway, I'm here not to belittle you." Yu Long continued while throwing another wine jar at Yun Canghai. 

Yun Canghai caught the wine jar and opened the lid, drinking the content in a hasty gulp. "I'm all ears, boy." 

Although Yun Canghai doesn't acknowledge Yu Long's words, he knows the golden-eyed youth is a dangerous character. To have such a being like the Scorpion-tailed Demon King Muzan under his control, Yu Long couldn't possibly be an ordinary kid.

Yu Long pointed at Yun Canghai and then pointed at the sky, "I will get you out in a few days. But first, I want you to create chaos and possibly attack Ling Kun into a coma." 

Yun Canghai finished half the wine and laughed madly in surprise, "Hahaha~! Now that's an interesting offer." 

"Tell me more about it." 

Yu Long shared his idea with Yun Canghai, and the Demon King became more excited as he kept listening. Yun Canghai couldn't wait to rip Ling Kun's shit-eating grin into shreds!

"Deal?" Yu Long lifted his wine jug at Yun Canghai.

Yun Canghai chuckled and toasted Yu Long. "Deal!" 


Yu Long stood up and brushed some dust from his clothes. He smiled at Yun Canghai and said, "I will see your performance tomorrow." 

"Hehe, don't worry. This old man will give you a fascinating show." Yun Canghai patted his chest confidently.

After giving Yun Canghai some cultivation resources and gifts like wines and food, Yu Long waved his hand and left the formation. Yun Canghai watched Yu Long's back disappear and clenched his hand.

"I finally could get out of this hell hole... Just wait, Mighty Heavenly Sword Region and other holy lands. This Demon King will make you suffer!" 


Upon vowing his revenge, Yun Canghai's stomach suddenly grumbled.

"Uugh, my stomach..." Yun Canghai kneeled on the ground painfully.

"Ah, I should have listened to that boy."

Yu Long didn't know about Yun Canghai's stomach ache and returned to his courtyard. He was about to enter the bedroom when he saw Chu Yuechan swinging Song of Broken Pines with difficulty and beads of sweat on her beautiful face.

The claymore is too heavy, but Chu Yuechen tries her best to control it.

"That's not how you wield a heavy sword, Yuechan." He called her out.

Chu Yuechan's eyes widened as she awkwardly stumbled and fell to the ground, showing Yu Long her toned ass. 

It was a beautiful view.

Yu Long coughed and looked at Chu Yuechan's peach 'respectfully' before helping her. 

As the clumsy maid got on her foot again, she blushed and tried to hide behind the greatsword.

Yu Long couldn't help but chuckle, "Don't be shy. Everyone starts from somewhere." 

"Do you want to learn more about wielding a heavy sword?"

"Can I?" Chu Yuechan gazed at Yu Long hopefully. 

"Of course, you can." Yu Long gave her a reassuring smile. "You're my maid. You can't be too shabby, no?" 

"Well, the night is still long... I will teach you a personal lesson." 

"Take it as a secret lesson between the two of us." 

"S-secret..." Chu Yuechan's heart throbbed in excitement.

She breathed in and pumped her fist, "I'm ready!" 

"That's the spirit." Yu Long responded playfully. 

He wanted to tease her more for some reason.

After this, Chu Yuechan couldn't sleep a wink without imagining indecent things.

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