Skyla "So where are you going?"

She asked as she is very much curious about Julian's actions. ​​

Julian "To find someplace to stay, a hotel maybe"

He said and turned around, decided to leave her alone for now.

Skyla "Wait, why don't you come with me, I have a penthouse here, you can stay there without wasting any money"

She gave him an option, Julian looked at her and thought about it, if he goes with her, he will have more chance to make Skyla fall under his control, there is one more advantage to Skyla coming under him, he will have another person who will be able to look into the league's matter except for Cynthia.

Since Cynthia is a champion, she has a great influence over the league but just like Cynthia there are other champions as well, so her standing is not unique there, there are still somethings that Cynthia doesn't know, the more eyes Julian have inside the league, the better.

Since Skyla is a gym leader she has some influence in the Unova league's headquarters and she can pull some pieces of information without being found out by the league, the more people he has inside the better, he has even thought of making Caitlin one of his own.

The only thing holding him back is her relationship with his girlfriend Cynthia.

He decided to go with her, since she is ready to provide a place to stay, why deny it, he could already tell she is a pervert and that helps Julian a lot, he can control her more easily compared to others.

Julian "Sure, why not"

He agreed to her request, listening to Julian's answer Skyla got excited.

Skyla "Then let's go, come with me"

She said and skipped off towards the exit, Julian covered his face again and walked behind Skyla, he kept some distance from her because some people would walk towards her and ask her for a photo or autograph, she is quite famous but not to the level of Julian and other champions.

Soon they arrived at the car park where her car is parked, she took out her car keys and unlocked her car, Julian looked at the car and realized that this girl is a huge spender as well, its a matt black supercar.

Julian likes supercars and knows how great they are but he doesn't think of them as a practical choice, he would rather buy an SUV that can do both off and on-road.

Skyla "Do you want to drive?"

She asked and tossed the key at Julian, he caught it and looked at the key, even the key looks expensive.

Julian "Sure why not"

He said and got into the driver seat, this is the first time he is inside a supercar, the seats are not the best and he feels a little cramped inside but the feeling that he got was really unique, these cars are really not made for people who are tall, maybe short people can be comfortable while sitting inside but people with Julian's height are taller will have a tough time.

Skyla got on the passenger seat and smiled at him, he started the engine and put it on gear, the car started to move, Julian knows these things go fast so he was careful while taking it out of the car park, once he was out he started to drive it properly and he was impressed by how good the car drove.

While Julian is riding, Skyla is looking at him with that look again.

Skyla "Can we have sex?"

She suddenly asked. Hearing this Julian was stunned, this girl was too straight forward, he has never heard words like this from a girl, even if they wanted to initiate the sex first, they would never say something like Skyla said, they would rather give of signals so Julian can take the first step.

Julian looked at her and decided to play her game and smiled at her.

Skyla "Why are smiling, do you want to do it?"

Julian "No"

Hearing him Skyla is surprised, just a few minutes ago he was grabbing her pussy and now he rejected her, she didn't understand, no man has ever rejected her before.

Skyla "But why?"

She asked.

Julian "Hmm, you are not a good girl, be a good girl and I might think about it"

He said and continued driving.

Skyla looked at him and suddenly did something very unexpected, she used each finger from both of her hands and stretched out her mouth while putting her tongue out.

Skyla "I can be any type of good girl you want"

She said. Even though her speech was not perfect while doing so Julian understood her, he looked at her surprised again, she was more slutty that he thought, she only wanted to have sex with him and nothing else.

Julian "You are a slut, I didn't expect this from a gym leader"

Skyla "Well I didn't plan to show this side of mine to a stranger but the way you touched me down here, I cannot resist you now, your hand is magical, and on top of that this runs in my family, my mother was like this as well and she told me her mother was like this as well, I saw my mother having sex with multiple men when my father was not around. When I saw her doing so, she didn't defend her, she told me I will become the same as well"

She said while touching her own pussy.

Julian "That's too much information and I don't need your family background but you are one horny girl, so how many sex partners do you have?"

Skyla "Till now, I only have had sex with thirty men"

Julian "Hmm, that's not much for such a horny girl like you"

Skyla "Well, I have to maintain my image as a gym leader, I cannot just fuck anyone, the men I fucked signed a contract before doing anything with me, so if they talk their career is over for good"

Julian "You are shady as well, that face of yours doesn't suit your personality"

He said.

Skyla "Hehe"

She giggled and put up her innocent dumb cute girl's face showing how good she was.

Julian 'She can be a very useful servant, I need to make her mine'

He thought and drove down the road.

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