Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 840 - A Massive Fight

Drayden is stuck and his pokemons are struggling to fight against all the Team Plasma goons, the Shadow Triads are very strong and they are pinning down his strongest pokemons while his other pokemons are being grouped by Team Plasma goons.

He couldn't do anything and just control the situation as best as he can, but things started to get worse, one of his pokemon got knocked out and captured, it was soon followed by another pokemon. ​​

This situation is too much for Drayden, the Shadow Triad is stronger than he expected, their pokemons are beyond his level and he clearly has no chance against them, he needs an Elite Four of the Champion to clear out the current situation.

Luckily Drayden's luck was not over, he suddenly heard choppers heading towards his direction, he looked up and saw multiple helicopters that belong to the league coming towards the gym, seeing them he felt relived while Team Plasma members had a frown on their face.

The helicopter stopped right above the gym and multiple agents zipped down to fight against the Team Plasma members, soon a massive fight broke out between the agents of the league and Team Plasma grunts.

The situation seemed under control but Drayden's last pokemon finally caved in as it got hit by a lethal blow from one of the Shadow Triad's pokemon, just when things were about to go bad, a power flamethrower came and hit one of the Shadow Triad's pokemon and knocked it out with just one hit.

This caused a shocked reaction from the Shadow Triad as they looked at the direction from where the attack came from, they saw a man wearing a tribal dress, and tied up long orange hair coming towards them.

This is none other than Alder, the champion of Unova region, he zipped down from the helicopter with his Volcarona right behind him.

The Shadow Triad knew that they are not a match for the champion but they had no other choice to take him on and delay him so that Zinzolin and Colress can get the DNA splicer.

The Shadow Triad member that had his pokemon knocked out quickly called it back and sent out a new one into battle, Alder looked at the current situation and didn't say anything, he then looked at the Shadow Triad members that surrounded him and his Volcarona.

Alder "Don't waste my time and call out the ring leader, I don't like to play around"

He said with a very serious tone, after looking at the damage that Team Plasma member has done to the gym and the areas nearby, he was really angry, many innocent people got caught in the Ice and now the city's officials are working hard to get them out of the ice.

He is also worried about the hovering Team Plasma ship up in the air, he knows what it can do and he is not confident in his ability to stop another of those Ice Blasts that caused the current situation.

The Shadow Triad didn't respond to his word and suddenly attacked him, their job was to slow down everyone that tries to interfere, even if that person is the champion himself.

Seeing the pathetic attempt from the Shadow Triad to attack him really ticked the wrong side of Alder.

Alder "Volcarona, use Fiery Dance"

Hearing him his Volcarona suddenly made a move, it got on top of Alder and spread its wings wide as flames burst out of them which released tiny sparkles of flames, soon it started to flap its wings and spin around causing those tiny flaming particles to move as well.

Suddenly the whole scene turned into a massive burning storm that caught all the pokemons that tried to attack it and Alder, the Shadow Triad's pokemon were swept by the powerful flaming storm in one go.

None of them even stood a chance against such a powerful attack, their pokemons were blown away and sent flying across the air as they crashed throughout the area.

The Shadow Triads were shocked once again, this level of power was something they didn't expect, even from the champion, his other pokemons didn't have such power but his Volcarona did as it's his ace and his most powerful pokemon.

It is clearly beyond the champion level, that is why Alder is one of the strongest champions to ever appear in the Unova region, he ranks only behind Leon and Cynthia.

The Shadow Triad backed off as they knew they cannot escape.

Alder "Where do you think you are going? Volcarona, use String Shot and tie them up"

His Volcarona moved quickly and shot a string of sticky silk that tied up the Shadow Triad members and rendered them unmovable.

Seeing that the situation was in control Drayden walked towards Alder.

Drayden "Champion, one of the members from the Seven Sages, Zinzolin just entered the gym and he is after the DNA splicer, we have to stop them"

He said.

Alder "DNA splicer? Indeed, we cannot let those guys get their hands on it, lets go"


Before they could even make a move they were suddenly stopped as an Ice Beam landed right in front of them and froze their feet on the spot.

They both were surprised and looked up to see who it was, they then noticed a young man with green hair wearing a cap and a Vanilluxe was right beside him.

It is none other than the leader of Team Plasma N.

Alder "Boy, now is not the time to play around, do you know what are you even doing?"

N "I know what I am doing, it's for the better future of all pokemons"

Alder "You delusional fool"

Alder shouted as he was quite angered at N's foolishness.

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