Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 806 - Reaching Icirrus City

Once Julian left the celestial tower he asked Gengar about his little trip.

Julian [Did you find anything?] ​​

He asked while Gengar was still in his shadow.

Gengar [Gegege, I found the source of the dimension but it was not good enough for me, but I did learn a lot]

Julian [Good, anything else?]

Gengar [Ya, I also met the little Marshadow that I told you about in the past, the little one is a genius, it seems to be focusing on perfecting his source every time it levels, up, it has slowed down his growth but he is clearly very strong. If you take it under you, it will become one of your most powerful pokemons ever]

Gengar said proudly.

Julian [Oh, one of my best, you say?]

Gengar [Yes]

Julian [Too bad, my team is already set, and to find this one pokemon in a world so big is near impossible, it will depend on luck]

Gengar [Gegegege]

Gengar laughed.

Julian smiled and continued riding. Since Gengar has learned a lot from the dimension, Julian decided to let him improve his own dimension while Julian head towards Icirrus City, on his way he camped multiple times, and during these camps, the training didn't stop.

He plans to use Fraxure and Deino for his battle against the ice type gym leader, it might be a hard one, especially for Deino as he is still in his very first stage.

These training camps were very hard and Julian pushed both of them beyond their limit and he would always make them battle Garchomp, every time they battled, they lasted a second more in the battle against him.

Well, they did work together and that is why they were able to survive for much longer, if they took on Garchomp single-handedly they would never be able to improve because they would get destroyed before they could make any progression during a battle.

Garchomp didn't go easy on them and used every possible way he can think of to attack the two because in a real battle that will happen and the attacks from a pokemon will come from a random direction.

A battle needs both trainer's input and a pokemon's battle knowledge, a trainer is there to figure out the best way possible to win the battle while the pokemon is there to execute that move in the best way possible by figuring out on how to deal that damage effectively and from where it should attack its opponent.

Julian's Unova pokemons lack this knowledge so this real scenario training helps them learn about how to move on a battlefield and how to figure out where their opponent might attack them.


After a week of riding, Julian finally arrived at his destination, he could see the massive city in front of him, this city is home to many ice type pokemons that habitat the cold lakes in the city.

Julian is also interested in a few things that are around the city, such as the Dragonspiral Tower.

Dragonspiral Tower is said to be the oldest structure or monument in Unova and it dates before the three dragons as well, researchers are not able to identify the age of this tower because of the special material that was used to build this structure.

It has withstood the test of time for ages and is still the same it was thousand of years ago, Julian is interested in looking into this tower because legend says that the dragons were actually sealed in this tower but now its the past because Julian has seen one of them, Zekrom.

If Zekrom is out, Reshiram must also be free and roaming out there, compared to Zekrom, Reshiram seems to be very idle because there have been sightings of Zekrom throughout Unova in the past while Reshiram has never shown itself, but there have been people who claim that there saw the silhouette of Reshiram and nothing else.

Having planned out what to do already, Julian drove towards the city wondering what the city has to offer to him.

As he got closer to the city he started to notice a lot of water bodies and these bodies have a lot of pokemon on this, since it is not winter, these lakes look very lively but when winter comes they freeze completely and the pokemons that depend on these water bodies move away except the ones that cannot.

As they will be trapped under a thick layer of ice, Julian continued and finally entered the city, as he entered the city he noticed that a lot of people were walking around the street but what was really weird was the lack of pokemons with them.

People love to hang out with their pokemons and roam with them around their city and enjoy their time together but from what he is seeing, that doesn't seem to be the case right here in Icirrus City.

People are not hanging around with their pokemons, Julian continued forward and quickly stopped in front of a hotel and rented a room for himself.

After showing his ID to the hotel receptionist he got a special treatment which he expected, as he was guided to his room, he decided to ask them about the current situation of the city and why are people not hanging out with their pokemon.

Julian "I noticed that people are not with their pokemon and they seemed quite on edge, what is going on in the city?"

He asked the person who was escorting him to his room.

"Sir, it because of this organization called Team Plasma, over the past few months they are terrorizing the people of the city and stealing their pokemons, that is why people are afraid to take out their pokemon in the open"

The person said.

Hearing this Julian frowned, he didn't expect the terror of Team Plasma is growing at such a rapid rate.

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