Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 755 - Another Pokemon For The Team

Julian first decided to put Archen in a new Pokeball before he heads towards his new destination which is right outside the town, he let Archen get used to the outside world before he sends him inside a Pokeball.

He took out a Pokeball and pressed it on top of Archen's head and put him inside his new Pokeball. ​​

Archen didn't know what was happening but he didn't put up a fight since he trusted Julian as he felt safe around him, to a newborn feeling safe is the most important instinct to them and Julian gave off this feeling to pokemons.

After putting Archen into his own Pokeball Julian headed south of the town towards a shrine that can be found there, it is called the Abundant Shrine, the area around this Shrine is known for having pokemons with Ghost, Psychic, and Dark typing.

The pokemon Julian is looking for is a Golett, the Ground/Ghost-type pokemon, these pokemons when they evolve to their final stage are known for their very high physical stat and good defense and special defense, and with their size and weight, they can bully around most of the pokemon that it faces.

The only drawback of these pokemon is their speed and special attack, not too bad but not average either, it was just there in the middle but Julian has experience in training huge bulky pokemons with high attack stats, just like his Snorlax and Tyranitar.

Julian sat on his bike and made his way towards the south of the town to where the shrine is situated, it didn't take him long but the route to the shrine was hard to ride on, the road was bumpy and most of the time, the front wheel of his bike never touched the ground.

When he arrived there he sensed many eyes on him, all of these are pokemons but most of them will just watch from far as most of them don't like to interact with humans.

Julian arrived right in front of the shrine and looked at it. this shrine is abandoned and it looks very old, there are plants growing out of its walls and cracks are all over its pillar, Julian could also tell that a lot of ghosts and psychic type pokemons inhabit this part of the area.

These type of pokemons only inhabit places like this if something bad has happened here, maybe this could have been a burial ground, or many people and pokemon might have died here.

Julian could feel the chilly air in the surrounding, the air is cold and the atmosphere is gloomy, the perfect place to find ghost, dark or psychic type pokemons as they thrive in this kind of atmosphere while feeding on the chilly aura around them.

Julian got off his bike and put it away, he knows that he might get jumped by Ghost-type pokemons as they are known to cause trouble but Gengar who is in the shadow is keeping an eye on all of the pokemons that are around Julian.

He looked around the area and found some ghost type pokemons and some of them were promising but Julian is looking for a Golett, its not hard to find them but sometimes when someone wants to catch a certain pokemon, they will find every other pokemon except the one they are searching for and Julian is experiencing the same.

He is a little frustrated but he has no given up. Since he couldn't find one outside, maybe he could find one inside the shrine, without wasting any time he walked into the shrine, the inside of the shrine was very dark so Julian asked Crystal to light up the path for him, to his surprise the shrine was very big and it was mostly built underground like any other ancient shrine.

This shrine was built to worship a pokemon that Julian has heard about in Unova's legends but never seen one, Landorus.

Julian has heard about this legendary pokemon, it belongs to the Nature trio, Julian heard about their legends and how powerful these pokemons actually are.

He looked at the carvings on the wall while looking out for pokemons, he encountered some but they were not Golett so Gengar chased them away by scaring them, as he was about to reach the end of the shire and disappointment was about to set in, he finally found the pokemon he was looking for.

A Golett. When the Golett noticed that a human has entered its territory, it got aggressive and suddenly attacked Julian out of nowhere.

Julian realized that this one is feisty and aggressive but he was also impressed by its power, he will have a little trouble to get this Golett fully under his control, it is no big deal.

Julian took out a Pokeball and sent out Axew for the battle, this will be Axew's first battle against an opponent that he doesn't know under Julian's training.

Axew saw a new pokemon standing in front of him, he realized that this a battle and Julian will be backing him up.

Axew observed the Golett in front of him and got serious, he could feel how aggressive the pokemon in front of it is and he has to give it his all to take it down.

Julian "Axew, use Dual Chop"

Axew charged at the Golett as his two arms glowed blue, surrounded with Dragon energy, seeing the incoming attack the Golett used Shadow Punch to counter.

Both of them clashed and to Axew's surprise he won the exchange, he sent the Golett flying backward, he looked at his arms and back at Julian, he never thought that he has grown this strong, even he is surprised by the growth he has gone through.

When he faced against other pokemons that Julian have he always lost but Julian always comforted him, now he realized how strong he has really gotten, compared to his previous self he is much more powerful.

The Golett got back to its feet angrier than before, it again charged at Axew and jumped at him and used Mega Kick, Julian was surprised by this, this is a very powerful move and he is surprised that this Golett knows this.

Julian "Dodge and use Dragon Claw"

Axew moved out of the Mega Kick's way as it is not that hard, after dodging, Axew slashed at the Golett's stomach sending it flying and crashing into the wall.

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