Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 794 - Julian Vs Skyla (4)

Skarmory is now under the effects of Burn and it is a bad sign for Skyla, her second pokemon will not be able to hold on for much longer.

Her Skarmory crashes on the ground head first then back, it then uses its wings to get back on to its feet but the Burn suddenly kicked in and its body got engulfed in flames. ​​

Skarmory's legs went weak and its body toppled on the ground but it was not out, it can go on due to its very high Defense stat but it won't last very long.

On the ground damaged and burnt, Skarmory is trying its best to get up but the rising temperature of its body is not helping at all, being a steel type makes it even worse.

Skyla "Skarmory, there is nothing to lose, we will go down but we will also take down our opponent, use Sky Attack"

Skyla decided to go all out with her Skarmory's most powerful move Sky Attack, in this, the pokemon reaches high up in the sky and dives down at an incredible speed, with the sunlight behind its back, it completely cloaks itself and becomes invisible to its opponent.

This is a very high damage attack and Julian won't risk taking a hit from this because it will be game over for his Larvesta, even if he has not taken any damage from their clashes.

Julian "Use Harden, then Protect, then Leach Life"

Knowing the danger of the incoming attack Julian went all out on defense on his side, he ordered Larvesta to use Harden to increase his Defense, then let the Protect reduce the power behind the Sky Attack and then use Leach Life to observe the health he will lose after that exchange

He doesn't know if the Protect can protect from this Sky Attack but that is also the reason why he is using Leach Life and Harden.

The awaited Sky Attack came near as Larvesta used Harden rising his Defense and once he saw the black dot that was surrounded by sunlight he used Protect and created a forcefield in front of him.

Scarmory continued coming down and crash into the Protect and as Julian expected, Larvesta's Protect was not strong enough to hold on for much longer and it shattered under that massive stress and he had anticipated this.

Skyla's Skarmory is very powerful and can easily become a champion level pokemon and his Larvesta is under-leveled compared to Skarmory.

As the Protect shattered the next in line to receive the attack was Larvesta but the Harden has risen his defense and the Protect had destroyed most of the Sky Attack's momentum, Skarmory crashed into Larvesta and sent him rolling backward.

But Julian has seen this coming, his Larvesta took damage but not something too lethal for the battle to end, then Larvesta rushed in with his body surrounded by green aura as he lashed out at Skarmory and hit him dealing damage and stealing half of damage health.

The damage that Larvesta took from the Sky Attack got healed, not fully but he is close to perfect condition, but the story was not over as the Burn kicked in once again, Skarmory's body got engulfed by flames it dealt more damage.

Skarmory is in bad shape and it has no strength to perform another attack.

Julian "Finish it, use Flame Wheel"

With already a lot of speed boost under his tiny feet, Larvesta's speed was blinding and with this Flame Wheel as he landed the finishing blow on the weak Skarmory which ended the battle.

Skarmory collapsed on the ground knocked out, it took a lot of damage showing its great defense but it couldn't take on the continuous Burn, it was too much for a steel type pokemon.

Skyla gritted her teeth as her second pokemon is down and she is on her last pokemon while Julian still has to reveal his third and none of his pokemons are down, he wouldn't even have to bring out his third pokemon if this continues.

Skyla called back her Skarmory and praised it for doing a good job and took out her last Pokeball, her ace of the team, she sent out her final pokemon for this battle, her Swanna.

A Swanna is a good allrounder pokemon with good speed but in this battle, it will have an edge over Larvesta because it is a Water/Flying-type and both of its typing has an advantage over Larvesta's both typing Fire and Bug.

But Julian decided to stay with Larvesta, Larvesta was not pushed too much in his battle with Skarmory, Julian knew he needed more.

Julian "Larvesta, let's continue"

He said to which Larvesta nodded his head determined to take down his next opponent as well, this massive bird pokemon that stood in front of him.

This time Julian decided to make the first move.

Julian "Let's go, use String Shot"

Larvesta didn't fool around and shot a long string of sticky web at Swanna.

Skyla "Counter with Water Gun"

Swanna blasted at Water Gun at the incoming string and completely washed it off, the attack then continued towards Larvesta but he was too quick for the attack to hit him so he dodged it very easily.

Julian "Use, Bug Buzz"

Hearing Julian, Larvesta started to vibrate his underdeveloped wings creating a buzzing sound, suddenly waves of bug aura emitted out of Larvesta and travelled towards Swanna.

Skyla "Quick, take the sky"

Her Swanna flapped its massive wings and took flight dodging the Bug Buzz.

Julian "Giga Drain"

As soon as it took flight, Julian made the call and Larvesta blasted a green laser at Swanna, it was too fast to dodge at the attack hit, but instead of causing any physical damage, it started to suck the energy out of Swanna and fed it to Larvesta who is not completely healed and back to full health.

Skyla "Fly high and use Water Pulse"

Skyla played smart and decided to make some distance and use a good Water Pulse with the help of gravity to accelerate its speed and power, Swanna flew high and shot a big ball of spinning water at Larvesta intending to finish the battle in one hit if possible.

Julian "Use Flamethrower to counter"

Now Larvesta got the chance to show off the capability of his fire, he aimed at the Water Pulse and blasted a Flamethrower at it, the power behind the attack was not as good compared to his physical attacks but the temperature of the fire was very hot.

As two attacks made contact, the sound of the water turning into steam covered the whole battlefield, as it got close to Larvesta, the Water Pulse size has been reduced to the size of a golf ball which then completely disappeared.

This just showed how hot Larvesta's fire really is.

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