Things have calmed down in Julian's camp, Gigalith and Excadrill are no longer quarreling now out of spite, the only clash they have between them is because of their rivalry.

Now that Boldore has evolved into Gigalith, both him and Excadrill are now equally matched in strength, while Gigalith has the advantage of Defense and Special Defense over Excadrill, Excadrill has speed on his side. ​​

Julian noticed that Gigalith is very slow, with such a massive body he didn't think it was off though, Gigalith has become the tank of his team and he will soon start to get his training from the sleeping monster Snorlax, these few days are his happy days.

When Snorlax starts his tank training Gigalith will want to go back to his previous form just so that he can escape from the hell that Snorlax will put through him, Julian realized that his Unova team has no idea how dangerous the pokemons around them really are.

And on top of that, his older pokemons from Sinnoh are being assholes and not telling the younger ones about the horror that they are going to experience very soon, they have experienced the hell that Infernape, Gengar, and Snorlax has put them through and they don't want their juniors to see it coming, they want to enjoy the reaction of these juniors.

Julian's Hoenn team did the same and didn't inform the Sinnoh team and now they are also doing the same thing, Julian realized that this trend will continue down further, he just smiled seeing these events taking place, the little ones of today will become the seniors of tomorrow and with that comes their privileges.

Julian continued his way towards Black City/ White Forest, this place he is heading towards is a mystery, it is clear that people live there and go to work, the city is just like any other city but the way its constructed is very weird, every building there is black, the glasses are black, everything is black, while the white forest is very different, the trees in this forest has a very lite colored trunk and branches, if looked at from far away, they look like the color white, that is why it is called the white forest.

It is also said that the people who live here are very peaceful and they don't want or hold any kind of pokemon battle as well, the people who live here are very peaceful, even the thought of violence through a sport is not supported inside the forest.

After a few days, Julian finally arrived at the outskirts of the Black City/White Forest and just like the internet said, the place is divided into two parts, one looks very black with all the tall black buildings and skyscrapers while the other half looks white because of the white trees, the only thing that doesn't look white are the leaves on top of the tree, they are still green.

Julian was really surprised by this, Crystal also popped out and looked at the massive city and forest in front of it and was fascinated by it, Crystal has never seen something like this, and Crystal being white itself was attracted to the forest.

Julian twisted the throttle on his bike which did and wheelie and he headed towards the city first, he didn't want to directly go to the forest and get lost, first, he needs to find a place to stay and the city seems like the best choice.

He soon arrived in front of the Black City's gates, just like the article on the internet said, even the gates are black, if someone wants to travel at night through the city, it can be very hard, luckily they have integrated lights into these black walls so people can distinguish between different places and not hit a wall in the dark with the help of these lights.

As Julian entered the city, he noticed that the people who live here are quite normal and thankfully they don't wear only black, it looks like most of them wear different color clothes but there are still some people who are wearing all black and these people seem to belong to some kind of group, Julian also noticed that the people who were black also have some kind of patch on their shirts or jackets.

The most common one Julian noticed was then of a wolf, crow, and some kind of cat species, it can be anything from, a tiger to a jaguar, as Julian entered the city, some people noticed him but didn't think much about it, many trainers pass through the city to head further east into the region and the only way is through Black City.

Julian soon found himself a hotel to stay at, after getting a hotel room he walked out of it and decided to look around the city and see what really happens here, as the article had explained, every building here is black, except the interior, people can decide whatever color they want to put inside, after looking around the city he found out that the city is not safe at all.

The city is under the control of three massive gangs, the first one is Black Wolf, the second one is Black Crow, and the third one is Black Panther, these three gangs have divided the city into three parts and they rule over the city.

The governor of this city seems to be completely helpless, these gangs also seem to target innocent people and ask them for protection tax from other gangs, since the commoners cannot do anything and don't have the strength to fight back, they decided to pay the gangs and keep the gangs out of their life.

Everything seems to be normal in the city, there are frequent gang fights between these gangs and people would hide in their home during these fights, he also learned that these gangs actually force trainers into giving their money to them, some are able to get through because they are stronger than the gang members but that doesn't mean they are safe.

Some times these gang members gang up if they are facing against someone powerful, no matter how good that trainer is, they cannot win against a massive gang, when Julian learned that he might get targeted by these gangs as well, he felt a headache coming towards him.

If these gang members noticed any new faces they will approach them and interrogate, if the person is not a citizen, the gang members ask them money for their stay here in the city.

Till now Julian has not been exposed to these idiots and has kept his distance from them, he just wants to visit some old monuments in the city and see if the name of the city is somehow related to the ancient legend.

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