Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 937 - Ash Vs Yesh 2 (8)

Ash Pikachu got knocked out and the crowd cheered for Yesh again, never has the crowd been so confused about who to support, every time they think one trainer is going to sweep the floor, they get destroyed.

First, they thought Ash might have a chance, then they saw three of his pokemons getting knocked out by just one of Yesh's pokemon, then Ash took out two more of Yesh's pokemon with his Pikachu, and now once again Yesh takes the lead by defeating Ash's Pikachu. ​​

Now Ash is four down and Yesh is three down.

Ash looked at his Pikachu and was a little upset that Pikachu got knocked out but the battle is still not over, he lifted Pikachu and placed him next to his legs, and took out another Pokeball and sent out his next pokemon.

A Seismitoad entered the battlefield, this is Ash's fifth pokemon and a good choice against a pokemon like Blaziken.

Ash "Use Earthquake"

Ash went for the attack from the very beginning and called for an Earthquake.

Yesh "Jump and then use Brick Break"

Blaziken jumped high up in the air and avoided the Earthquake and did a flip and converted it into a powerful downwards leg sweep using Brick Break, being a very diverse move, it can be used by any parts of the body, hands, legs, and also tail and it seems that Yesh's Blaziken prefers to use its legs a lot.

Ash "Now Bubble Beam"

Seeing that Blaziken took air, Ash knew this was his chance, since Blaziken cannot shift its position in the air, this was the best time to land a super-effective hit.

Seismitoad listened to Ash and shot multiple glowing bubbles at Blaziken, Blaziken saw in the incoming attack and used the Brick Break to counter them.

The Bubbles burst as they came in contact with Blaziken's foot, the water energy that exploded out of these bubbles did cause some damage but Blaziken ignored them and landed on the ground and got hit by the last wave of the Earthquake that was still activated.

Yesh "Once again"

As soon as Blaziken landed it charged at Seismitoad using another Brick Break.

This battle continued for a while but it was finally put to an end as Yesh's Blaziken grabbed Seismitoad's arm and swung it up in the air and then used its powerful legs to jump up and land a powerful Sky Uppercut.

Seismitoad was sent even higher up in the sky before it came crashing down and landed hard on the ground and got knocked out.

Now Ash is down to his last pokemon while Yesh still has three more to go, his Blaziken and the other two who are still not introduced into the battlefield.

Ash clinches his fist and calls Seismitoad and took out his final Pokeball and looked at it.

Ash "You are my last resort I guess"

He said and threw the Pokeball into the battlefield, a pokemon standing 2 meters came out of it and released a powerful roar ready to win.

The pokemon spread his wings wide and looked up in the air and breath out flames and lit up the surrounding even though it is still bright.

Ash brought back his Charizard, his Charizard seems to be even stronger than ever before.

Julian looked at Charizard and smiled, another one of Ash's most powerful pokemon came back, now Yesh will be really put under pressure.

Ash's Charizard is very strong, maybe even stronger than his Pikachu as Pikachu lost most of its power at the beginning but Charizard has been training none stop in the Charizard valley, a place where Charizards can tap into their utmost potential due to the surrounding and energy around the valley.

Ash "Charizard let's do this, Flamethrower"

Charizard flapped his wings and took air and charged at Blaziken, as he got closer he opened his mouth wide and blasted a powerful Flamethrower at Blaziken.

Yesh "Use Sky Uppercut"

Seeing that Ash wants to go head-on, Yesh also decided to do the same and went for the attack, Blaziken used its powerful legs and jumped towards Charizard and tried to land the Sky Uppercut.

Blaziken ignored the Flamethrower and went right through it with sheer force and was about to get close to Charizard when Charizard used his advantage of flying and moved out of the way and got right behind Blaziken and blasted another Flamethrower at Blaziken's back and hit it hard.

Blaziken flew up high in the air due to the impact and was about to start falling down when Ash made his move.

Ash "Grab it and use Seismic Toss"

Charizard flew towards Blaziken and grabbed it from behind and started to fly up high towards the sky with Blaziken, Blaziken tried to struggle out but it was of no use, Charizard took Blaziken so high up in the sky that the audience couldn't even see them.

Once Charizard reached the desired height, he started to spin in circles in the air which created an image of a planet in the sky, and then Charizard dove down with full speed.

Blaziken's eyes widened as it saw the ground getting closer and closer by every second, it could do nothing but close its eyes.

Charizard finally made contact with the ground which created another powerful shockwave forcing the stadium to activate its protection field once again which stopped the shockwave from injuring anyone in the audience.

A massive mushroom dust cloud rose high up to the sky whole the battleground right now has been completely destroyed, once the dust settled down everyone could see Blaziken planted deep into the ground inside a massive crater while Charizard stood next to it and released a powerful roar along with flames.

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