David's little stunt backed fired on him very bad, the internet went wild as they saw what David was trying to do, using his influence and power to steal someone's pokemon and also trying to manipulate his own fans into thinking he is a good person by defending the weak.

Even Simon who ran away couldn't escape the angry internet mob, some people quickly found his SM and started to roast and slander him the whole day, he could do nothing but delete all of his SM and create a completely new one that no one can find out, what Simon is going through is not that serious compared to David. ​​

His whole reputation got destroyed, many massive corporations and company who wanted to sponsor him for the Unova league backed off, even the ones who already made the deal canceled their contract with David.

Just in a day, David went from one of the most liked people in Unova into one of the most hated people.

There were also questions about who the man in the red jacket was but it got overshadowed by all the hate David was getting.

Julian returned back to his hotel room and decided to take a rest and feed his pokemon, today's battle at the Battle Institute was very helpful for both his pokemon, Darumaka, and Drilbur are very close to evolving, since they are pokemon with only two evolution stage it took them some time but now they will be able to use their full potential and they won't be limited by anything in their growth.

Julian has seen most of Nimbasa city and there is nothing much for him to do here except challenging the gym and moving to his next challenge.

One more thing Julian noticed was that the Volcarona's egg was developing very fast and healthy. If this continued it will hatch under a month, Julian was excited about it as Volcarona will be one of his most powerful pokemons in Unova, with the legends and myths behind their power.

Known for their very high special attack and good special defense, they were the most desired fire type pokemon for every trainer who wants to focus mainly on fire type pokemons, but they are impossible to find.

Julian knows that his luck is very good compared to others but even he was surprised to find an egg and now he is rising one.

A day went by just like that, nothing much happened except Crystal creating some trouble for Julian by blocking the toilet with toilet paper just because it had fun spinning it rapidly with its tiny hands, Julian had to call the hotel management for it and he was really embarrassed by it.

The backlash on David continued to grow, David became a depressed man after seeing his whole world crumble just because he messed with the wrong guy and at the end of the day, he doesn't even know the identity of the person who is behind his downfall.


Inside a massive corporation, on the top floor, an old man is looking through the window down on the massive city of Nimbasa, this man is none other than Devon Alester, father of David Alester and one of the biggest figures in Unova.

Wherever he goes, he gets respect but this is starting to change after the shameful display of his spoiled son, because of David his reputation was getting tarnished.

David "Dad, I am sorry, I didn't expect his pokemon to attack us even after pressing the sweet nectar to that Darumaka"

David said while his voice trembled, it was clear that he was afraid of his father.

Mr. Alester "You know there are very few things in this life I value the most and the most important one of them all is my reputation, it took me ages to come to this point and because of your stupid arrogance, you ruined it all"

He said and turned around looking at David with fierce eyes, seeing his father like this David got scared, he didn't know what to do, he regretted thinking he about snatching Julian's Darumaka, after seeing Darumaka in battle David got a little greedy and wanted to acquire it for himself but all his methods only led to his embarrassment and exposure of his true nature to the outside world.

Mr. Alester walked towards David and removed the cloth glove that he was wearing and slapped David out of nowhere.

David didn't say anything and just held on to his cheek, he has been hit by his father before many times, this was not common, this happened a lot of times and he hated it every time, he hated his father for being like this.

Mr. Alester "Did you find out who that man in the red jacket was?"

He asked. Since this person was behind the reason for his reputation being tarnished he needed to teach this man in red and lesson.

David "No, I found nothing, I even contacted the Battle Institute and asked them to reveal the identity of this person but they didn't"

David said.

Hearing this Devon Alester frowned, he knew his influence so if they are not willing to give David this person's information he suspected that someone very powerful is behind him.

Mr. Alester "Hmm, let me talk to their president, he won't deny me"

He said and dialed the number of the president of the Battle Institute.

Battle President "Hello, Mr. Alester, its a surprise, what's the reason behind this call?"

An old rough voice answered Mr. Alester.

Mr. Alester "I will get straight to the point, it's about that person who humiliated my son, I need his identity"

He asked directly.

Battle President "Mr. Alester, I cannot do that, it's our policy to not reveal the identity of a member if they don't want it to be exposed"

He said directly.

Mr. Alester "Bullshit, I know you, old man. You will sell anything for a good price, name yours"

Battle President "Hehe, you know me well Mr. Alester but this time I cannot give you this information, let me give you a piece of advice, forget about it and it will pass, if you pursue this matter you will regret your decision just like your son"

The President warned him one last time before ending the call, he knew this conversation won't go any further so he didn't want to carry on the conversation.

Devon Alester just looked at his whole with a grim look, he got so angry that he crushed his phone with his bare hands, one thing about Devon Alester is that he gets very angry and he cannot stop unless he gets back his revenge.

This was his way and it helped him climb up to the place he is now, he had destroyed everyone who stood in his way.

Mr. Alester 'From the looks of it, this person or the one behind him is very powerful and even that old man doesn't want to mess with him, I need another force to deal with him'

Mr. Alester thought and took out another phone and dialed a number from his memory.


Mr. Alester "It's me Alester"

"Oh, Mr. Alester, what a surprise, I didn't think I would receive a call from you so soon, hehehe"

The person on the other end of the phone laughed as he had a very sinister voice.

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