Ghetsis asked his new infatuation who he thinks is Becca to find more about Julian and his weakness, there was no way Angela was going to miss this.

She quickly got in contact with her sources and looked around to find who Julian care about the most and it didn't take her too long, she already knew that Julian has multiple girlfriends. ​​

She then contacted her sources to find out about the three of them, she knew that she cannot target Cynthia, she is a monster on her own, it would be a disaster to target her.

She then focused on Chloe and Daisy, they were clearly seen as the weaker once among Julian's girlfriend, not much is known about them, except Chloe being a very famous actress and Daisy being a top-notch Pokemon groomer, both of them are respected in their field very much.

Maybe their fame is also related to them being with Julian and everyone wants to impress them and get on their good side, since who doesn't want to be on the good side of people related to Julian.

Her sources contacted her back and told her something that got her interested, she was informed that both Daisy and Chloe are coming to Unova, she decided to use this as a bait to pull Julian closer to Team Plasma's destruction.

After getting all the information on Daisy and Chole and when they will arrive at Unova, she headed back to Ghetsis to inform him about his target.

Angela/Becca "Sir, I think I have something that might be of interest to you"

She said and walked in with a tablet in her hand.

Ghetsis "What is it?"

He asked.

Angela/Becca "You told to me find a weakness in Julian and I think I found two"

She said with a smile and showed Ghetsis the photo of two beautiful women.

Ghetsis "Who are they?"

He asked.

Angela/Becca "They are his girlfriends and they seem to be coming to Unova"

Ghetsis looked at the photo and revealed a sinister smile.

Ghetsis "Send some assassin and kill one of them, make sure the other one survives to deliver a message that if he comes after me, the other one will die as well"

Angela smiled, she knew that Ghetsis is making a huge mistake targeting Julian's girlfriends but this is what she wanted him to do.

Angela/Becca "As you wish"

She said and walked away with a smile on her face, she felt a slap on her butt, she turned around and gave Ghetsis a seductive smile before walking out of the room.

Ghetsis also smiled, he believed this will make Julian scared enough to not come after him, too bad he really doesn't know much about Julian, he was too busy with stuff related to things in Unova he never cared to look into what is happening in other regions.

Angela walked out of Ghetsis's office and went into her own room and took out a special phone from between her breast, she always keeps this phone close to her because it is used for communicating with Giovanni.

She then called Giovanni to inform him about her plan.

Her call was picked up on the other side and was answered by another woman, the one who answered is none other than Giovanni's assistant Matori.

Matori "Beta?"

Angela "Yes, I have updates on the mission, hand the phone over to the boss"

Matori didn't say anything, soon Angela heard Giovanni's voice.

Giovanni "Yes, what do you have for me?"

He asked.

Beta "Boss, Team Plasma's end is very near"

Giovanni "What did you do?"

He asked and Angela started to tell what happened and how Ghetsis reacted, after listening to the whole thing Giovanni had a big smile on his face.

Giovanni "You did good and continue with your plan, but be careful, Julian is a double edge sword, if he knows that you tried to use him, you might never be able to contact us ever again"

He gave her a very cold warning.

Hearing him Angela felt a chill down her spine as he remembered what Julian is really capable of, for a few minutes she was so excited about her plan that she forgot what she has been messing with.

Angela "Yes boss I will be careful"

She said and ended the call before planning on how to survive the mess that she is going to cause in Team Plasma.

She made some plans and contacted another person she had control over, this person she called is a top-notch hacker and seducing him and turning him into a complete work slave was very easy for her.

As soon as this man got Angela's call, he picked it up in a second.

Hacker "Miss, do you have any request?"

He asked while breathing heavily.

Angela "Yes, I want you to find out the champion Julian's phone number and send it too me"

Hacker "Don't worry miss, I will get you that number as soon as possible"

Angela "Wow, you are such a good guy, thanks for the help"

Hacker "Hehe, anything for you miss"

He said and tried to talk to her a little more but she ended the call right after that.

To Angela's surprise, she only had to wait for five minutes before she was sent a number from the hacker, she smiled and saved the number, and sent a text message to Julian.

[The leader of Team Plasma, Ghetsis is planning to assassinate one of your girlfriends when they come to Unova, be careful]

After sending the message she smiled, she knew what she was doing and she is confident in her ways and if she does end up cornered, there is still one last trick she has up the sleeve that has never failed her.

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