Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 821 - Hardest Challenge

While Julian continued reading, Zweilous almost finished eating his food, the only thing left was the last piece of mean on the bowl, the two heads started to fight again while also trying to sneak in and eat the meat.

After five minutes of fighting one head sneaked in and grabbed the meat and gobbled it up. ​​

Julian once again had to remove the old bandage, clean the wounds, apply ointment, rebandage Zweilous and let him rest for the day.

Julian returned back to his hotel room to rest, another day arrived and another day of him trying to make sure his Zweilous doesn't kill himself.

Luckily for him, this process won't last long, Zweilous will be able to figure out which head will be dominant and which head will be submissive.

The first three days were the hardest day Julian has ever had in his life while taking care of his pokemon, Zweilous has been fighting his own heads back and forth throughout the day.

The amount of cuts and wounds that Julian has treated is too much for even him, he has completely lost count, after three days, things calm down and Julian could already see one head coming out more dominant than the other and this will continue down the path.

Now that things have calmed down, Julian decided to start their training again, now that Zweilous has two heads Julian has to come up with a new way for him to battle, both heads can still hear Julian's voice clearly, the distinct sound that he makes, the claps, the whistles, all these different sounds.

Zweilous understood then very well but now the biggest trouble is how to make sure that the right head attacks properly and the wrong head doesn't make unnecessary attacks that will harm his own pokemon.

He had to treat this like a double battle but both his pokemons are moving in the same pattern, Julian has to come up with a rhythm for them, a rhythm from which they can figure out who should attack and who should defend.

Julian with the help of the system quickly came up with a way to train Zweilous this new method of training.

Julian 'This is really hard'

He thought as he continued to impart this knowledge in Zweilous, he could have gone for any other pokemon but he chose Zweilous, he didn't think it would be this hard.

He wanted a strong pokemon on his team that would be the perfect allrounder and Hydreigon is the perfect all-rounder pokemon because of its pseudo legendary stats, it has very good stats all across the field making it really useful in any kind of battle.

But training Zweilous was a lot harder than he expected, he has put more effort into training Deino and now Zweilous than even Infernape, he was being tested to a very new level.

Training a pokemon that would have random suicide attempts, very bad temper, aggressive behavior, not very friendly, and many more unwanted traits that a trainer would never want in their pokemon, but Julian had to handle them all.

Because the end result is all worth it, a very powerful all-rounder pokemon that could rival legendaries, Julian also found himself getting very close to Zweilous as well, with constant caring he gave to Zweilous he grew attached to the 1.6 meters tall monster of a pokemon.

The training started to go well as well, with two brains working together, Zweilous started to figure out the new battle method that Julian has come up with.

Soon a week passed and Zweilous has calmed down a lot but fights still break out between the two heads especially when it comes to food and who will have the last bite of the food.

Julian took this as a challenge for himself, as a pokemon trainer, and see his own limit, if he can train the perfect Hydreigon


The day has finally come, Julian's time to challenge the gym leader of Icirrus gym, he heard that the gym leader is back to accepting challenges from trainers and it seems trainers are already gathering up outside his gym to challenge him.

With nothing else to be done, Julian headed towards the gym, on his way he looked around the city and found it to be just like any other normal city, no one would believe that this city was terrorized a week ago by a bunch of goons in uniform.

He soon arrived at the gym and found himself lucked out, there are no trainers outside, it seems he is the only one here, he quickly walked up towards the entrance and saw the same man who told him about the gym leader's pokemons being injured.

"Oh, trainer, you are back, you can go in this time"

He said as he recognized the man in the yellow jacket and mask, he came here a week ago and is now back again.

Julian thanked him and walked into the gym, and as he expected this is clearly an ice gym.

A massive battlefield is right there in the middle and the battlefield is covered with hard Ice that is glistening under the white light from the ceiling.

Julian walked down the stairs and finally met the gym leader of this gym, a man wearing a half blue robe, his hair tied up into a braid which goes up and he is also wearing a blue mask, not like the one Julian is wearing, a mask that would rather be worn by a vigilante with eye holes.

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