"It was some guy named Dhrago, he challenged gym leader Clay yesterday, at first their battle was quite normal and it looked even but this man named Dhrago suddenly started to laugh and tell how much of a disappointment Gym leader Clay was.

This pissed of Gym leader Clay and his pokemons, then things changed, this Dhrago and his pokemons changed their battling style, every move of theirs was cruel and delivered to hurt Gym leader Clay's pokemon, at the end of the battle all his pokemons were seriously injured. ​​

Gym leader Clay had to rush them to the pokemon center as soon as possible after the battle"

The man said and sighed once again.

Julian on the other hand had a frown on his face, from what he heard, this Dhrago is one sick person and likes to bully the ones who are weaker than him.

Julian "Do you know how he looks?"

"Tall man, over 6 feet tall, muscular, short hair and yes, an eye patch covering his left eye, it looked like a scar was running down his face through that covered eye"

He described this character.

Julian "I see, thank you, when should I expect the Gym leader to come back?"

"I don't know, it depends on how fast his pokemons recover from their injured state"

Julian "I see, I will be leaving then"

He said and walked out of the gym thinking about this Dhrago guy, the way the man inside the gym described him, Julian felt that he has seen this man before but he couldn't remember where, even though he has a great memory, he doesn't have a photographic memory to things that are sometimes not important don't register inside his head.

Julian "Well, it doesn't matter, if I meet this guy, I really want to see how tough he really is"

He said and decided to visit the pokemon center to give the baby pokemons in his team and quick check.

When he arrived at the pokemon center he noticed Clay sitting there with a worried expression on his face, just from his expression, Julian could tell that his pokemons were badly hurt, a Chansey is standing next to him trying to comfort him.

Julian walked towards nurse Joy who is standing there waiting for her next patient, he passed her two of his pokemons, Larvesta and Archen.

Joy "Please wait a minute, I will be right back"

She said and took the pokeballs inside and came back to her counter, she noticed that Julian is still standing there.

Joy "Do you need anything else?"

Julian "Isn't that Gym leader Clay, why does he look so worried?"

Joy "Oh, his pokemons were seriously injured during a gym battle"

Julian "Oh, that's bad, how long will it take for them to get well?"

Joy "The injuries are very severe, one of them even has a fractured tendon, it will take a weak or more for them to fully heal and start walking and battling again"

Julian "I see, hope they recover fast"

Joy "I wish the same as well, don't worry they will be completely fine, why don't you wait there, your pokemon's checkup is almost done, I will bring them after a minute"

She said and walked back into the treatment room as she saw no patient being admitted right now, Julian walked towards a chair and sat down, he felt bad for Clay, luckily pokemons heal much faster, if the same injure was done to a human they would need a month or two to recover but pokemons can recover very fast.

Stronger pokemons recover even faster.

He just didn't know why this guy named Dhrago too it over the limit and hurt ones pokemon so badly, Nurse Joy soon brought back his two pokemons from their check-up and handed them back to Julian.

Since Julian wanted to challenge the gym leader today but seeing how the current situation is, it not a good idea, so he decided to walk around the city and enjoy his time here while he still can.

With nothing else to do Julian decided to call Charles and hang out with him.

Julian "Hello, Charles, it's me, Julian, what are you doing?"

Charles "I am busy right now, I will call you later"

Charles ended the call as he seems to be in a hurry, Julian frowned as Charles never sounded so troubled.

Julian "Something is not right, I wonder what it is?"

With nothing else to do now, not even Charles available to hang out, Julian decided to continue training his pokemons and train himself along the process as well, training is the only thing that separates him from the chaos that is this world.

He returned to his usual training spot in the forest he began to train his pokemons again, Axew has now perfected his energy control to the limit of his body and now he is allowed to evolve, Julian took off the Everstone that was tied around his neck.

As soon as he removed the Everstone, Axew started to glow, he didn't even need stimulation to evolve, with so much energy already stored inside his body, as Axew started to glow the other pokemons around him got excited and surrounded him.

Axew was finally evolving, the most envious are Larvesta and Archen as they are still far from their evolution, Axew started to grow bigger, his head became bigger and the tusks between his mouth became longer and sharper, his tail grow longer and his legs became bigger.

As the light faded away, Axew became Fraxure, all his stats increased but his attack stat had the biggest change, just in his second stage, his attack stats are already better than some pokemons who have reached their final stage.

Julian smiled as his pokemon team grew even stronger but it is still not the end.

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