Julian's luck was great today because he heard a jeep coming towards them, he told Yesh to put the camp away as he stops the jeep.

He saw the jeep approaching and he started to wave his hand to get the driver's attention, he was successful in his action as the jeep stopped right in front of him. ​​

Driver "Are you headed to Opelucid city?"

He asked.

Julian "Yes, can we hop on?"

Driver "How many?"

Julian "Two"

Driver "Ya sure, we have some seats on the back"

Julian "Great, just wait a minute"

He said and waited for Yesh to come, Yesh didn't waste much time and packed up everything and hoped on the back of the jeep and Julian joined him.

The road was rough as the ground was soft and wet, there were bumps and mud puddles everywhere, luckily the off-road jeep was very sturdy and reliable in this type of terrain and it easily passed through the moor.

Along the way the people in the jeep discussed the explosion they saw and the shockwave they felt, it had scared them out of their mind, they also questioned Julian about it because he was picked up very close to the explosion.

To which Julian said that he knew nothing, he said that he took cover when the explosion happened, since there was no one that would go against his words they believed him, the rest of the journey was quite peaceful, once the moor ended, the driver took them to a local hotel nearby.

From here Julian decided to go on his own with Yesh, he thanked the driver and paid him some money.

Julian and Yesh rented their own rooms and rested for the day.

While they rested, the league were having a very tough time with Team Plasma, they realized that Team Plasma are playing very rough, their numbers have increased drastically over the month, luckily for them someone dealt with the problem in Icirrus city or they would have been in deep shit.

Now they have assigned all the Elite Four to find a capture all the admins of Team Plasma, at first they thought that it was just a small faction but they didn't expect them to turn out this big, they realized that this faction has a lot of money and someone is backing them because this big of a faction cannot be simply created without putting any money in it.

The CEO of Unova League headquarters did his best to keep everything in check, he also has his suspension on the Seven Sages because Julian had asked him to find out about them, he decided to send some agents to look into the Seven Sages but those agents never came back.

He realized that this was even bigger than he expected, pokemon thieves were common but what Team Plasma is doing is terrorism, they are blowing up things, holding cities hostage, and hurting people.

The league put out a very strict order to take down any team plasma member that could be seen on sight, the CEO's luck was not over as Alder also contacted him and told him that he would look into this as well.

With Alder behind this, the CEO felt relieved, Alder was very strong, and with him involved things should go back to normal, that is what he expects.

Alder also started looking into this and found out just how deep this goes, he has some informant and realized that Team Plasma is connected to the Underworld as well, and one thing that Alder knows is that Underworld is something one should not mess with.

But he also knows that they won't interfere in matters that happen in the outside world so if Team Plasma gets destroyed, they won't care but if someone tries to use Team Plasma and sniff into the Underworld, that is when the problem will start.

Alder decided to destroy Team Plasma from the outside, take out their leader, once that is done the whole thing will fall apart, but he has to figure out who the leader actually is, he has met N and he knows N is clearly not the mastermind.

He needs to find who is funding Team Plasma as well and try to cut off this funding as well, no matter how loyal a person is to their faction, without money no one will work for anyone because every one person is selfish and they will care for themselves first before giving something to someone else.

Alder went to work on finding out how is funding Team Plasma and try to cut off this funding, he has his own little team for this job and he assigned them to investigate it.

Alder knows that Team Plasma won't last for long because they are being cornered very badly, they made a mistake and suddenly making big moves that caught the attention of the League and the worst possible person they could come across, Julian.

But Alder also knew that he cannot just wait for others to clean up the mess, the more he waits the more destruction Team Plasma will cause.

You just don't let the weeds grow and wait for them to die on their own, you rip them out of the ground so that they don't damage the essential crops.

He has to make sure that Team Plasma gets destroyed fast and cutting off their funds is the best way possible to weaken them and slow down their growth, next the Elite Four can corner the admins and take them down or they will encounter Julian on the way and get destroyed before the Elite Four can even make a move.

Alder has already thought this through, now he wants to see who will get to Team Plasma first, the Elite Four or Julian.

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