Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 705 - Elesa Vs Julian (5)

Elesa's second pokemon is down while Julian has still not lost even one of his, and on top of that, they don't even have a scratch on them, that previous Thunderbolt from her Emolga seems to have had no effect on Darumaka.

Elesa knew she is fighting a losing battle but she still needs to continue till the end for her self and her pokemon, a gym leader giving up before the battle even ends is looked down on by everyone. ​​

She took out her last Pokeball and tossed it up in the air revealing her final pokemon, a black and blue feline, standing 1.4 meters tall, a Luxray.

Julian looked at this Luxray and realized it is a powerhouse, even though it still has not reached a level where it could battle against the top-level pokemons of the veterans but it still could hold its own.

From just the looks of it, Julian could tell that Darumaka and Luxray are on the same level but Luxray being in its final form has more power, more speed, and is more nimble and has better reach.

This will be the first time Darumaka faces an opponent which is stronger than him in every field, whether it is Physical attack or Special attack, Luxray is an opponent that will be very hard for Darumaka to defeat but Julian is up for the challenge.

He wants to push his Darumaka to the limit and make him evolve so he can finally show off what he is truly made off.

The referee gave the signal to start the battle as both sides were ready with their pokemon, Elesa brought out her strongest pokemon at this level so she can go all out and maybe score at least one win over Julian, she knows it is hard but she will try no matter how hard it is, she is not underestimating Darumaka as well.

Even though he looks tiny compared to her massive Luxray, she has seen what he can do and won't be reckless while taking him head-on.

This time Julian was the one who started it off and went for the attack. Since her Luxray is clearly a physical attacker he didn't want to waste any time and go on the defense, he knows both pokemon will be exchanging blows after blows.

Julian "Use Belly Drum, then use Rollout"

Julian wanted to increase his Darumaka's power to the max so that he won't be pushed around by his opponent, Belly Drum will reduce his health to half but his power will rise to the max.

Darumaka started to beat down on his little belly causing the surround around him to vibrate from the sound produced by his belly, suddenly his health dropped but there was a massive increase in power, and his opponent Luxray could clearly feel it as it backed down a little from the pressure.

Darumaka's aura became fierce and dominant due to the sudden increase in power, Darumaka felt great, with all this new power he will be able to create even bigger explosions that go *boom-boom*.

As soon as Belly Drum activated and his power increased, Darumaka started to roll towards Luxray using Rollout, rock energy covered his body and his speed increased as he bolted towards Luxray.

Elesa "Counter with Night Slash"

Her Luxray roared and started to collect dark energy in its right front claws, as Darumaka got closer it swiped at him as hard as it could to do as much damage as possible. As both attacks clashed with each other the shockwave from it blew away all the dust and rubbles around the battlefield.

After the clash both of them backed down, Darumaka shot backward while still spinning, Luxray backed down while its claws still exposed covered with dark energy, it was clear that the winner of that exchange was Luxray but only by a little margin, it didn't put Luxray in an advantageous position at all, instead, it gave Darumaka more distance to charge at it once again.

Darumaka didn't stop and used Rollout again and charged at Luxray once again and this time the Rollout was twice as powerful than the previous one.

Elesa saw this and decided to go even big and called out a move.

Elesa "Use Electric Terrain and then use Thunder Fang"

Luxray roared and released a powerful electric shockwave that covered the whole battlefield and covered it with electricity, then it opened its mouth as exposed its long fangs which started to sparkle with electricity, suddenly they burst into lightning and it became bigger, longer and sharper, it was not the fangs itself but the electricity.

Due to the electric terrain the Thunder Fang's power increased a lot, as Darumaka got close to Luxray it bit down with full power, once again both attacked collided and created a massive explosion bigger than before.

The referee quickly had to take cover being a protective barrier and protect himself from the impact, even Glen who was sitting in the audience area had to drop down his seat and protect himself from the flying rubbles.

Both pokemons backed off once again, again the same thing happened, Darumaka got sent backward but he is still rolling while Luxray backed down only a little while its fangs were still sparkling, Luxray won that exchange again but it didn't matter.

Darumaka came charging at it once again using Rollout and this time even more powerful than the previous one.

Elesa frowned seeing this, no matter how many times her Luxray tries it seems as if it couldn't cancel Darumaka's Rollout completely, she knew she had to go even bigger.

Elesa "Luxray, go all out use Wild Charge"

Luxray roared and covered its body with blinding lightning that crackled like crazy, the power it released was very destructive and with the electric terrain in effect, its power was even more destructive.

Both pokemons charged at each other once again with full power and clashed, and just like before, a massive explosion took place, this time even bigger, the referee was safe behind his protective barrier but same couldn't be said for Glen, he had to call out his pokemon and make it use Protect to protect himself from the impact of these two moves.

Both pokemons were once again sent back flying, this time it was a clear draw, Luxray was sent rolling on the ground but the same could be said for Darumaka as well, he was hurt and his Rollout was finally canceled.

Both pokemons got back to their feet, it is clear that Darumaka is the one who took more damage in that exchange, and on top of that he was already in half health due to his Belly Drum but for some reason, he looked very excited.

Because this was the biggest explosion he had ever created until now and he is very excited to make an even bigger one.

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