Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 797 - Archen Vs Golett (1)

Both Archen and Golett are very aggressive in nature, when Julian first encountered Golett he was very aggressive and didn't go down even after taking hits that could faint a pokemon multiple times, he has the will to keep ongoing.

Archen on the other hand has the prehistoric ruthlessness build inside him, he may have been brought to this new peaceful world but the knowledge and method that has been passed down to him have not been forgotten, that ruthless instinct of a predator that roamed the skies and hunted other pokemons for food cannot be forgotten just like that. ​​

Seeing that both pokemon are ready to give it their all, Julian started the battle.

Julian "let the battle begin"

Julian started the battle and the first on to make the move is Golett, and with his aggressive style, he wanted to hit with a lethal blow from the very beginning with an Ice Punch.

Golett charged at Archen as his right arm got covered with frost as ice formed around it and a trail of clod steam was left behind.

Archen saw this punch coming from miles away and used his powerful legs to jump up, he then spread his wings and glided behind Golett and landed right behind him, Archen then used Crunch from behind.

As a massive jaw of dark energy formed behind Golett, he quickly turned around and canceled the Ice Punch and used Protect, a round forcefield was formed around him as the jaws dug in, trying to destroy the protect, everyone could see the fangs of the dark jaw puncture the forcefield when it suddenly ran out of energy and disappeared.

The Protect also shattered but the offense didn't stop, Golett then went for a sure hit attack which is a Shadow Punch, this punch could not be dodged no matter what unless Archen finds a way to counter it.

Since that is the case Archen also went for a sure hit attack as well, he used Ariel Ace, he ran towards Golett who is charging at him like a shadow that level leaves a body, he then jumped and spread his wings and dove down at Golett.

He disappeared from his spot and appeared right in front of Golett's punch and both of them clashed, the sound of the collision traveled all across the hills and echoed back, it was then followed by a shockwave which blew away the dribbles all over the place.

The battle was becoming more intense, both Golett and Archen were pushed back from their position and both stood their grounds.

Julian's other pokemons were cheering for both of them while Gengar and Crystal became businessmen and started to place bets on the winner, Infernape shook his head and maintained his distance from the con artist that is Gengar and his partner in crime, the innocent-looking Crystal.

Gengar already knew who is going to win so he made the deal so good that Julian's other pokemons were forced into choosing the one who gave the highest return.

Once everything was collected Gengar and Crystal giggled as they knew they pulled off another big heist and Julian's Unova pokemons had no idea that they have been duped.

Garchomp and Victini wanted to avoid Gengar but they couldn't escape and had to bet as well, when they refused, Gengar put on a sad face and then started to belittle them by saying how they have so many items on them but they cannot give away even a little bit.

Gengar and Crystal guilt them into giving away their food, after success both of them giggled mischievously, the only one they didn't bother was Infernape because they knew they would get their ass kicked if they tried to do anything funny with him.

Gengar has already experienced this and still remembers the incident of that time in the forest where he spread false rumors about Infernape to have some fun.

While Gengar and Crystal are having their fun, the battle between Archen and Golett is getting more intense by every second.

Both of them seem to be equally matched when it comes to physical strength and are countering each other moves and are not able to get an edge over the other party.

Seeing it was no use to continue this physical battle Archen decided to create some distance and force Golett into making a mistake and then he can go in for the finish.

He created some distance with his superior speed and blasted a Dragon Pulse at Golett, seeing Archen has decided to change his approach to this battle, Golett knew that he is planning something but he cannot figure it out unless he sees it with his own eyes.

But right now he needs to destroy this Dragon Pulse that is coming towards him, instead of countering it, he used Protect again, Archen expected him to counter because that is what this whole battle was all about, countering each other's moves but Golett suddenly defended himself.

Being together with each other every day and training together allowed them to read each other's movements and predict their moves in a battle, Golett did the same, and having a little more experience in battles helped him as well.

Seeing Golett didn't counter his Dragon Pulse Archen was surprised but that didn't mean he was thrown off, he blasted another Dragon Pulse at Golett and this time he cannot use Protect as it will fail, Golett needs some time to recharge as Protect has a cool off time.

Knowing that he cannot use Protect, Golett moved to the side and dodged the attack, he didn't want to engage in this game of Archen's

Golett's intention was very clear by him dodging this attack, 'If you want to battle, take me head-on'.

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