Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 732 - Destination - Undella Town!

As Julian was about to walk out of the White Forest, Celebi and Meloetta appeared once again, for the time Celebi spent with Julian and his pokemons, it got very attached to them, especially Julian, Crystal and Infernape due to the energy source they share.

Julian looked at Celebi who looked sad about Julian leaving but Julian also knew that Celebi cannot follow him, if it could it would have done it without even thinking for a second. ​​

Julian "Don't worry, we will come back to visit you"

Julian said and patted Celebi on the head, he also patted Meloetta's head and told Crystal to say its last farewell to its new friends.

Crystal didn't seem to mind at all, it happily bid its farewell to Celebi, Crystal didn't seem to understand why Celebi was sad but it tried its best to cheer it up, with their final goodbyes, Julian and Crystal left White Forest for good.

Julian returned back to Black City, nothing changed during the time he was gone, he did hear some people talk about the roar they heard a few hours ago coming from White Forest, soon the rumors of a very dangerous pokemon roaming around White Forest started to spread in the Black city.

Julian didn't know what to do and decided to ignore it, he wants to get of this city but before that, he visited the noodle shop again to have one last taste before he leaves.

After having a full bole of noodles Julian got ready to leave, he got his stuff from the hotel and left Black City, there was nothing here to do anyway, and since he found the map he wanted to check if he can really find Kyurem.

With the map in his hand, it was not an impossible task.

Julian's next stop is Undella Town, he especially remembered this town's name because his girlfriend Cynthia talked about it a lot, she said that she comes to visit this town during summer and spring to spend her holidays.

And since spring is very close Julian wonders if Cynthia will come here, he missed her a lot along with Daisy and Chloe, he is just waiting for the production of the teleportation devices so that the can visit them whenever he wants.

Sitting on his bike, he rode off to the horizon while looking at the beautiful orange sky and the setting sun that looked massive.

It was about to be night and Julian has been riding for two hours now and decided to camp down in an open grassland he found near a hillside, with the clear view of the start sky this was clearly the best place to camp for tonight.

Julian first released his pokemons and then started to set up the camp, all of his pokemons helped him to set up the camp very quickly as each of them had a task to perform assigned by Julian, it was over in five minutes.

After that Julian gave them their dinner and let them play around, as he laid on the grass and looked at the clear sky filled with stars he started to think about his life, first, he thought about his age, he who lived like an old man was young again, the body of a young adult was something else compared to the loose and weak old body that he used to live in.

He thought about how his mindset changed, even though his soul is old, his body and mind isn't at all, his feelings are like any other young adult, he sometimes acts like them as well, the only thing holding him back is the memories of his old life, if they didn't exist, Julian would be just like any other young man, he the wondered about his grandson that he totally forgot after coming to this world, he wondered how he is doing.

Julian chuckled at the thought of having an actual grandson, with how his current mindset is, it felt weird to him, if it was his old self he wouldn't have felt that but now that he thinks about it, it feels weird to him, his grandson only being a few years younger than him.

Seeing Julian chuckle Crystal to curious and sat down on his forehead and looked into his eyes, he could feel what Crystal was asking, just like Infernape, Crystal didn't even need to talk to him and Julian could tell what the little mink is thinking.

Julian "It's nothing, you should go and play"

After sending Crystal back to playing with its friends, Julian looked back at the endless sky and wondered what more is out there, and will he ever be able to see all of them, will this journey of his ever end.

When he really thought about it, this body of his was too much, he didn't need to to survive in this world of pokemon but God still gave it to him, it was clear to Julian that God wants more from him and for now he is just watching him in silence as Julian experience his new life.

Julian "I wonder how many unique pokemons are other there in this endless universe?"

He thought and closed his eyes and soon dozed off right outside the tent.

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