Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 915 - Yesh Vs Random Opponent

After the announcer introduced Yesh, he walked out from the entrance as the crowd watched and cheered for him, he looked around and saw the number of people cheering him, he looked at them for a second before completely ignoring them as if they didn't exist at all.

He didn't give a shit about these people cheering his name, his only focus was battling right now, he didn't care about fame or fans, he just wanted to improve and become a better trainer, even Julian doesn't know his motive behind his obsession over becoming the strongest trainer but Julian never bothered to ask. ​​

If Yesh wanted he would have said something about it a long time ago but he didn't.

Yesh then made his way to the battlefield and took his position on the battlefield and looked at his opponent who seems very annoyed by Yesh, his opponent saw how wild the crowd was going for him but seeing Yesh not react at all pissed him off.

He was jealous of Yesh. What he would do to get fame and support like this, but seeing Yesh think of it as nothing pissed off his opponent.

"You are a cocky little one, aren't ya?"

The opponent asked.

Yesh "Huh?"

Yesh said while looking at his opponent confused about what he is saying.

"Don't act dumb, I hate people like you, you think you are above others just because you are talented and the world revolves around you, you think everyone is below you, but today I am gonna teach you that the world doesn't work like that?"

The opponent said.

Yesh "Huh?"

Yesh asked again totally confused by why his opponent is blabbering shit, he tried to think if he has met this person before and if he offended him before but he couldn't find this man anywhere in his memory, he then wondered why this person is so pissed at him.

Yesh "What are you on about?"

"I see, you want to keep acting dumb, enough talking then, I will take you down, get ready"

He said and took out a Pokeball.

Yesh "Ok"

He said and looked at the referee, the referee then started to explain the rules of the battle and asked both of them to choose their pokemon.

The opponent waited for Yesh to make his choice first while awkwardly holding onto his Pokeball, Yesh didn't say anything and sent out his Toxicroak, seeing Yesh's choice his opponent paused for a second and quickly tried to switch his Pokeball and stumbled while doing so.

He looked like an idiot while doing so and the crowd started to laugh at him, he was very confident when he took out his Pokeball first but then had to change it after seeing Yesh's pokemon, he clearly made a fool out of himself.

He was embarrassed but it didn't matter right now, he then sent out a Beheeyem on the battlefield, a Psychic-type pokemon and a very good choice against a Toxicroak who is four times weak to psychic type moves.

Yesh doesn't seem to be bothered as he has already started to calculate all the possible moves that this Beheeyem could learn and then see if his Toxicroak is equipped with moves able to counter this Beheeyem and it only takes him a few seconds.

Before the referee could even start the battle, as soon as Yesh was done, the signal to start the battle was given and Yesh wanted his Toxicroak to land the first move as he didn't want to be a sitting duck in a disadvantageous type fight.

But he is not calling out his move first, he is waiting for his opponent to make his move.

And his wait was over as his opponent called out Psybeam.

Yesh "Sucker Punch"

Before the Beheeyem could even charge up the Psybeam, Toxicroak moved very fast, using Sucker Punch, while using Sucker Punch, the pokemon gets a massive boost in speed and can easily outspeed any of its opponents.

Toxicroak left an afterimage behind and the next thing everyone saw was Toxicroak punching the face of Beheeyem causing it to spin in the air as it shot the Psybeam up in the air.

This all happened under a millisecond, Toxicroak punched Beheeyem on the face and moved out of the way and Beheeyem shot its Psybeam but it had already started to spin causing the Psybeam to be aimed up in the sky.

Beheeyem spun in the same place multiple times before crashing into the ground and cause dust to rise up.

Everyone became silent waiting in anticipation and when the dust was clear, everyone could see that Beheeyem was knocked out cold by Toxicroak, Sucker Punch being a dark type move was super effect against Beheeyem which is a psychic type pokemon.

The crowd once again burst into a massive cheer while Yesh just looked at his Toxicroak and nodded, he had anticipated a long distance special attack from his opponent from the very beginning, it was easy to anticipate because it's the most logical move to make when the user has a powerful special attacker like Beheeyem.

Anticipating this, Yesh was ready to call out a Sucker Punch, he didn't call it out first because there is always a slim chance that his calculations can go wrong and the opponent might choose to use something different and he would need to adapt to the circumstance very fast.

Referee "Beheeyem is unable to battle Toxicroak wins"

The referee called out the result while Yesh's opponent was looking at his Beheeyem with his mouth wide open, he then looked at Yesh's Toxicroak who was just squatting there with his arms over his knees and blowing his bubble sack as if nothing happened.

Toxicroak looked just like Yesh right now, carefree and not concerned about anything in the world.

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