Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 925 - Julian VS Glen (3)

Dracovish got blasted by these rocks but since its defense is good, it was able to survive the onslaught of the flying rocks.

It took them head-on with its strong head until everything stopped, the protecting barrier went down and everyone was clear except now there is a massive crater on the battlefield and inside the battlefield. ​​

And right in the middle of the crater is Golurk who is getting back to his feet.

Glen "Now, Fishious Rend"

Dracovish shot at Golurk again full speed, a powerful but of water energy surrounded its head which looked like a very deadly jaw, Dracovish dove into the crater and charged at Golurk with even more speed.

Since it is a slope, gravity helped Dracovish with its speed as it moved faster.

Julian "Ice Beam"

Julian saw Glen's advance and came up with an idea, Golurk then suddenly lifted both his arms and shot two Ice Beams, not on Dracovish but around it.

Golurk made two parallel lines of ice around Dracovish making sure that it comes directly towards Golurk and cannot change its direction.

Glen fell for Julian's trap. If Dracovish tries to move around and steps on the ice, it will crash on the ground and injure itself inside the crater.

Julian "Now, Dynamic Punch"

Since the only way Dracovish can come towards him is through the front, Julian doesn't need to worry about missing this Dynamic Punch.

Golurk lifted one of his arms up in the air and suddenly it started to glow yellow as fighting energy surrounded it, then a giant arm materialized and Golurk punched forward slowly, there is no way to dodge this, going over it is not an option as it is too big, going to the side means stepping on the ice and losing balance and crashing into the ground.

Glen clenched his fist as he saw Dracovish heading straight into the punch, the two finally made contact, Fishious Rend vs Dynamic Punch.

The battlefield was already in a bad state but this added more to the damage, since both of them are inside the crater, it created another crater inside the crater as the ground under then collapsed.

An exploding mushroom cloud rose high up in the sky, blinding everyone, soon followed by a big shockwave and trembling ground.

As the smoke cleared up both pokemons could be seen inside the second crater, both of them were down but there was movement, Golurk started moving and got back to his feet again but Dracovish stayed down.

Julian knew Golurk would stand up, no matter what happens, even if he is at the end of his health, he would still get up, just like now, that exchange took out everything from Golurk and he could have fainted but he didn't, he stayed in there till the end.

The referee looked at both pokemons and gave out his call.

Referee "Dracovish is unable to battle, Golurk wins"

Glen looked at his Dracovish and was proud of it, it was able to put Julian's Golurk in such a state, nobody has ever done this before.

Julian "I will give this one to you, my Golurk is in no shape to continue to battle"

Julian said and called Golurk back to his Pokeball, there was no use in keeping Golurk out there, he would have gone down anyway.

Just so that Julian said that he gives one victory to Glen, that doesn't mean it officially counts, for a pokemon to be eliminated, it has to be knocked out and from what the referee can see, Golurk is still standing.

Glen didn't say anything and sent Dracovish back to its Pokeball and looked at Julian, he didn't want a verbal win from Julian because, in the end, it was his pokemon that got knocked out and not Julian's

Glen "I don't need your pity, I will take you down"

Glen declared.

Julian "Fine by me then"

Julian said and sent out his Archeops, Glen sent out his Grapploct, the battle continued and it was a hard-fought one, Grapploct was even able to get a hold of Archeops wings but Archeops used Pluck multiple times to get out of Grapploct's hold and dealt the fishing blow to it by using a Head Smash.

Glen then sent out a massive pokemon called Copperajah and it battled with Archeops, both of them went all out, Archeops having ridiculous attack stats, while Copperajah had too much endurance.

In the end, Archeops had to use another Head Smash to end the battle but it almost caused him to faint and put Archeops at his limit, by now two of Julian's pokemon are not able to continue battling further even though they are not knocked out.

Julian sent Archeops back to its Pokeball and sent out his Hydreigon and Glen sent out a pokemon called Grimmsnarl and this was a tough one, this pokemon had so much physical power that he lifted Hydreigon off his feet and slammed him into the ground.

But Hydreigon prevailed after stomping down on Grimmsnarl's chest with his hind legs and then shooting three Dark Pulse simultaneously using its three heads at Grimmsnarl's head at point-blank range while it tried to struggle out of Hydreigon's feet.

Glen is now down to his last pokemon and he sent it out, it's Sirfetch'd.

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