Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 838 - Unexpected Development

Drayden is looking forward to this battle as he watches his opponent walk down the stairs and on the battlefield, he waited for his opponent to take his spot so that the battle can start.

He carefully observed his opponent and noticed that this person is trying very hard to hide his identity, he realized that this person is either very shy and doesn't like to show their face or doesn't want unwanted attention. ​​

He thought about something and suddenly had a name pop on inside his mind, there were talks between the gym leaders about a trainer who wore a mask and completely dominated the gym leaders soon the name of Julian was also thrown out saying that it was him.

From that day Drayden was waiting for the day to battle against Julian and this wish of him might come true right now.

He suspected this person to be Julian from looking at his stature, only a trainer at Julian's level could have such aura around them.

Drayden "Welcome trainer"

He welcomed Julian with a confident smile on his face, Julian looked at the smile and thought Drayden is very confident for this battle and Julian didn't mind it, he welcomed the confidence as he didn't want to battle an opponent who doesn't have any confidence in winning a battle.

This is also the reason why he hides his face, his face alone is the biggest obstacle that someone will have to get through to perform better in front of Julian, his name and his face has a reputation out there and many people want to take down this reputation of his but when the time comes, they crumble under the pressure and they go down way faster than they could possibly have stayed on the battlefield.

Julian took his place on the battlefield and waited for Drayden to make his call, he can either start this battle without a referee or call a referee, Drayden waited for the referee to come him, they didn't have to wait long as a referee walked in with flags in his hand.

The referee then took his position and looked at both trainers, he then started stating the rules of this battle.

Referee "This will be a three vs three pokemon battle, during the battle only the challenger is allowed to switch his pokemon, the trainer with pokemons remaining with them at the end of the battle will be the winner"

The rules were the same as any gym but if a referee is present they would have to state the rules as it is compulsory.

Referee "Are the rules ready?"

He asked.

Julian and Drayden both nodded their head and got ready for the battle.

Referee "You may now choose your pokemons"

Drayden nodded and made the move first, he took out a Pokeball and tossed it up in the air, the first pokemon of his choice is Druddigon.

Julian looked at his first choice and smiled, he then also took out a Pokeball and sent out his first choice as well.

Escavalier took the stage and stared at his opponent, a dragon type pokemon, he knows he is resistant to dragon-type moves but he could also tell that the opponent is might have something that could easily counter him and he has to be ready for that moment.

As both pokemons were on the battlefield, the referee started the battle.

Referee "Let the battle begin"

The referee waved his flags and started the battle.

Drayden decided to not waste any time and go for the attack right off the bat.

Drayden "Druddigon, use Fire Fang"

His Druddigon charged at full speed as its jaws were covered with hot flames, as Druddigon was about to get close to Escavalier Julian suddenly felt something and frowned.

It was not from Druddigon but something from outside, and just a few seconds before the exchange was about to happen, the whole gym suddenly shook followed by the massive sound of an explosion.

Julian was shocked by this sudden development and he is not the only one, Drayden and the referee was also shocked, they tried to get a hold of themselves but before they could even do that, a massive burst of ice wave traveled all across the gym and covered everything in ice, everyone's legs were trapped inside the hard ice.

Julian was shocked by this, the amount of power that needs to pull off such a feat is very taxing and even a champion level pokemon will not be able to pull this off, no matter how hard, maybe if he trained an ice type pokemon to his Garchomp's level then maybe he could pull this off but he never trained an Ice-type pokemon.

But what Julian knows is that this is not done by a pokemon, this was too powerful and too fast for a pokemon even a pokemon that could reach Garchomp's level, the scale might be the same or even bigger, but the speed was too much.

He put some power behind his legs and lifted them off the frozen ice, his pants got ripped and this pissed him, he didn't expect his pants would rip, and he decided to make the people who did this pay.

He looked at Drayden and the referee as they are still struggling to get out of the ice sheet that has trapped them on the ground, even Drayden's Druddigon is trapped from that Ice sheet and is struggling to get out.

Julian [Gengar, get them out]

Julian ordered Gengar, suddenly black shadowy tentacles came out of Julian's shadow at extreme speed and shattered the ice around everyone's legs and none of them even noticed it happening, they thought they got out from it themselves.

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