Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 980 - Catching The Pokemon

Julian continued on his way towards Santalune city and also on his quest to find a Flabébé with a white flower, just as he read on the internet, it was really hard to find a Flabébé with a white flower, he only found two on his second day of searching for them but both of them were quite a disappointment.

Julian wondered if he should just catch one with other colors? he had found some Flabébés with great potential but they didn't have a white flower. ​​

But having a rare type of pokemon was like a little obsession of his, he decided to give it another day before he changes his mind and just finds a Flabébé with great potential for his team.

On the third day, he did the same and spent half of the day searching for the Flabébé he was looking for and just as he was about to give up, he finally found one.

A Flabébé holding onto a white flower was floating around a bush cheerfully, Julian looked around and saw some people sitting around and having a fun time, it looks like these Flabébés don't fear human so Julian should have no problem approaching the little one.

He calmed his breathing and putting on a friendly appearance, approached the little fellow that is flower-hopping from one bush to another.

Flabébé, of course, noticed a human approaching it so it turned around and looked at the tall human in front of it, it felt a present aura around the human, since it didn't feel anything dangerous from the human, it decided to approach him.

Julian was surprised as the little fellow approached him on its own, he thought that he would have to get its attention by giving it some sweet nectar.

He learned that Flabébés love sweet nectar from flowers, they spend most of the time collecting them and drinking them.

Julian got on his knees and met the Flabébé at his eye level with a smile on his face, the Flabébé smiled back and it was quite cute in Julian's eyes, its head big compared to its body, big ears, round eyes, and a cute little proboscis-like mouth, it held onto the bud of its flower with its tiny arms.

This little fellow was quite a cutie.

Julian 'No wonder, Flabébés are so famous among little children.'

Julian thought as he looked at the little fellow, Flabébé approached him and got right next to his face as it felt comfortable around Julian.

Julian took a good look at the little Flabébé and noticed that this one is a female, he smiled and took out some sweet syrup he made from some barriers for his pokemon as they love it, he gave some of it to Flabébé.

Flabébé's proboscis twitched as she smelled the sweet fragrance of the syrup in Julian's hand, without even waiting for a second, Flabébé got closer to his palm and extended her proboscis and started to suck the syrup with a big smile on her face.

Julian could tell that Flabébé loved the syrup and he was happy as well, it didn't even take a minute and Flabébé finished it all and looked at Julian with its cute round eyes asking for more.

Julian "How about you come with me, I have a lot of it with me"

Julian said with a smile and he suddenly realized that it sounded really weird, he realized that if he had said the same words to a little kid, he would be sent to jail.

Julian decided to ignore his thoughts and looked if Flabébé would agree to him, to his surprise Flabébé didn't even think for a second before nodding her head, looks like she liked the sweet syrup a lot more than he expected.

Well, there was nothing to complain about, so Julian took out a Pokeball and caught his very first pokemon in Kalos. Since Porygon was given to him, Flabébé is the very first pokemon that he caught in Kalos.

He was quite happy with his catch, this Flabébé has a lot of potentials and its cuteness was par with Crystal, he then wondered when Crystal will wake up from its slumber, he knows for a fact that the two little fellows will get along very well.

With two pokemon in his team, Julian decided to begin training them but before that Julian needs to learn more about Porygon.

As the day was about to come to an end, he found himself a hotel and rented a room for the night, when he got into the room, he took out his two new pokemons.

Flabébé and Porygon, Flabébé came out of the Pokeball and looked around the new atmosphere, since its already night time, Julian took out some sweet syrup and put it on a plate before giving it to Flabébé, Flabébé didn't wait around and just dove towards the plate and started to suck the sweet syrup.

Julian just smiled and put his focus on his Porygon who is just sitting there staring at Julian with its lifeless eyes, waiting for a command as it is just a computer code at the end of the day.

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