Infernape, Heatran, and Electivire were now walking around the forest looking around for a place to rest.

Heatran [You Idiot, we should have not followed you, who would have thought you would offend a group of Ryhorn and Rhydon, its good that we took care of them] ​​

Infernape just shakes his head, he is tired of Electivire and now is questioning himself for following Electivire.

Electivire [It was them who tried to talk smack]

Infernape [Enough, I think we should head back]

Heatran [let's go]

As they were about to leave Electivire suddenly sense something.

Electivire [Wait]

Infernape and Heatran turned around and looked at Electivire

Infernape [What is it?]

Electivire [Follow me]

Electivire didn't give them a chance and bolted away towards the north.

Heatran [What is he up to now?]

Infernape [Don't know, but let's follow him I just hope its nothing stupid]

Infernape and Heatran follow Electivire for about thirty minutes and they finally arrived in front of a huge grassland but there were steel poles planted everywhere, seeing the scene in front of them Infernape and Heatran were very surprised.

Heatran [The electricity flow in this area is very strong, no wonder why Electivire sensed it]

Infernape [Hey Electivire why did you bring us here?]

Electivire turned around and rubbed the back of his head and laughed awkwardly at them.

Electivire [Ha..ha, I actually forgot, this is actually the place I was raised for a while until I met master]

Infernape [Huh? how could you forget such an important thing?]

Electivire [Now, Now chill, let's go inside I will introduce you to some of my old friends]

Electivire bolted forward followed by Infernape and Heatran, they saw many electric type pokemons such as Pichu, Magnemite, Voltorb, Mareep, Electrike, Shinx, and many other electric type pokemons and their evolution forms.

Heatran [I have never seen so many electric types pokemons at once, I am not even familiar to some of these species]

Infernape [Me nither]

Electivire [You can find every type of electric type pokemons here]

Infernape [Wait, why don't I see any of your species?]

Electivire [Oh, they are found deeper inside where the electric flow is much stronger]

Infernape [Why is that?]

Electivire [Our species is the strongest electric types out there so we deserve that privilage]

Heatran [So you are telling us that your species are like nobles in this area?]

Electivire [Yep?]

Heatran looks at Infernape and Visevarsa, they feel as if something is still missing, as they head deeper into the area they find even larges steel poles on the ground and final evolutions of different electric type pokemons, then suddenly Electivire stops.

Electivire [Oy, Luxray over here]

Electivire suddenly starts to wave at a random Luxray who is walking around the area, it looked like it was patrolling the area.

Luxray turns and finds a huge Electivire waving at him and he suddenly flinches a little, Electivires are at the top of the peak in this area so being called by one is really scary, he starts to recall who is this Electivire but it finds no noble Electivire resembling this one.

Luxray 'Who could it be, I don't remember seeing this one in this area, is it from another territory, oh shit I have to inform the King about this one'

Luxray tries to sneak away but to its bad luck, Electivire was already in front of him.

Electivire [Yo, Luxray how are you doing?]

Luxray [Who are you?]

Electivire [Huh, You don't remember me? Weren't you the one who was tasked to look after me?]

Luxray looked at Electivire and frowned but something flashed inside his mind

Luxray [Wait, It can't be, are you the third prince?]

Electivire [Bingo, you do remember me, man you look so skinny aren't you eating well?]

Infernape/Heatran 'Is he a prince'

Both of them look at each other and knew both of them are thinking about the same thing so, for now, they decided to keep quiet.

Luxray [Prince you are back, you suddenly ran away and I couldn't find you, due to that the King kicked me out of the core area, he even thought that King Magmortar kidnaped you so he went to fight him but found out that you were no there]

Electivire [Oh that too bad, then, have a great day I will go and meet father]

Electivire completely ignores Luxray and walks away leaving the poor Luxray behind, Infernape and Heatran also follow behind Electivire.

Heatran [Hey are you really a prince?]

Electivire [Wait, didn't I tell you guys?]

Heatran [No you didn't]

Electivire [Oh, I must have forgoten]

Infernape and Heatran completely give up and quietly follow Electivire to the core region of the electric area.

Infernape [So tell me how is this place maintained?]

Electivire [Well as this forest is hidden from the outside world which I found out after meeting master, the pokemons living here are under the rule of strongest pokemons of the area, like this electric field there are different types of field as well and every field is ruled by a king, and there is not just one specific type of field, there are many electric fields just like this and those are ruled by other kings]

Infernape [I see, as humans don't live here the strongest pokemon makes the rules for others]

Electivire [Oh we are here]

As they arrive they could feel a large amount of electricity around the area, it was really a heaven for electric type pokemons.

Heatran [These poles are really annoying, I should destroy them]

As Heatran being a steel type some electricity zaps Heatran but they are just like a tickle to him so he ignores them but they still got on his nerves.

Infernape [I don't think that's a good idea]

As they go inside the pokemons living here quickly move away from their path after seeing Electivire, some Elekid and Electabuzz looks at Electivire with doubt as they have never seen this Electivire anywhere they also notice Infernape and Heatran behind but they didn't interfere as they were with an Electivire after all.

Electivire [Haha it hasn't changed much at all, everything looks the same]

Soon Electivire arrives in front of a huge pillar and a cave near it, electricity flow is continuous here, Electivire walks forwards and sees an Electabuzz sitting near the pillar and absorbing electricity.

Electivire [Yo second brother how are you?]

The Electabuzz who was observing the electricity suddenly opened his eyes and looked at this huge Electivire waving at him, his first thought was that some king from another area was here, but then he suddenly felt something similar about this Electivire and it hit him.

Electabuzz [It can't be, third how did you? when did you evolve?]

As he was about to answer suddenly a Thunderbolt was shot at him, but it had no effect, Electivire turned around to see an Electivire who was staring at him with caution.

Electivire [First Sister why did you zap me?]

The Electivire who zapped him was shocked by his response she didn't think that he would call her sister, she thought that he was a wild Electivire who has come to challenge her father for the throne and seeing her brother in front of this huge Eectivire she was scared and zapped him to grab his attention so that her brother can escape.

Sister Electivire[Wait, why did you call me sist-, wait, it cant be, third you are- you are an Elecitivire now, how is this even possible?]

Seeing that his sister recognized him he was about o explain but again he was suddenly stopped as two Thunderbolts where shot at him zapping him a little but still it didn't hurt him that much, he turned around to see two Electivire looking at him furiously.

Electivire [Mom, Dad why the hell are you attacking me?]

Infernape/Heatran 'Is this some kind of drama?'

They both look at each other and understood each other thoughts and decided to again keep quiet.

Mother Electivire [Son is that you?]

Electivire [So now you recognize me after zapping me?]

Father Electivire [How did you evolve so soon?]

Electivire [Oh that, My master helped me and trained me harder and harder and now I have become really strong]

Father Electivire [Master?]

Electivire [Yes, he caught me and trained me]

Father Electivire [Wait you were caught, was it a human?]

Electivire [Yes, why do you ask?]

Father Electivire went into deep thought after hearing Electivire then he continued.

Father Electivire [The you went to the outside world?]

Electivire [Yes, the outside world is really interesting, humans and pokemons live in harmony and they play, battle and train with each other]

Electivire [By the way why do you both look small all of a sudden?]

Father Electivire [You idiot we didn't become small, you grew bigger]

Father Electivire then ignores his son and thinks about the current scenario, he understood what happened, his son was taken away by a human who trained him well and evolved him into a powerful Electivire, he then looked at Heatran and Infernape, he could sense that they both were really powerful, powerful than his son.

Father Electivire [Who are these two?]

Electivire [These two are my friends and also brothers, they are also masters other pokemons]

Father Electivire 'I see, they are his masters other pokemons looks like my son found a perfect trainer'

Mother Electivire [How many questions will you ask them, come in I have some fresh berries inside]

Electivire, Infernape, and Heatran goes inside the cave with Electivire's family and spend some time with them.

Father Electivire [So are you here to take the position of the king from me?]

Electivire [Huh? No I just came to visit, I will go back with master and travel with him, and I think you should make sister the new ruler if you feel you are old, she is strong enough]

Father Electivire [I am not old, and it's still not the right time for your sister to become the ruler since you are out of the picture now so until your second brother evolves till then I will rule]

Mother Electivire also have some mother-son time with him, Infernape and Heatran also blend in as their family members ask them about Julian and his other pokemons, time slowly passes and they decide to head back.

Infernape [Come let's go, Master is waiting]

Electivire [Ok then, I will be going, this might be the last time we see each other]

Father Electivire [I understand, now go]

Electivire leaves with Heatran and Infernape, Electivire's family understood what Electivire said and didn't stop him, once a pokemon grows up they either replace their father's position or move out to have their own territory, so they said their final goodbye.

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