Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 944 - Julian Vs Dhrago (3)

Dhrago sent out his next pokemon, he was still in denial as he couldn't believe how fast his Walrein was taken down, he believed it to be a fluke, a critical hit might be the reason behind it.

All these thoughts ran inside his mind, his next pokemon entered the battlefield, it was Hitmonlee. ​​

His Hitmonlee entered the battlefield and started to kick the air, its powerful kicks vibrated the air, it tried to intimidate Garchomp, but Garchomp looked at it as if it's just a brat.

Dhrago "Use High Jump Kick"

Dhrago didn't wait around and went for the big moves from the very beginning, his Hitmolee moved very fast, so fast that normal people couldn't see its movements.

Julian "Counter with Iron Tail"

Julian and Garchomp on the other hand saw this attack coming before, Dhrago could even make a move, both of them were anticipating Dhrago's move.

As Hitmonlee took air and crashed towards Garchomp with its leg aimed at him, Garchomp planted himself to the ground and swung his whole body putting a lot of power behind his tail, metal energy formed around his tail and hardened it like steel.

The two attacks collided, Hitmonlee's powerful leg crashed into Garchomp's tail but to Hitmonlee's surprise, its leg suddenly bent completely while its knee touched its stomach, the tail then slipped through its leg and slammed into Hitmonlee's stomach.

Hitmonlee's eyes went wide and its vision blurred as it was sent shooting through the sky towards the crowd, the stadium's defense activated again and Hitmonlee crashed into the forcefield, its body then fell to the ground motionless.

The referee checked on it and called out the result.

Referee "Hitmonlee is unable to battle, Garchomp wins"

Julian "Wow that only took 20 seconds, come one send out your next pokemon"

Julian said and beckoned Dhrago to send out his next pokemon, Dhrago seems to be in a state of shock, he cannot process what is happening, soon his denial turned into anger.

Dhrago "Why? Why did you have to bring a powerful pokemon, can't you battle me like a man?" He asked Julian while shouting in anger.

Julian "Look who is talking, didn't you do the same with all your opponents, battling them with pokemons way above their league and on top of that you didn't even do that good, your pokemons got knocked out by weaker ones, this just shows you are nothing compared to others'

Julian mocked.


He shouted and sent out another pokemon to the battlefield and completely ignored his fallen Hitmonlee, seeing this, some of the officials who were around the edge to maintain the safety of the stadium quickly moved in to remove Hitmonlee from the battlefield.

Dhrago's next pokemon is Medicham, Julian had seen this one in action before but it really didn't matter.

Julian "Go on, do your thing"

Julian mocked him once again

Dhrago "Medicham, use Psycho Cut"

Dhrago's voice is loud and filled with anger, he commands his Medicham to make this move without holding back, he wanted his Medicham to kill his opponent's pokemon.

Medicham rushed towards Garchomp with full speed while its arms glow purplish-pink in color, they soon form long scythe-like blades and it swung them at Garchomp with intent to kill, so there was nothing holding back Medicham from committing murder right now if it was not against Julian's Garchomp.

Julian "Dragon Claw"

As Medicham swung its Psycho Cut at Garchomp, Garchomp manifested a massive blue energy claw and stopped Medicham right in its track, Medicham felt so powerless against this counter that it froze on the spot, then Garchomp powered another Dragon Claw and smashed Medicham's head hard.

The impact of this attack created a powerful shockwave and caused Medicham's whole body to spin in the air multiple times in the same spot before its head got planted deep into the ground.

This was brutal and people could only watch in silence, they had never seen such feet of strength before.

The referee looked at Medicham and didn't even hesitate for a second before calling out his result.

Referee "Medicham is unable to battle, Garchomp wins"

The crowd went crazy as soon as they heard the result, this was like a dream to them, they thought that Dhrago was going to be a tough challenge for Julian but he was sweeping through Dhrago's whole team with just his Garchomp.

They also started to dislike Dhrago as it was very clear that he is mentally dysfunctional and a psychopath, they enjoyed this thrashing.

Julian "That's three down in two minutes, just like I said, this battle won't last for five minutes"

Julian once again lifted his arm and showed his five fingers to Dhrago, mocking him.

Dhrago "This is not fair, you think of yourself as some great trainer but you clearly using pokemons that are way stronger, If you really are that strong of a trainer why don't you accept my challenge, right here, right now"

Hearing Dhrago's words intrigued Julian.

Julian "Go on, I am listening"

Dhrago "Face two of my pokemons at the same time"

He said with a sadistic smile on his face, hearing his request cause everyone to frown, even the audience.

Julian "That's all? Why not, send out two pokemons if you want"

Julian accepted the challenge but before Dhrago could send in his two pokemons, the referee suddenly interrupted.

Referee "As per rules, there can only be two pokemons present on the battlefield, neither party can send out more than one pokemon at the same time during a battle"

He said.

Julian "I don't really mind at all, tell the officials, its a special request from me"

Julian said while looking at the referee, the referee looked at Julian for a second before contacting the league's officials, the referee talked for a second before coming up to a conclusion.

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