Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 803 - Meeting Someone Familiar

Gengar continued his way towards the center of this dimension, on his way the pokemons he saw were numerous but most of them didn't stand out to him, they were all weak compared to him, he couldn't find even one champion level pokemon.

As he continued his way towards the center of the dimension he suddenly felt someone was following him, he turned around and saw ghost pokemons everywhere, hiding in the crowd and blending in so he couldn't pinpoint his observer. ​​

Gengar giggled and continued down the path towards the center of this massive ghost city where the source is located, he could also feel the eyes of a pokemon constantly looking at him and following him.

He wondered who it could be, Gengar might be playful but he is not someone who is patient, this was a trait he didn't receive from Julian.

Gengar suddenly went into the ground and disappeared from the scene, the pokemon that was following him was stunned and looked around to find Gengar in the crowd but he couldn't

He couldn't even sense Gengar's trace, it disappeared into thin air leaving nothing behind, the pokemon panicked as it lost its target, it tried to find Gengar but couldn't.

As it was wondering what it should do next, it suddenly felt a presence behind it, it felt fear and quickly turned around to see Gengar looking at it with a grin on his face.

Gengar [Gegege, what do we have here, a little Marshadow, gegegegege]

Gengar laughed as he looked at the Marshadow in front of him, this was the same Marshadow from the previous dimension he is surprised that he found this little one here.

It has been months and it seems that the Marshadow has grown a lot but being a pokemon with no trainer, it hasn't grown much, it should be still at level 20 or so but Gengar is surprised by the foundation it has built for itself.

Gengar [Gegegege, you have not grown too much but your foundation is pretty good, if you were under my master, you would have become really strong by now, gegege]

Gengar laughed.

Marshadow [Then why don't you take me to him]

Marshadow said.

It always wanted to be strong, just like Gengar, the power and the aura around Gengar was very pure and it wanted to become just like that, so it went on a journey on its own but soon realized just how great of a mountain it has to climb to reach the level and perfection that Gengar has.

To build the purest ghostly aura, Marshadow abandoned growing stronger and focused on making its source purer just like Gengars' and it took him quite a while to reach this level.

Gengar [Gegege, you are late again, my Master has already filled up his team of young pokemons, you need more luck in your life, gege]

Gengar giggled again while looking at the young Marshadow, this little pokemon was clearly a prodigy on its own, it was able to create itself a very pure source without any trainer, even if it had found a trainer, that trainer won't be able to bring out this little one's true potential.

It needs someone like Julian who can do that.

Marshadow [By the way, what are you doing here?]

It asked.

Gengar [Gege, I am looking for the source of this dimension, gegege]

Marshadow [What's that?]

It asked curious about what Gengar is searching for.

Gengar [You won't understand, huh? By the way, how did you get here?]

Gengar suddenly realized that a pokemon of Marshadow's level should be able to get through that door, then how did it get here, he got curious.

Marshadow [I jumped from one dimension to other through gates]

Gengar [Gates?]

Marshadow [Yes, there are many dimensions that are connected and pokemon who are inside these dimensions can jump from one to other]

Gengar [Gege, I see, one has to be inside to move around]

Marshadow [Yes]

Gengar [Gegege, I will have to look into it]

He said and continued on his way towards the center to find the source again but this time he has his own sidekick by his side, the little Marshadow.

Gengar looked at the Marshadow and grinned wider, if this little one continues on this path, it will definitely become a force to reckon with, its desire to seek perfection will slow down its growth but it will all be worth it when it reaches the top.

Gengar is wondering if he should take the little one to his master and have him train as he has grown a liking to this little one, when Gengar met Julian for the first time, his only wish was to become stronger, but as he spent more time with Julian, the more he realized that having a better foundation was even more important.

Julian focused on improving Gengar's source from the very beginning and was determined to perfect it and that is why he is so strong, not only him but all his friends, because they have perfect control over their source.

And this little Marshadow is already on that path without being guided by anyone, this little one can clearly become the greatest pokemon Julian could ever train right after the monsters that are Infernape and Crystal.

Gengar and Marshadow then continued their way down the ghost city as Marshadow would sometimes ask about things that he didn't understand and Gengar would answer them.

Gengar [By the way, how did you improve your ghostly energy?]

Marshadow [Every dimension has this thing in the middle of it, that release a lot of ghostly energy from it, I used that to make my ghost energy pure]

He said.

Gengar 'This thing must be the dimension source'

Gengar [So you were heading there before you met me?]

Marshadow [Yes, I was heading there when I saw you. Since you were going in the same direction I started to follow you]

Gengar [Gegegege]

Gengar just laughed and didn't say anything, sometimes it better to have someone by his side while he explores this dimension.

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