Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 771 - Julian Vs Clay

Julian stayed quite long in Driftveil city because he couldn't have a battle with Clay because of Clay's injured pokemons that are in the pokemon center.

Luckily for Julian, he has made a friend and a very hot girl who is there in the place he stays to satisfy him. ​​

The wait is finally over as Clay's pokemon healed fully and Julian headed towards Driftveil gym again, to challenge the gym leader once again.

When he arrived there he noticed a few pokemon trainers walking out of the gym completely dejected, it is clear that they lost, it could be seen in their face, they were crushed by their loss.

"Man, I didn't expect this gym would be so hard, he destroyed us and didn't even give a chance to fight back"

One trainer said dejectedly.

"Ya, I didn't expect him to be so hard, my pokemons didn't even stand a chance"

"How about we skip this gym and challenge the other gyms?"

'Ya let's do that, without current level we will never be able to defeat him"

The trainer talked and walked past Julian, Julian didn't think much of their talk, he already knows that Clay is known for his ways of not going easy on his challengers and he is glad to hear that he has not changed his ways even after the crushing defeat he faced from the guy called Dhrago.

He then walked into the grand gym once again, unlike last time there are some people inside doing their work, as he walked in he saw the person he saw a week ago, he was wiping the floor with a mop.

The person also noticed Julian and smiled at him, even though he couldn't see the face behind the mask he could tell that it was the same person he saw a week ago from the way he dressed.

Julian nodded at him and entered the battlefield, as he walked in he saw Clay standing there waiting for his next challenger, Julian carefully looked at this middle-aged man, a person with an average height, big belly, and wearing a brown coat and pants under a reddish-brown shirt, he is also wearing a hat.

With all this combined he looked like a cowboy.

Clay looked at his knew challenger and raised his brows as he tried to read his opponent, with his opponent's face covered he couldn't get much but he could tell that his new challenger is confident in his ability to battle him by the body language that he displayed while walking in.

Clay "Take you spot, I don't have much time to waste, I need to get back to mining"

He said and took his spot on the battlefield and waited for Julian to do so as well, Julian looked at the grumpy man and smiled, just looking at his face Julian could tell that this man is always grumpy due to the look on his face.

Julian didn't bother to argue and took his place on the battlefield as well.

Clay "I won't stretch it, this will be a two on two pokemon battle, the rules are the same as any other gym challenge, do you have any questions?"

He asked to which Julian shook his head denying any questions and told him to continue.

The referee soon walked in, since Clay has already announced the rules, the ref didn't bother to explain it again and took his spot.

Referee "Both trainers, please choose your first pokemon"

Clay went first and sent out his first pokemon, Sandslash, a pure ground type pokemon with very good attack and defense stats, but it lacks special attack and special defense while its speed is average.

But Julian wanted to make this a battle of pure strength so he won't take advantage of Sandslash's weakness.

Julian also sent out his own pokemon, Golett, the Ground/Ghost-type pokemon.

Comparing both pokemons on the field, Sandslash is clearly the stronger pokemon as it is in its final form and its attack and defense are way more than Golett.

Clay is surprised by Julian's choice as not many have come to challenge him with a ground type pokemon.

Referee "Are both trainers ready?"

The referee confirmed if both sides are ready or not, once he got their agreement he started the battle.

Referee "Then, let the battle begin"

Clay "Sandslash, use Dig"

As soon as the start signal was given, Clay made his move, he is really a trainer that didn't give a chance to his opponent.

Julian "Golett, use Iron Defense, the Defense Curl"

Golett quickly used Iron Defense and covered his body with metal aura increasing his defense and then curled up into a ball increasing his defense even further, suddenly Sandslash tore the ground apart from below and sent Golett flying in the air but its attack didn't cause a lot of damage.

Julian "Now, Ice Punch"

Golett who was rolled up unrolled himself and faced towards Sandslash and punched at it with a full power Ice Punch.

Clay "Counter with Slash"

Golett came down with a powerful Ice Punch and Sandslash used its massive sharp claws and swiped as hard as it can at its opponent, as both collided it created a sonic boom that covered the whole battlefield.

Ice shards went flying everywhere and both pokemons backed off, it was a draw.

While Golett seems to be ok, Ice has covered Sandslash's claw, Sandslash could feel the cold traveling through its body but it quickly took care of the problem by slamming its claw into the ground and shattering the Ice around its claw.

Clay knew that this battle will be a hard one as this opponent of his is way better than the ones he faced previously, and he put on an even serious face as he is about to go all out.

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