Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 941 - Semi-Finals Second Round

Julian spent most of his day walking around the city sightseeing, he didn't train his pokemons because he wanted to give them some rest before their battle in the finals, as for Dhrago he doesn't care much about him as he plans to do something he has never done in previous leagues he participated in.

The next day arrived and even though people were angry, they soon forgot about it and got hyped for the battle, people love Julian and they would never miss his battles. ​​

Julian also woke up and got ready for his battle, he put on a new black coat he bought yesterday and headed towards the grand stadium, just like every other time there were many people gathered around the grand stadium as they tried to make their way in and get themselves a seat to sit.

Julian entered through the back door and made his way to the waiting room and waited for his call, he could already hear the sound of people screaming, asking for the battle to start.

He then heard the announcer hyping up the crowd and giving details about the participants of this battle.

He tried his best to hype up Dhrago and Julian, on the other hand, needed no introduction, by now everyone knows how good he really is.

Announcer "Let's not wait any longer than, let the second round of the semi-finals begin, the first trainer, please welcome DHRAGOOOOO"

The announcer called out Dhrago's name and people started to scream their lungs out, some cheered while others booed but with the number of people gathered here one couldn't tell how the audience really felt.

Dhrago walked out into the battlefield with a smug look on his face, he looked at the people who were cheering for him and smiled at them, but it was not a smile of happiness, it was a smile of superiority, he looked down on this people, looked at them like ants who know nothing about him.

He sees them as mindless idiots who would follow anyone powerful no matter his or her ways.

Dhrago 'Hahaha, I just can't wait to crush that bastard, what are we waiting for bring him out'

He thought and started to breathe heavily, he is getting excited about this battle.

Announcer "Next, the other trainer, please welcome JULIAANNNN"

The announcer called Julian and the crowd went wild, they then saw Julian walk out to the battlefield with a smile on his face, his fans went crazy as they saw him, they cheered his name as loud as they could so that the whole city could hear it.

Julian waved at him.

Dhrago who was watching this clicked his tongue with coldness in his eyes.

Dhrago 'Just wait as I remove that smile off your face and make you suffer mentally as you watch your pokemons slowly get dismantled by mine'

Dhrago thought and smiled, his sadistic nature was coming out and he couldn't hide it, Julian of course noticed this and looked straight into Dhrago's eyes.

He didn't say anything and just looked coldly at Dhrago.

Dhrago who was staring at Julian suddenly felt something change, he could feel the eyes of a predator on him, he looked around before finally looking at Julian once again, he felt his heart going crazy which caused an even wider smile to appear on his face.

Dhrago 'Hahahahaha, this feeling, I thought it was just some chump with powerful pokemon but it looks like I was wrong, this is going to be more fun, to destroy someone as strong as him, to hunt down a predator'

Dhrago's excitement reached his limits as he looked at Julian.

Julian "Tell me, do you enjoy what you do?"

Julian asked.

Dhrago "Hehehahahaaaa, what kind of question even is that? Of course, I love every second of it, their despair puts a smile on my face, hehehehahahahahaaa"

He said and laughed.

Julian "I see... Too bad you are not going to enjoy even a second of this battle"

Julian said.

Dhrago "Hehehe, what makes you think that?"

He asked as he is amused by Julian's confidence.

Instead of replying to Dhrago, Julian lifted one of his hands and showed his five fingers to Dhrago.

Julian "You won't last five minutes on this battlefield with me, to me you are just a weak trainer who uses strong pokemons to bully the weak"

Dhrago "Hehehe, is there a rule that says I cannot use stronger pokemon?"

He asked.

Julian "Indeed, there is no such rule and that is why this battle is going to be fun"

Julian said and finally smiled.

Seeing the smile on Julian's face Dhrago got pissed, it ticked him off somehow, he wanted to annoy Julian but it looks like he was not having any effect on Julian.

Julian "Referee, you should start the battle, no need to waste my precious time"

He said while looking at the referee, the referee nodded and started to explain the rules of this battle, there were the same rules as the previous battle, a six on six pokemon battle where the trainer can switch their pokemons if they want to and the person who will still have pokemon left with them at the end of the battle will win.

Dhrago "Finally, I have been waiting for this moment, I will enjoy this, hehehahaha"

He said and took out a Pokeball.

Julian "You know what? I will give you a handicap, I will send out my pokemon first and I won't even bother to counter-attack the first move you throw at my pokemon"

Julian said with a smile.

Julian "So let's get this started then"

He said and threw a Pokeball into the battlefield.

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