Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 769 - Scaring Everyone

Julian stopped his bike right in front of the helpless group and saw Ash and his friends along with this beautiful blonde who seems to be surrounded by a bunch of weird costume-wearing idiots.

The blonde stepped forward and rushed towards him. ​​

Linda "Hello my name is Linda, are your friend of Charles?"

She asked to which Julian just nodded his head.

Linda "Great, can you help us, we will not be able to hold for long, we need to also help Charles"

She asked for help.

Julian ignored her and looked at these bunch of fools who are slowly coming around and surrounding him, he signaled Linda to back off with a hand gesture, she hesitated but did as he said.

Charles told her that he informed a friend of his about this and he is coming to help, Charles also told her to listen to his friend and don't ask any question.

As she backed off Julian asked Gengar to take care of these weak goons.

Julian [Gengar, do your thing]

Gengar didn't reveal himself but the image of a dark silhouette appeared behind Julian releasing a very dark aura causing fear and horror to strike the goons that surrounded him, they froze on their spot and looked at this silhouette in horror, even their pokemons couldn't move from fear.

And just like before, someone who was a little braver than others screamed in fear and tried to run away, wanting nothing to do with this man, and just like before the rest followed him and tried to run for their life.

And just like that, it was over, everyone is stunned by the current event, they struggled so much to hold off against these team Vanillite grunts but now they were sent running scared for their lives just because they saw this dark figure behind the demon masked man.

Linda doesn't know what to say, she expected a battle but it didn't even take place, this man in the demon mask didn't even send out a pokemon to deal with the current situation, she rushed to thank him but he stopped her and asked about Charles in a deep voice.

Julian "Where is Charles?"

Linda stopped and pointed deeper into the Cold Storage.

Julian nodded and rode off leaving the group behind, since they are not in danger anymore, it didn't matter what they do now.

Julian rode deeper into the storage and finally found a person wearing a very weird costume, this man looked like a red power ranger from Julian's previous world's tv series and this man had three pokemons in front of him.

Zebstrika, Krokorok, and Accelgor. Seeing them Julian realized that this person is none other than his friend Charles.

Julian "Hey Charles"

Julian called him.

Charles who is in his power rangers costume got startled as he was in the middle of a battle now.

Charles "Charles? Charles who? I am not Charles, I am the Mighty Accelguard"

He said.

Julian "Idiot, it's me, Julian, what the fuck are you wearing?"

Julian asked.

Charles finally realized who it was and turned around to see Julian standing there but he couldn't see his face.

Charles "Why are you asking me what I am wearing, look at you, you look like some scary-ass movie villain"

Julian "And you look edgy as shit"

Charles "Ok, Ok, come and help me"

Julian "So this is why you wanted to learn how to battle using three pokemons at the same time"

He said and looked at the massive army of ice pokemon he is battling, 40 vs 3, all those 40 pokemons are weak but their number is a massive advantage and a joint attack can be very powerful.

"Hahaha, I see that you got yourself a help but that won't matter, Accelguard, I will rule Unova and no one can stop me"

Julian suddenly heard a voice and looked at the direction of the voice to see who this person is, he saw an old man with zig-zag white hair wearing a white suit and pant and a dark blue cape.

Julian finally noticed this person, since he was standing behind his army of weird dressed men, he didn't even see him but now that he took a look at him, he realized that this person is the leader of the group.

Julian "Charles take care of that man, I will get rid of these people"

Julian said and told Charles to chase after the old man while he handles the goons, since this is not his fight he doesn't need to take down the main culprit.

"Me, Dr. Ferrara is not someone who should be looked down you imbecile, I will make you pay"

The old man shouted at Julian when he heard what Julian said, he could tell that Julian was looking down on him and had no interest in acknowledging the old man and his goals, this offended him.

Julian "Gengar"

Julian just said one word and suddenly the atmosphere changed and the same thing happened again, the air got chilly, and fear crept into the hearts of the men standing in front of the old man named Dr. Ferrara.

Seeing the sudden change and the fear that is building up inside his heart Dr. Ferrara made a wise move and bolted into one of the vans and drove off leaving behind his goons, seeing his escape, Charles gave a nod to Julian and chased after him on his bike with his Accelgor.

Julian sighed.

This thing was too easy for him but since Charles asked for help he couldn't just deny him, the pressure released by Gengar was so much that these grunts and their pokemons fainted as they couldn't take it anymore.

Since this has been taken care of Julian turned around to leave and found Ash and his friends with the blonde Linda rushing towards him.

Ash "Mr. Demon, where is Charles?"

He asked as he saw that all the grunts were already taken down.

Julian "He chased after that crazy old man, you should follow them as well"

He said in a deep voice and pointed towards the direction Charles and the old man took off, he then rode off on his bike leaving the group alone again, this time they didn't ponder on it much and took a van and chased after Charles and the old man Dr. Ferrara.

Julian also followed then but kept a distance, he didn't want to interfere much but if things go wrong he will step in, but he has a hunch that he doesn't need to.

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