Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 813 - Followed All The Way

As Julian walked out of the Dragonspiral tower, he noticed a bunch of people, as he turned his head to look at them he realized that they were none other than Team Plasma grunts.

He saw them slowly backing off after noticing him, he smiled seeing this. ​​

Julian 'Looks like a bunch who know what's better for them'

He thought and crossed the bridge very quickly and got behind them, he, of course, could stop them but decided to follow them back to their headquarters and then take action as this will save him some time.

He followed the grunts quietly as they led him to their headquarters, Julian had got the coordinates from the other grunts but he would still have to put some effort into finding it but now the grunts themselves are guiding him to their headquarters.

Soon they arrived in front of an open grass field.

Grunt 1 "Wow, that was scary, luckily that guy didn't notice us, we would have been fucked"

Grunt 3 "Indeed, who the fuck would be daring enough to go into that tower, and he came out unscathed out from it, there was no way we could have taken him down"

Grunt 5 "Ya, let's make sure, all of our stories are the same so that idiot won't suspect us"

The grunts soon discussed their stories and made sure that everyone has the same story so the idiot bossing them around won't cause them much trouble.

Grunt 1 "So let me get this right. When we arrived at the Dragonspiral tower we saw the Salamence battling with the Haxorus, since the battle was very violent we all retreated"

Grunt 2 "Yes, that's it, we will stick to that, so everyone ok with it?"

Grunt 3 "Yes"

Grunt 4 "No problem"

Grunt 5 "Fine"

Grunt 6 "Good, let's all stick with this"

"But what about that Garchomp that faced of against the Salamence?"

They all suddenly heard this

Grunt 1 "Huh? What Garchomp, I never mentioned a Garchomp, have you all forgotten what we just discussed?

Suddenly the grunt realized that the voice he heard was quite foreign to him and so did the others who were with him, they all turned their head and looked at the person who just spoke and when they saw this person, they all froze on the spot as horror flashed in their eyes.

This was the same person who they just saw walking out of the Dragonspiral tower, the same person who made them run away because they didn't want to confront him but now he followed them to their base and none of them noticed.

He even got so close to them and even listened to their plan and still, none of them noticed him until he talked.

Julian "Come on, why are you all so scared, that right there is an amazing plan"

Julian said and smiled but none of them could see it behind the mask but they could tell he was smiling by looking in his eyes and it creeped them out.

Grunt 2 "Sir what do you want, we don't seek any trouble"

Julian "Too bad, I actually came to seek some trouble with Team Plasma, with all that chaos you caused in Icirrus City, stealing pokemons from other people, I wanted to have some word with your leader"

He said and clapped his hand once.

The grunts didn't know what to say.

Julian "What are you waiting for? Open the door so I can go in"

He said and looked at them.

The grunts looked at each other and are clearly hesitating, they are trying to figure out the pros and cons of letting this unknown person inside their headquarters, they knew that he might be strong, still not confirmed but they believe so.

They thought about what this person is going to do, if this person is really strong, he will destroy the Team Plasma headquarters which might be something beneficial to them if they are able to escape but if this person is not strong enough and gets captured, they will be trouble because they are the one that let him into the headquarters.

Julian "I don't have much time, don't make me get physical"

Julian changed his tone and the atmosphere suddenly got very cold, this sent chills down the grunts' spine and they felt fear swell up and their heart become heavy, they felt a sense of suffocation.

Grunts "Yes, we will open it for you"

They said and one of them quickly took out a remote from their pocket and pressed a button, soon a camera came out of the ground and the grunt placed his eye in front of the camera, this camera seems to be an iris scanner, soon the ground started to vibrate and slowly a platform rose up revealing the staircase below.

Grunts "You can go in now"

The grunts said, still scared of this man in front of them.

Julian [Knock them out]

Julian ordered Gengar to knock them out and it didn't even take a second before Gengar put them to sleep, he then took all of their IDs and pokeballs and headed down the staircase to meet this new leader figure in this headquarters and ask him what is Team Plasma really up to.

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