The first round is going to be a long event as the league wants to finish the selection round in two days, thousand of trainers will battle multiple times before advancing forward.

Julian still has another match today and it's in an hour from now, he gets back to his waiting room and waits for more rounds to pass, soon another hour passed and Julian was once again called into the battlefield. ​​

Just like before, as he entered the battlefield and the crowd went wild to his entrance, his name echoed all over the battlefield and overshadowed every other trainer on the battlefield.

Julian then waved at them and told them to calm down and the crowd did calm down, he looked at the referee and then at the empty position where his opponent should be, but this time his opponent didn't run away and decided to battle Julian.

This person had won his first battle easily but when he realized that he was battling Julian for the next round, he felt like someone gave him a full power roundhouse kick on his stomach, he even thought of giving up and not attending this battle but seeing how Julian's first opponent got bashed all over the internet by the people, he decided to take the loss directly from Julian's hand.

Seeing that Julian finally has an opponent, the crowd went crazy again, this time they will be able to see Julian battle.

The trainer took his stop and looked at Julian, he seemed a little nervous but he was ready for the battle, the referee stepped in and announced the rules before starting the battle.

Referee "This will be a one vs one pokemon battle, the pokemon which is unable to battle at the end will lose"

The referee said and looked at both trainers.

Referee "Both trainers choose your pokemon"

Julian didn't wait around and sent his first pokemon to the battlefield, Darmanitan, Darmanitan came out of the battlefield and belches around while slamming his hands down on the battlefield creating small tremors.

Looking at Julian's choice, Wiliam takes a deep breath and sent out his pokemon, Carracosta, he sent out Carracosta because it is four times resistant to fire type attacks and since Darmanitan is a pure fire type pokemon, Wiliam hoped that his Carracosta will survive a little longer.

Now that both pokemons are on the battlefield, the referee decided to start the battle

Referee "Trainer Julian, ready?"

Julian "Yes"

Referee "Trainer Wiliam, ready?"

Wiliam "Yes"

Referee "You may begin"

As soon as the referee made the call Wiliam made his move and attacked without holding back, he knew that attack is the best defense right now.

Wiliam "Use Hydro Pump"

His Carracosta charged up its more powerful Hydro Pump and shot a devastating water blast at Darmanitan, this Carracosta is no joke. It's clearly over level 60 and could easily match up against any gym leader's main pokemon.

Julian "Hammer Arm"

Julian called out.

His Darmanitan started to beat his chest and charged right at the Hydro Pump while using his powerful legs to shoot at it while using a straight punch with his right hand.

Powerful and destructive fighting energy formed around his right hand and Darmanitan tore right through the Hydro Pump, completely shattering it, he moved so fast that when he hit the Hydro Pump, it made a loud sound, the sound was similar to a rock falling from a great height into an ocean or sea.

Darmanitan continued forward and landed the Hammer Arm right on Carracosta's armor and sent it flying through the battlefield and crash into the wall and just like that the battle was over.

The whole stadium was silent and then burst into a massive cheer, just like they expected from Julian's match, short and destructive, only powerful trainers could last long against Julian on a battlefield and even though Wiliam was still a decent trainer, he was not good enough.

The referee looked at the Carracosta which was blasted out of the battlefield and knocked out cold, he didn't even see what happened, he just heard two loud booms and the battle was over.

Referee "Carracosta is unable to battle, Darmanitan wins"

The crowd continued to cheer as Julian made his way out of the stadium, he was done for the day and decided to head back to his hotel room, he still has one more battle to go before he can enter the top 128 but it was tomorrow so it didn't matter to him.

It would be just another battle before he starts to face off against the real power hitters in this league,


Hours passed and the first day of the league finally came to an end and people already started to talk about the big battles that took place today, people talked about Julian's amazing knockout, but he was also not the only one who won by a one-hit KO.

There was a guy with an eye patch who also seemed very strong and his pokemon were very ruthless, Julian saw the video of this trainer and frowned, he was finally able to see this trainer, he had heard about him from different gym leaders and how powerful he was and they were not wrong, Julian could tell that this person is really strong, maybe even stronger than a champion.

There was Yesh, he also won both his battles with single hit KO, Julian saw his knockouts and was impressed by it as well.

Ash also had a battle with a single hit KO with his Pikachu, his other battle didn't last long but it took Ash some effort to take down his opponent.

Julian also saw Glen who also had a single hit KO battle. He was indeed a very strong trainer.

He then saw Karl, another one-hit KO battle, Julian remembered this person, he met this guy in his early days when he just arrived at Unova, Karl lost to him once and it seems he has improved a lot as well.

And just like them, there were more trainers who showed ridiculous power which caused a lot of hype for this year's Unova league, everyone could tell that the stakes have been risen very high and not many leagues in the future will be able to topple this one.

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