Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 711 - Dark Forest, Black Pokemons

Since Boldore and Excadrill finally agreed on something, they decided to enter the forest and try to find Julian before he is in danger, from what the dark existence said, he is still not dead and they still have and chance to find Julian and maybe help him escape.

Both Excadrill and Boldore entered the dark forest, they could see very little as the thick leaves from the tall trees were blocking the moonlight from reaching below. ​​

Excadrill and Boldore were really cautious as they headed deeper into the forest, the deeper they when the eerier it got.

But both of them still had trouble trusting each other. When they walked both of them wanted to be the one up front and didn't want to expose their back to the other, they didn't trust each other and they don't seem to trust each other in the near future as well.

They continued further and things started to heat up between them, both of them were getting annoyed by each other as they tried to be the one in front, both of them suddenly stopped and started to quarrel again when suddenly something happened.

A black shadow launched at them trying to hurt them.

Both Excadrill and Boldore noticed this and dodged from their place and looked at the black shadow, it was a pokemon but this pokemon looked very different, it is a Zigzagoon but this one looks very different.

Its body is completely black and its eyes are way sharper with its pupils glowing red, this pokemon looked evil and dangerous.

The Zigzagoon suddenly moved in a Zigzag pattern as if it is targeting both Excadrill and Boldore but both of them couldn't guess who the Zigzagoon is going to attack, the Zigzagoon suddenly made a move and lunged at Excadrill but as it was about to hit Excadrill it changed direction and lunged at Boldore which caught him off guard and the Zigzagoon landed a power Bite on Boldore.

Boldore was sent crashing against the tree as the power this Zigzagoon displayed was too much for Boldore, it then changed its target to Excadrill and charged at him, Excadrill decided to counter by using Metal Claw, as both pokemon clashed it created a shock wave.

Both seemed equally matched in strength but the Zigzagoon for some reason got more power behind its attack and started to push Excadrill back, Excadrill was shocked by this and tried his best to keep up but the Zigzagoon kept on overpowering him.

Just when Excadrill was about to be forced to the ground into submission, numerous streaks of light shot from the back and hit Zigzagoon, the Zigzagoon suddenly turned into a cloud of smoke and disappeared.

Excadrill got back to his feet and looked at Boldore, the one responsible for saving him, Boldore used Power Gem, with its continuous barrage he was able to destroy the Zigzagoon.

Excadrill didn't say anything and continued to move forward, Boldore also didn't say anything and followed Excadrill, they both knew that they cannot waste their time fighting each other or they will get attacked, they need to look after each other if they want to get deeper into the forest but none of them want to be the first one to propose the idea.

And so they continued down the path while still keeping an eye for anything that was fishy, soon they started to loosen up because nothing attacked them and the road just became very silent and boring, the same old trees came one after other, they felt like they were walking in circles.

When they started to get tired they got attacked again, this time it was a black Scyther with the same black eyes with red aggressive pupils.

The Scyther attacked and this one was very fast compared to the Zigzagoon from before and its attacks was very fast and swift, the Scyther attacked Boldore as it felt that he was the perfect target for it.

And it was true, Boldore was caught off-guard again as the Scyther moved towards him, it was just like a blur and it landed a powerful hit on Boldore, Boldore was sent flying again, Excadrill decided to attack as soon as the Scyther showed its back to him, even before the Scyther landed the hit on Boldore, Excadrill had already made a move.

He used Horn Drill from the get-go to finish it with one move, the Scyther turned around to counter as it expected an attack from Excadrill but it didn't expect Excadrill to use Horn Drill, no matter how it attacks it will get destroyed and the exact thing happened.

The black Scyther got turned into smoke just like the Zigzagoon, Boldore got up from the rubbles, a little hurt from the previous attack, he didn't expect that attack to be so fast, the only reason he is not hurt is that his defense is very high.

He looked at Excadrill and both knew they have to stop being so distant and communicate with each other if they don't want another attack like this to happen again.

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