Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 892 - Helping Heracross

Gengar didn't want to upset the little bastards, he already knows how annoying they get when they start to cry or are pissed at something.

"You better be" ​​

The little Heracross said.

Heracross "All three of you, get out"

The father Heracross said and chased the little bugs out of the nest leaving Heracross, its mate, and Gengar alone.

Gengar "Gegege, cute little fellows, but well it really doesn't matter, you can help me track down the Minccinos and Cinccinos and I might help you deal with the Pinsir problem and also help with that serious injury of yours"

Gengar said.

Heracross "How did you know?"

The Heracross asked, all of his injuries are internal, nobody should find out without him telling them.

Gengar "Gegege, others can't see but I can, I can even tell when you will stop breathing in 3 days, 11 hours, 24 minutes, a minute over or under, can't promise that"

Gengar said with a giggle, being someone who can travel through dimensions, he has a knack for time.

He can easily tell how long a thing will last. When they were created. When they will get destroyed because every element in this world has a timer, of course, these things can be destroyed before their times run out by an external force, just like what is happening with this Heracross, it could have lived much longer but due to its internal damage, Gengar can predict the exact time of Heracross's death because of the constant change that is happening to Heracross.

Being involved with space/time is slowly changing Gengar in a different way as well.

Heracross "Why are you willing to do so much for just finding a bunch of Minccinos or Cinccinos?"

Gengar "Too be honest, I am just too lazy to go around looking for a bunch of pokemons when others can do it for me, and if you are able to find be the right one, in exchange I will heal you up and make you stronger to face off against the Pinsirs"

Gengar said.

Heracross "Fine, but how do you intend to save this dying body of mine?"

Gengar "Gegege, here take this"

Gengar said and opened a small portal in the air and pulled out a handful of shining ashes, if Julian was here he would be surprised as it's Sacred Ash, he would definitely wonder where Gengar got this from.

But it is for only Gengar to know and no one's business (A/N, in fact, he sneaked some when Julian collected it)

Heracross "What is that?"

Gengar "Gegege, Ho-Oh's sacred ash, it can heal any kind of mortal wound in this world in an instant"

Heracross "Where did you get this and why are you willing to use such a precious item on me?"

Gengar "Well, the precious the item, the more in debt you will be too me, so maybe in the future if I need something more you will have to oblige and help me"

Gengar said.

Heracross "Fine"

Heracross said and signaled its mate to get the Ho-Oh's ash but before it could pick it up, it was stopped by Gengar.

Gengar "But I will like to make one thing very clear. If you think you can just use this and just get away with it, you are completely wrong, gegegegegege"

Gengar laughed and released his aura just inside the nest so that the ones outside couldn't sense it, as soon as the Heracross and his mate sensed it, it shook them to the core.

Gengar "Gegege, you get it, right?"

Heracross nodded and took the ashes, as soon as he ate the ashes he felt his body healing itself, the internal injuries started to heal themselves. Heracross felt good and within five minutes all its injures were healed.

When Heracross opened his eyes he realized that he felt stronger than before, the ashes helped him level up as well.

Gengar "Gegege, looks like you leveled up, you healed up and you are stronger, I did my part of the agreement and now it's your time"

Gengar said.

Heracross knew that he cannot go back on his promise, this Gengar was too scary but he already made the deal.

Heracross "Fine, I know where the Cinccinos and Minccinos are, I will send someone to bring them here, you can wait here"

Gengar "Great, I will look around, gegegege"

Now that Gengar was here how could he miss the great chance to do business, all the Heracrosses here are wild so they can easily be scammed.

He got out of the nest with a big proud smile, he saved the little Heracrosses father and he didn't even have to tell them about it, he didn't see them suffer or didn't have them clinging onto him like bugs from happiness.

He now has to figure out how to scam all the Heracrosses from all their precious belongings.

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