Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 811 - Beyond Champion Level

Julian didn't expect to see a Champion level wild pokemon just sleeping in a random part of the tower.

Julian 'Maybe I will find some more' ​​

He thought and called Garchomp back to his Pokeball and what he thought was right, as he visited the other paths he encountered other champion level pokemons again and all of them were dragon type pokemons.

Haxorus, Flygon, and others, after going through all the paths, Julian decided to head up, he didn't expect so many powerful pokemons and that too all dragon types in the same tower.

This was a surprise to him as this tower didn't stand out at all except its history but seeing so many powerful pokemons here he wondered if the tower is really hiding something.

He started to go up the tower again and finally reached the top and what he found up there was nothing, nothing but an empty roof, the floor was filled with dust and nothing else.

Julian "Well that's disappointing"

He said as the only thing he could see was the vast sky, thick forest on one side, and Icirrus City on the other, he came all this way to find nothing but an empty roof filled with dust.

As he was about to turn around and leave he suddenly heard a loud roar which caused him to turn around, he then saw a massive pokemon flying towards him at high speed, as the pokemon got closer, Julian saw what this pokemon was and with all his previous encounters he was not surprised by seeing another Dragon-type pokemon.

And this one being a Pseudo legendary, a Salamence.

The Salamence blasted a Dragon Pulse at Julian without any warning and once again he had to dodge it just like any other encounter he had with other dragon-type pokemons.

Julian 'Those rumors were true, these pokemons are really aggressive and this Salamence is on a whole another level'

Julian could tell that this Salamence could easily take down a champion level pokemon, he couldn't believe the levels these pokemons were in.

Julian 'How did they become so powerful?'

He thought and sent out Garchomp again.

As Salamence saw Garchomp its behavior became more aggressive, it is known worldwide that Salamences and Garchomps don't get along with each other, both species are known to battle for days for territory and food.

They are even known to kill each other's offspring to reduce future competition.

Noticing the power level of the Salamence, Julian expects that he wouldn't find any Garchomps around Dragonspiral tower because this Salamence would have already chased them out or killed them except if any Garchomp is closer to this Salamence's level.

The Salamence blasted a Dragon Pulse and Julian's Garchomp with spite and anger behind it but Garchomp destroyed the Dragon Pulse with just his bare hands. When it comes to pure physical strength and power no one comes close to Julian's Garchomp.

Seeing its attacks being countered in such a way the Salamence got pissed and charged at Garchomp using Giga Impact, Garchomp grinned and spread his arms ready to take on the attack head-on.

Salamence soon slammed into Garchomp but Garchomp dug his legs into the ground, with the power he put behind his legs, even the unbreakable floor of the tower got punctured by his claws.

He stood his ground and grabbed onto Salamence head and grinned, the Giga Impact is indeed powerful but Garchomp wanted to show off his strength and took it head-on.

Salamence roared and tried to push Garchomp back but it didn't achieve its goal, soon the power behind the Giga Impact ended and Garchomp lifted Salamence with its head and slammed it hard on the ground, the whole tower shook from the pressure of that slam but it didn't break down.

The Salamence seems to be still conscious and this surprised Garchomp, so to end it he used Dragon Clam and slammed on Salamence's head knocking it out completely.

Seeing Salamence was knocked out, Julian took out a Pokeball and tossed it, and captured it, the Pokeball shook three times and finally stopped, he successfully captured a Salamence that is beyond Champion level.

He didn't catch this one for himself but for Sasha, since she will be part of his Omni Guardians she would need a pokemon that could protect her in thought situations and since she is his property, her protection falls under his duty.

His girlfriends don't need any strong pokemons by their side because Julian's Gardevoir and Flygon are with Daisy and Chloe while Cynthia is a Champion and she doesn't need any protection, she also has her Zoroark that is stronger than a Champion level pokemon as well.

Skyla is a gym leader so she also has powerful pokemons by her side as well, the only person who does need protection right now is Anastasia, she is his favorite sex partner and he needs to find a way to make sure she is safe as well but for now, Sasha is his main priority.

She is her very first servant and he loves how loyal she acts in front of him.

He put away the Pokeball and was about to leave when he noticed something, the dust that covered the ground was blown away by the impact from Salamence crashing into Garchomp revealing a massive pattern on the floor.

This circular pattern looked like some ancient summoning site but Julian didn't know the use of this thing, since he could figure it out he took some photos of it.

Julian 'I don't know what it is but maybe, some pokemon professors might know about it, I should look for Professor Juniper, she has been looking into the history of the dragons as well, maybe she knows something'

He thought and decided to leave this place and find the Team Plasma headquarters.

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