Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 791 - Julian Vs Skyla (1)

Julian called his organization, the person who picked it up is none other than the previous member of the underworld that Julian had rescued.

His family has been brought to the mainland along with all other families that were trapped on that island which was quite easy, the island was not too big and even the forces that were present there were limited, a raid from the league and the Underworld had to abandon it. ​​


He called out from the other end of the call excitedly.

Julian "Yes, it's me, I need you to spy on someone and get some details about him and his activities from the past few days till now"

"Ok, Boss, you don't have to worry about it, so who is this person?"

Julian "A judge from Unova, his name is George Peterson"

"I will put my best men on the task, you don't have to worry about it boss"

Julian "Hmm"

Julian ended the call and looked at Jenny who is getting ready to leave, even though she would like to stay she needs to get back to her job, with what happened yesterday, the city is on high alert and every officer has to do overtime, Jenny used the break she got to come and meet Julian and now she has to go back and work.

Julian finished eating and went to bed as tomorrow he will have to battle Skyla for his sixth gym badge


The next day, Julian woke up quite early and got ready for his gym battle, he first when to the nearest pokemon park and warmed up his pokemon and fed them their breakfast, after an hour he finally headed towards the gym.

The gym was open and it looks like he is not the first one to come here, a trainer walked out of the gym dejected, it was clear that he lost to Skyla.

She does have a reputation for being a very hard gym leader to defeat.

As he walked in he found a middle-aged man who seems to be the gym keeper of this gym, as he saw Julian he bowed and showed Julian to the battlefield where Skyla is waiting for him, her previous battle was very easy and her pokemons didn't even receive a scratch.

But right now she is a little tense, her relationship with Julian didn't matter right now because she is battling him as a gym leader and it is her duty to do it the right way.

Julian looked at Skyla, she is wearing her blue uniform, the same one she had worn when he first met her.

Skyla is a little nervous right now, she has had her fun with Julian but now it's different, Julian has a reputation for being one of the most powerful trainers in this world and he uses gym leaders as stepping stones for his pokemons, this reputation of his made many gym leaders wanting to be the one who stopped Julian in his path and defeat him at least once, till now no one has done it.

Even if he is her master she wanted that title for herself as well because she is also a very passionate pokemon trainer and her love for this is as equal to her love for flying high in the sky.

Julian stood on the battlefield and looked at Skyla who has put up a very serious face, this is the first time Julian has seen her like this and he likes it.

The gym keeper seems to be the referee as well so he took his position and looked at both trainers.

Referee "This is a three on three pokemon battle, during the battle only the challenger is allowed to switch his pokemon, the battle will end when one of the two trainers don't have any pokemon who is able to battle on their team.

Are the rules clear?"

The referee explained the rules and asked if both trainers are ready, he soon got a nod from both sides so he moved on and asked both trainers to send out their pokemon.

Skyla went first and took out a Pokeball and sent out her first pokemon, Swoobat.

Julian looked at this pokemon, he knows it is a very fast pokemon and a Special Attacker but Julian is not worried about it because these pokemons don't have good Defense or Special Defense, it can be taken down very easily with a good hit, the only problem will be its speed, but Julian is already thinking about his strategy to take down this Swoobat.

Julian then takes out his Pokeball and sends out his own pokemon, Archen, his first pick.

Though his Archen is still in his first stage he is much stronger than so many pokemon species that are at their second stage and some who are even in their final stage.

His Archen's attack stat is also very good and can easily go head to head with an Arcanine who is on the same level even though his size is very small, making him clearly the prehistoric beast that he is.

Referee "Now, let the battle begin"

With both pokemons on the battlefield, the Referee didn't wait and started the battle.

Skyla waited and decided to let Julian make the first move, she did her homework and noticed that Julian would always let his opponent make the first move and come up with a counter.

She didn't want that to happen and decided to let him take the lead so she can be the one to counter and put her in an advantageous position.

Julian noticed that Skyla didn't want to make the first move, he smiled and decided to attack.

Julian "Use Quick Attack".

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