Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 830 - Next Stop Opelucid

The battle's scale was really shocking to the people who watched it, some of them were even scared out of their mind as they felt the explosions and shockwaves but they were also very excited, this level of battle could only be seen in pokemon leagues and exhibition matches.

They all felt really lucky as they witnessed such a powerful battle. ​​

While the audience clapped as the battle ended, Yesh pondered on the battlefield on how the battle played out, everything was fine but he never got an inch over Julian in the battle, Julian easily set up Rain Dance to reduce his Heatmor's firepower and when it came to the final exchange, his Heatmor was just overpowered and got destroyed.

Julian's Escavalier did take some damage but it was not enough to take it down, thanks to its good Defense and Special Defense.

He then sent Heatmor back to its Pokeball as he realized he needs to do a lot more when it comes to battling, he has perfected how to train his pokemons and they are in no way shape, or form weaker than the opponent.

What he now needs to learn is how to get an edge over an opponent, yes most of the time he can get over them but when he faces someone who is better than him or is a very unorthodox trainer, Yesh finds himself struggling against them.

Like just now, Julian just knew what he was going to do, he took control over the battlefield and completely made this battle pretty one-sided.

He realized he needs to learn how to take control over the battlefield without making the opponent realize, he has seen Julian doing this multiple times, Julian is always under control and his pokemons always have a way to counter their opponent.

Not just because they are strong because they also control the battlefield, Yesh wanted to learn this but it was harder than he expected, no matter how much calculations he made he couldn't do it.

Julian also sent his Escavalier back to his Pokeball and let him rest as he took a direct inferno from Heatmor, even though the effect was reduced after it clashed with Escavalier's Giga Impact, it was still very demanding on Escavalier's energy.

Julian is really impressed by Yesh's growth, his Heatmor also seems to be very powerful as well, if not for the Rain Dance that final exchange might have ended up in a draw.

Yesh then approached him and directly asked him a question.

Yesh "How can I control the battlefield?"

He asked.

Julian "That might be the only thing I cannot teach you, you have to master it yourself, the better trainer you become the better you will get at it, its as simple as that"

He said.

Yesh "Ok"

He said and just stood there looking at Julian.

Julian "What is it?"

Yesh "Did you challenge the gym yet?"

Julian "Yes, I have"

Yesh "Ok, I will be coming with you to Opelucid city"

He said.

Julian "Oh, that would be great"

Julian said with a smile on his face, since Yesh would be joining him he will have less work to do during the journey and it will give Julian some time to rest and have some time for himself to just sit and talk to his girlfriends.

It has been very long since he talked with them and they also seem to be very busy these few days.

Julian then talked with Yesh for a while before leaving for his hotel, they both decided to leave for Opelucid city tomorrow, Yesh seems to have also challenged the gym and won right before Team Plasma started to cause trouble.

He then decided to stay back and wait in the city for a while for things to calm down because Team Plasma was really active and they tried to stop anyone that tried to leave the city.

He also told Julian about a group of Team Plasma members got beat up really badly when they tried to stop some unknown trainer, they got their bones broken and their pokemons seriously injured, they were sent to the hospital soon after.

When Julian learned about this, he only thought of one person, the same one who injured Brycen's pokemons along with Clay's as well.

He really wondered who this trainer really is, so cruel in his methods, he doesn't even spare bad guys, Julian wondered what he will do to this trainer if they come face to face.

Once he returned to his hotel room he finally took some time for himself and rested, after resting for a while he got up to find missed calls on his phone and it is from Chloe.

He quickly called her back to check why she called him.

Julian "Hey babe, why did you call?"

Chloe "I wanted to tell you that we are coming to Unova"

Julian "Oh, if you are doing that, come directly to Opelucid city, I will be there in a week or two"

Chloe "Great, I did call you to ask where you will be in a few weeks, now that I know, I will inform Cynthia as well"

She said.

Julian "Cynthia will be joining as well?"

He asked.

Chloe "Yes, she said she asked the league for a few days of leave"

Julian "I see, then I will meet you in Opelucid city"

He said.

After that they talked for hours, Chloe is the one who did most of the talking as she told him about her days and a few things about Daisy, soon Daisy also joined in as she came back from her work as well and Julian had to spend even more hours on the phone as the two girls didn't want to stop.

Then they even put Cynthia in the group call as well, Julian had to spend the whole night listening to the girls talk while he put a few words in the middle just to show them that he is listening to them, but in fact, he was not, he was just going through his phone and looking at memes.

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