Listening to Julian, the person walked towards the Snorlax and took out candy, and examined it, he didn't believe that this small blue-colored candy can stop the Snorlax from snoring but he wanted to be optimistic and believe that it works.

He got on top of Snorlax and put the candy inside its mouth, Snorlax didn't even flinch and swallowed the candy and within just a few seconds, the sound started to fade away which surprised the person on top of the Snorlax. ​​

He looked at Julian and back at the candy in his hand in surprise.

Person "How?"

He asked.

Julian "I also have a Snorlax"

Julian answered with a smile, as the Snorlax calmed down, the people of the town went to sleep as soon as the Snorlax calmed down, Julian also found peace of mind once the snores calmed down, one could still hear the snores if they get closer to Snorlax but it couldn't be heard once people went inside their house.

He went to an inn to rent a room for a few days but he got it for free as he helped the townspeople a lot, they say that sleep is the most precious thing a human can have and it looks like it is true.

People will do anything to sleep if one is derived from it.

The townspeople also helped him a lot by telling him about the territories around the town and where he can find certain types of pokemons on which part.

This helped him a lot as it will severely reduce the time he will have to waste looking around for the pokemon he is searching for.

After getting all the help he can get and filling up his ration Julian continued his journey, this time he took a different route, route 6 which leads to Parfum palace, route 6 is the place where he hopes to catch his next pokemon.

He will then have to come back and head down route 7 to head towards Cyllage city.

On his way towards Parfum palace, Julian didn't waste his time looking around the forest as the townspeople told him that the pokemon he is looking for can be found near the palace.

As he found himself getting closer to the palace he started to notice changes, the road became much better and there also seems to be walls blocking the forest from the path, whoever lives in the palace has given a lot of thought to safety.

The townspeople told him that the pokemon he is looking for can be found over the wall so without even thinking for a second, he jumped over the massive wall with ease and arrived on the other end.

Unlike the path he just rode through, the other side of the wall is a dense jungle, he started to look around for the pokemon he has been meaning to catch, after seeing the pokemon in action in multiple online videos, Julian really wanted one.

He started to look around the dense jungle, he found pokemons but not the one he was looking for, even though after the townspeople's guidance, finding this pokemon was harder than he thought.

He soon found one he was looking for but it was quite average which was quite disappointing, he had to spend the night in the jungle setting up a camp.

Julian continued his search the next day and found the pokemon he was looking for three different times but again, their potential was not up to his mark, once again he spent the night in the dense forest, he continued on the third day and he finally found the one he was looking for.

Not only did it have very high potential, and it is also a shiny, shiny pokemons are known to have high potential and the one he just found was one of the best he could find.

He looked at the floating shiny pokemon in the air and smiled, he was not going to lose this one, he sent out Porygon.

Porygon came out of its Pokeball and observed the pokemon in front of it, it looked at the floating pokemon whose body seems to be made of metal, it analyzed the surrounding and its opponent, finding out its typing of Steel/Ghost as well.

Within a few seconds, Porygon has everything it needs against its opponent, Honedge.

From the day Julian has heard and seen Honedge, he has been wanting to catch and train one, he is especially interested in its final form, Aegislash.

It can change its attack and defense stats drastically, this allowed its trainer to have so much versatility on a battlefield.

Julian "Ok, let's do this, Porygon get ready, use Thunderbolt"

Julian commanded.

Porygon charged up and shot a Thunderbolt at Honedge.

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